• 抽象被纳入到很多收藏中。

    His abstracts are held in numerous collections.


  • 绘画风格经历了具象抽象两个阶段

    His painting went through both representational and abstract periods.


  • 结合具体的事物思考抽象思考容易些。

    It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract.


  • 研究表明学龄前儿童具有抽象思维能力。

    The research shows that preschool children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.


  • 展览会上抽象令人震惊照片并列展出。

    In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs.


  • 该项测试文字表达技能数学技能抽象推理技能进行记分

    The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.


  • 艺术生涯跨越了大约五十个年头抽象形象油画两者都有所造诣。

    His career spanned some 50 years and encompassed both abstract and figurative painting.


  • 西方画作不同中国画更加抽象

    Distinct from western paintings, Chinese paintings are more abstract.


  • 不要这样抽象术语来说

    Don't speak in such abstract terms.


  • 在整个社会,对现金概念抽象感到不安

    But across society, the abstraction of the idea of cash makes me uneasy.


  • 纵观整个社会,对现金概念抽象感到不安

    Across society, the abstraction of the idea of cash makes me uneasy.


  • 对于我们这些生活中国的人来说,一点抽象

    For those of us living in China, there's nothing abstract about it.


  • 记住抽象艺术主导艺术领域时期这件事的。

    But keep in mind that she was doing this when abstract art dominated the art scene.


  • 大约1930年,考尔现实金属线作品转向抽象作品。

    In about 1930, Calder turned from realistic wire figures to abstract ones.


  • 押韵单词其他容易记住具体名词抽象容易记住

    Words that rhyme are much more memorable than words that don't, and concrete nouns are easier to remember than abstract ones.


  • 抽象谈论犯罪根本不足以说明问题,因为犯罪活动影响的是真实的生活

    Talking about crime in the abstract just isn't enough, since criminal activities affect real life.


  • 二十世纪艺术不是已经表明自然主义不一定遵循某种既定顺序抽象了吗?

    Has not twentieth-century art shown that naturalism does not necessarily follow abstraction in some kind of predetermined sequence?


  • 发现几乎每个人都更喜欢原创作品,无论是梵高的静物画还是米罗的抽象

    He found that almost everyone preferred the original, whether it was a Van Gogh still life or an abstract by Miro.


  • 记忆力减退熟悉任务出现困难抽象思考出现问题,这些疾病开始征兆

    Memory loss, difficulty in performing familiar tasks, and problems with abstract thinking are all indicators of the beginning of the disease.


  • 就是说语言足够抽象的,以至于我们东西可以是此时此刻并不在场的事物。

    That is, language is abstract enough that we can talk about things that aren't present here and now.


  • 教会了如何独立抽象思考空间时间多久自己成为了一名哲学家。

    It taught him how to think independently and abstractly about space and time, and it wasn't long before he became a philosopher himself.


  • 通过部首语义元素组合单个复合词可以表达复杂概念关系通常具有抽象普遍性

    By the combination of radicals or semantic elements, single compound words can express complex conceptual relations, often of an abstract universal character.


  • 卡迪夫大学艺术家罗伯特·佩珀尔创作作品模棱两可完全抽象也不具有明显代表性

    Robert Pepperell, an artist based at Cardiff University, creates ambiguous works that are neither entirely abstract nor clearly representational.


  • 有点抽象喜欢每个相信自己想法,相信自己,相信对来说正确的想法信念

    It's a bit abstract but he's very into each person believing his or her own thought, believing in yourself, the thought or conviction that's true for you.


  • 一发现解释了为什么卡利尼斯微型雕塑抽象的,而且风格完全不同模具只能用于真人大小雕塑

    This discovery explains why Kalinese miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could be used only for life-size sculptures.


  • 长期以来,舍伦贝格一直质疑科学研究所支持这一说法音乐教育提高儿童抽象推理数学语言能力

    Schellenberg had long been skeptical of the science supporting claims that music education enhances children's abstract reasoning, math, or language skills.


  • 重要一点智力通过解决复杂问题能力来衡量的;一定读写计算能力;快速解出抽象方程

    At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels; and to resolve abstract equations quickly.


  • 没有什么比传达抽象想法能力能定义人类无论这些想法是有关宇宙心灵爱情梦想还是一杯饮料。

    Nothing defines humans so much as our ability to communicate abstract thoughts, whether about the universe, the mind, love, dreams, or ordering a drink.


  • 断言,在理解冗长完全抽象的一系列观点方面,他能力非常有限因此深信自己数学永远不会成功

    He asserted that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.


  • 朋友们将屋外围墙满了五颜六色的卡通抽象图案有些上了白天闪闪发光的荧光涂料。

    He and his friends are daubing the outside walls with colorful cartoons, flowers, and abstract designs, some in fluorescent paint that shine in the daylight.


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