• 愿意本地新闻付款这36%的,也就是数额最大的一部分用户,通过本地的报纸订阅来获取信息,而只有一小部分人(约占1%),为手机浏览付费

    The lion's share of those who spend money on local news, 31 percent, do it via local newspaper subscriptions—as opposed to the tiny percentage (one percent) who pay for local news/information apps.


  • 19世纪30年代以前,美国大多数报纸都是通过年度订阅销售的,通常是一810美元。

    Before the 1830s, most newspapers were sold through annual subscriptions in America, usually $8 to $10 a year.


  • 唯一的例外华尔街日报》,只有时间才能验证读者是否愿意付费订阅自己喜欢的报纸

    The only exception here is the Wall Street Journal, which is really a special case, and only time will tell if readers are willing to buy online subscriptions to their favorite papers.


  • 如今订阅纸版报纸的人越来越这是大家都很清楚的,出版公司很纳闷读者到什么地方去了。

    SUBSCRIBERS to print newspapers have gone missing, as everyone knows. Book publishers are also wondering where readers have disappeared to.


  • 那些少数对此非常兴趣的人,有可能订阅报纸

    But those who are interested in such information are very interested, so much so that they will probably pay a monthly subscription for it.


  • 当然我们期待着通过手机订阅本地报纸(甚至付费下载应用)。

    And of course, we're still waiting to subscribe to our local paper via our mobile (or even pay for a downloadable app!)


  • 通过订阅Kindle用户已经可以浏览一些报纸杂志了。

    Several newspapers and magazines are already available, by subscription, to Kindle users.


  • 执行总裁杰夫·贝佐开发了安卓平台的Kindle应用程序,这一举动增加了电子书、电子报纸杂志订阅收益

    CEO Jeff Bezos also introduced an Android Kindle app, further driving revenue from e-books and newspaper and magazine subscriptions.


  • 可以读到类似newyorktimes.com这样大部分报纸,花费只不过是订阅纸质报纸费用个零头(不少国家性报纸电子版本还是免费的)。

    I can read most national papers like newyorktimes.com for a fraction of what I pay for the paper version (many of the digital versions of national newspapers are free).


  • 2010年4月,一家叫做PaidContent网络出版商,找到26家美国地方大都会报纸,联合推出网上订阅付费服务。

    In April 2010 PaidContent, an online publication, found 26 American local and metropolitan newspapers charging for online access.


  • 现在,随着ipad问世,苹果公司正在更进一步.ipad,我们需要通过无线订阅浏览网页,在线阅读报纸,或是观看Hulu.该设备无需手机通信功能,对许多人而言,只要拥有wifi功能就可以了.如果你非要通过3G网络连接来使用ipad,你可以从AT&T公司获得没有捆绑合同的服务.您可以按月支付,并随时可以取消。

    Now, with the iPad, Apple is taking things one step further. With the iPad, you don't need to get a wireless subscription to browse the Web, read online newspapers, or watch Hulu.


  • 规则是,大多是情况下要求读者支付任何数码版本报纸或者对于纸质订阅者来说其他额外的

    The rules, in most instances, require that readers pay something for any digital edition counted, or, in the case of print subscribers, something extra.


  • 美国,对此网站全部内容的浏览订阅需要支付300美元费用,若想要印刷报纸,还得再100美元。

    A premium subscription to the Web site, with access to all content, costs $300 a year in the United States. Adding the print version costs $100 more.


  • 部分订阅选择网络版,这使华尔街日报成为可向在线读者成功收费少数报纸之一

    Some of those subscribers receive only the online version, making the Journal one of the few papers to successfully make its online readers pay for content.


  • 正当报纸广告已经日渐衰退出版商提高订阅服务单件复制价格

    As newspaper advertising has declined, publishers have raised the prices of subscriptions and single copies.


  • 理论上一家报纸可以读者订阅两年的电子报纸这样可免费获赠台电子阅读器

    In theory a newspaper could ask its readers to sign up for a two-year electronic subscription, say, and subsidise the cost of an e-reader.


  • 他们可以联合卫星报纸网络订阅《泰晤士报》和《星期日泰晤士报》在付费门槛之后。

    They could also combine satellite, newspaper and website subscriptions, making sense of their decision to put the online Times and Sunday Times behind a paywall.


  • 地方报纸讨论起来每天都要发表一些渊博专栏评述,吹毛求疵社论订阅一本正经的来信

    The local papers had taken it up, and daily there appeared columns of learned criticisms, facetious editorials, and serious letters from subscribers.


  • 全球经济滑坡的形势下,广告市场正在遭受磨难报业观察人士因此重新提到了一个曾引起争议问题,即报纸内容采用网络订阅模式

    With ad markets suffering amid the global economic downturn, observers in the newspaper industry are revisiting the controversial issue of charging online subscriptions for newspaper content.


  • 超过90%日本报纸直接投递订户家中,发行商实行按订阅的方式,这样就能使订阅者不会经常一时兴起到售报亭报纸

    Morethan 90 per cent of Japanese newspapers are delivered directly tothehome by publishers on monthly subscriptions that are less vulnerabletocancellation than impulse buys at kiosks.


  • 周日报纸》仅仅下降了2.7%,除此之外顶级报纸今日美国》现在大多数酒店订阅

    The Sunday paper lost just 2.7%. The exception to the rule was the former top newspaper, USA Today, which is mostly distributed in hotels.


  • 《塔尔萨世界出版商Robert Lorton给出的解释为:“一些订阅我们报纸的用户只想要印刷版。

    We have paper subscribers who want nothing to do with the internet, ” explains Robert Lorton, the Tulsa World’s publisher.


  • 华尔街日报》提供每周3.99美元的iPad订阅服务。 如果报纸用户改为iPad版本订阅,则不加收额外费用

    The Wall Street Journal sells iPad subscriptions for $3.99 a week; existing subscribers to the newspaper get full access to the iPad edition at no extra charge.


  • 第一Kindle提供报纸杂志订阅服务,但是用户体验十分糟糕,用滚轴来搜寻看的文章特别费劲。

    You could subscribe to newspapers and magazines on the first Kindle, but the experience was awful, requiring painstaking manipulation of a weird scroll bar to find the article you wanted.


  • 原因可能报纸在开发iPad订阅收费数字化架构,并试图确保订阅能够以印刷品网站电脑手机等各种形式顺畅进行。

    It could be that the Times is still developing the digital infrastructure it'll need to sell iPad subscriptions, and to make sure subscriptions flow smoothly between print, website, tablet and phone.


  • 培根邮件可能来自Facebook提醒银行帐户变动通知谷歌发送新闻提示,以及其它各类自己订阅的邮件。 这些邮件会迅速堆积起来就像一周报纸放在一起

    It's Facebook notifications, bank statements, Google news alerts, or any of the other sundry e-mails that you asked for, yet quickly pile up unreadlike a week's worth of newspapers.


  • 自然,无法报纸订阅量同日而语,但是不要忘了现在全世界仅仅只有200万台iPad

    That's not going to bring back the salad days, but remember there are only 2 million iPads being used in the world.


  • 尽管则专题新闻可以免费通过谷歌阅览,但还是有100万人订阅了这份报纸

    Just over 1m do-even though the specialised articles can be read for nothing via Google.


  • 尽管则专题新闻可以免费通过谷歌阅览,但还是有100万人订阅了这份报纸

    Just over 1m do-even though the specialised articles can be read for nothing via Google.


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