• 经常采用的措施使用锚杆

    Usually, the pulling resistant pile and anchor was used.


  • 侧后注浆一种新型抗拔桩基础

    The side-grouting uplift pile is a newly developed pile foundations.


  • 嵌岩扩底极限承载力主要顶位移控制。

    The ultimate uplift capacity of pile is mainly effected affected by enlarged base of pile.


  • 结果表明抗拔曲线形状与持力层岩石风化程度的嵌岩深度有关

    It is shown that the shape of curves is related to the rock weathering of bearing strata and rock-socketed depth.


  • 所得结论PHC作为工程中的应用提供有益参考依据。

    The conclusions are useful for the further using of PHC pile as resistant extraction pile in engineering.


  • 国内外关于扩底承载力研究较多,扩底位移研究较少。

    The domestic and foreign researchers paid more attention to the uplift capacity than to the deformation of the base-enlarged tension piles.


  • 为了了解抗拔机理特点进行扩底拔桩截面抗拔桩试验

    In order to understand float resisting mechanism and its characteristic a test on the bored cast-in-place pile with enlarged bottom and up-lift resistance pile with equal section is carried out.


  • 试验结果表明采用二注浆工艺显著提高微型极限承载力有效地减小位移

    The test results indicate that the compaction of soil from twice pressure groutings can raise the ultimate uplift capacity of micropiles obviously and reduce the displacement effectively.


  • 从本质说,一个研究如何实现抗拔桩地下车库设计中的合理性经济性安全性问题

    In the essence, this is a problem that how to achieve rationality, economy, safety in the design of underground parking area.


  • 坑底以下有效长相同时开挖深度越大,开挖后周土体超固结比越大极限承载力也越大。

    When the length of the pile under the bottom of the pit is the same, the deeper the excavation is, the larger the ultimate uplift capacity of pile is.


  • 提出地下车库内增设拔桩剪力加固方案计算结果显示增设剪力墙所受上大幅度降低

    The reinforcement scheme which add tension piles and shear walls in the garage was put forward. The calculation results show that the uplift load of the pile greatly reduced after adding shear walls.


  • 考虑地下室基础布置情况下,基础弯矩计算进行分析推导,得出了跨中弯矩折减系数计算公式。

    Moments on basement foundation beams considering rigid zone of pile caps and pulling resistance of piles are analyzed. Reduction factor of midspan moment is gained.


  • 本文的研究课题就是以此为背景提出地下车库一体化设计方法研究,主要针对地下车库浮设计的核心问题合理化设计。

    As this background, the article put forward research of incorporate design method for underground garage, and the most important core problem is rational design of uplift pile.


  • 基于可反映基荷载传递性状“套叠”式变形模式弹性理论,将等直径部分和扩径体部分周土分段建立位移方程,推导了带有扩径体的非刚性和刚性DX抗拔桩的荷载-位移关系解析

    Based on the elastic theory and the overlapped-form strain mode of the soil, the paper deals with an analytical solution for the load-displacement relationship of non-rigid and rigid DX pullout pile.


  • 根据最小势能原理使用修正变分分析抗拔抗拔变形

    According to the principle of the minimum potential energy the deformation of single tension pile and pile groups was analyzed using a modified variational approach.


  • 本文结合工程实践通过现场试验分析研究提出锚杆极限荷载直接间接确定方法提出了合理的施工方案。

    The direct or indirect method to determine ultimate uplift load of anchored rod pile is proposed herein based on field tests in association with engineering practice.


  • 新疆地区某高压输电线冻土基础受力分析为背景,人工冻结条件下进行了单室内抗拔模型试验

    Aimed at the pile foundation in frozen soil of a high voltage transmission line project in Xinjiang Region, a laboratory tensile model test is carried out under artificial frozen condition.


  • 如何利用现场静载试验未达到破坏工程数据确定抗拔极限承载力一个重要工程问题。

    It is very important for engineer to determine the uplift ultimate bearing capacity by using the data of non-destructive test of pile.


  • 大型有限元软件ABAQUS分析了抗拔特性,特性进行了比较

    The extraction-resistant behaviors of squeezed branch piles are analyzed with large FEM software ABAQUS and compared to the compression-resistant behaviors.


  • 结果表明DX抗拔承载力明显大于同等条件下的等截面DX荷载-上位移关系呈变形;

    The results show that the tension bearing capacity of DX pile is apparently higher than that of the pile with constant section, and the curve of load-displacement of DX pile is slowly varying.


  • 利用压静载荷试验微型承载力进行了探讨。

    Based on the uplift tests and the loading tests of vertical and raking piles the bearing capacity of mini piles is discussed.


  • 福建大剧院工程预应力钻孔灌注钢筋笼采用螺纹连接技术

    The new Technology of Straight Threaded Coupling have been adopted in the Prestressed Resist draw Bored cast-in-place Pile of the Pile Foundation of Fujian Theatre.


  • 根据最小势能原理使用修正变分分析抗拔抗拔变形

    According to the principle of the minimum potential energy, the deformation of single tension pile and pile groups was analyzed using a modified variational approach.


  • 承受荷载杆塔基础主要功能之一以往土地基上微型特性研究较少。

    Being subjected to pullout is one of main functions of transmission tower foundation, but there are few researches on the characteristics of micropiles pullout behavior in soft ground.


  • 现场试验基础研究沉管干振挤密抗拔防浮碎石在拉压循环荷载循环荷载下单及其抗拔钢筋性状。

    Based on the in-situ tests, the behaviors of single diving dry-vibrated compacted and anti-pull stone column with steel bars are studied during the compression-uplift cyclic loading.


  • 现场试验基础研究沉管干振挤密抗拔防浮碎石在拉压循环荷载循环荷载下单及其抗拔钢筋性状。

    Based on the in-situ tests, the behaviors of single diving dry-vibrated compacted and anti-pull stone column with steel bars are studied during the compression-uplift cyclic loading.


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