• 本文在归类整理投资期投资收益计算公式基础上,主要阐述成本长期股权投资核算技巧

    This essay discusses the skills in long-term stock ownership investment accounting under the cost method as well as giving an account of the formulae for calculation of the investment income.


  • 与此同时卷入纳布柯计划西方公司通报称,今年将会是该计划的投资开放期。

    Meanwhile, Western companies involved in the Nabucco project announced an open season for investment in the project this year.


  • 比如说杠杆投资银行信贷宽松期大举放贷危机来临时则竭力回笼资金。

    For instance, highly leveraged investment Banks lend more when credit is easy and pull back faster in the crash.


  • 特别是那些、收益期又很长的技能投资时间努力的动因。那些不会因为怀孕就不得不放弃的学业,比如说,法学院,变得具有吸引力了。

    It has also increased their incentives to invest time and effort in acquiring skills, particularly slow-burning skills that are hard to learn and take many years to pay off.


  • 然而2004年最新这种免税期的进行过一项调查结果表明免税期就业投资作用微乎其微因为大部分的盈利都分给了股东。

    However, a study of the most recent such tax holiday, in 2004, suggested it had little effect on employment and investment, with most of the benefits going to shareholders.


  • 最近新股发行大型投资人告知禁售结束卖出股票时,大量股票套现要通过私募形式不是投入股市

    Large investors in recent public offerings have been told that when lock-ups end on selling the shares, blocks of shares must be privately sold rather than be dumped onto the market.


  • 东欧经历外国投资刺激的飞速发展狂欢期,西方生活标准渴望采取欧洲单一货币——欧元——的希望

    The east Europeans have been on a binge fuelled by foreign investment, the desire for western living standards and the hope that most would soon be able to adopt Europe's single currency, the euro.


  • 父母80左右时候,保单进入收获期,回报率将投资额的大约3- 4%。

    The policy would mature when the parent is 80 years old and overall, the return on the cash invested would be about 3-4%.


  • DST股东纽约老虎对冲基金已经致力于投资那些处在创业技术型公司。

    Tiger Global Management, a New York hedge fund that is also a shareholder in DST, has already specialised in investing in start-ups beyond the West's well-known technology clusters.


  • 发达国家的违约事件极其罕见,而新兴市场则相反。就让投资者难以估计信用违约掉期定价中的一项关键因素,即他们从(发达国家中的)破产事件中回收多少钱。

    Rich-country defaults are extremely rare (emerging markets, less so) which makes it difficult for investors to estimate how much they would recover in bankruptcy, a key determinant in CDS pricing.


  • 一些投资者指出1月份财报发布期,其他一些因素也造成了市场回落

    Some investors note that, back in the January earnings season, other issues contributed to the market pullback.


  • 但是美国电业处于低迷期,还有一些其他投资没有付诸实施。

    But with the American wind industry in the doldrums, there are few other big investments pending.


  • 地区国家没有大力吸收自己大量资本而是依靠国际投资外部资金外部投资者当然可能不同投资注入期。

    Instead of tapping its own abundant capital, the region continues to depend on external funds to finance internal investment. Outside investors, of course, may have different investment horizons.


  • 在经历萧条期暴跌之后,企业资本投资上升了一个台阶,截止2010年第三季度相比去年全年总额上升了8.9%。

    After a steep plunge during the recession, companies have stepped up their capital spending, which rose by 8.9% in the year to the third quarter of 2010.


  • 股息掉期使得投资者能够收益股票资金回流分离出来

    Dividend swaps allow investors to separate the income from the capital return of equities.


  • 总体来说,投资者希望经济下半年能够有所软化一期望股票价格已经有所体现

    In general, investors expect the economy to soften in the second half of the year, and that expectation already is reflected in stock prices.


  • 最新一期“能源观察”中,巴克莱投资银行测算出一些人口变量之下的美国股市前景

    In its latest "equity Gilt Study", Barclays Capital tested the outlook for the American equity market against a number of population variables.


  • 投资者金融机构购买这种期交易,不是购买债券本身;而只是对赌这种债券是否违约

    When an investor or financial institution buys this kind of swap, it doesn't purchase a bond itself; it just places a bet on whether the bond will default.


  • 我们高兴地看到一轮的投资者本论投资者对于我们第一期表现给予了信任投票

    We're pleased that our original series a investor and new series B investors have given us a vote of confidence on our series a performance!


  • 风险投资组合中的加权平均偿还期考虑所有提前偿付的抵押贷款、卖权可调整债券

    A weighted average of the maturities of the bonds in a portfolio, taking into account all mortgage prepayments, puts, and adjustable coupons.


  • 银行家投资者收益掉期青睐工具之一,这衍生品危机期间受到了冷落

    Total return swaps — a type of derivative that lost favor during the crisisare among the instruments regaining popularity, bankers and investors say.


  • 20052006年期间投资者购买债券以及商业地产住宅地产市场相关的结构金融产品

    During 2005 and 2006, investors were chasing yield by buying bonds and structured products linked to the commercial - and residential-property markets.


  • 外国投资使繁荣期持续更长时间对于这点,欧元区以外富裕国家也是如此

    Foreign capital kept booms going for longer, but that was true in many rich countries outside the euro zone as well.


  • 10年期美国国债收益率上升因为容易兴奋投资者意识到2.5%的收益率并不是那么人兴奋。

    The yield on the 10-year Treasury note is rising as easily excitable investors realize that a 2.5% yield isn't all that exciting.


  • 一部分预计苹果股票报告公布抛售这样投资者就可以期较好报告中套利。

    Some expected Apple's shares to sell off after the report as investors took profits following another solid report.


  • 西班牙十年期债券引起了投资者的相当大关注。

    Two days later Spain attracted decent interest in a sale of ten-year bonds.


  • 西班牙十年期债券引起了投资者的相当大关注。

    Two days later Spain attracted decent interest in a sale of ten-year bonds.


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