• 各种器皿冗长且常常具有抒情描述有助于分类陶罐尽管有时会使庞大复杂局面变得混乱

    Long and often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assist in classifying pots, although these sometimes confuse an already large and complicated picture.


  • 通过抒情表达已经使得连接成为可能,世界杯改变

    Through lyrical expressions and enabling connectivity, the world was changed.


  • 克莱顿抒情小酒馆最后一杯咖啡。

    To drink one last cup of coffeeat the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.


  • 善于表现优美抒情曲调能够抒发气势磅礴的乐章

    It is good at displaysing the beautiful and lyrical melody , can also express the impressive movement .


  • 中国诗歌历来走抒情的道路,“言志”一说古已有之

    Traditionally, Chinese poetry is to express the author's emotion, namely, the theory of "poem expressing ideal".


  • 宋词史上巅峰时期,借建筑意象抒情词作多如牛毛

    Song-Ci is the peak period in the history of Ci, and building lyrical imagescountless .


  • 倾诉音调贯穿兼有叙事抒情特点真切感人

    Talk of tone throughout the whole song, and the characteristics of both narrative and lyrical, real touching.


  • 现在结束讲话抒情歌曲“我一个梦想”的西城男孩。

    Now, I'd like to end my speech with the lyric of the song "I have a dream" by westlife.


  • 抒情行板使人们犹如置身于精巧秀丽的姑苏园林之中,美不胜收

    The lyric allegretto makes people in the refined garden of Su Zhou, which has too many beautiful things.


  • 理想主义文学侧重直接抒情方式表现主观理想文学形态

    The values of idealism literature in the new period shows an essentially accordant trend with that of the social mainstream ideology.


  • 抒情韵律我们发现快乐、发现扩张、以及自己内在那位艺术家

    In the rhythm of Lyrical we find our playfulness, expansiveness, and inner artist.


  • 喜欢跳舞如果摇滚音乐跳迪斯科,如果是抒情音乐就跳芭蕾舞

    I like top dance. If it's rock music I'll do disco, and if it's romantic music I'll do ballet.


  • 就是离愁整夜地悄望星辰,七月阴雨之中,萧萧树籁变成抒情诗歌。

    It is this sorrow of separation that gazes in silence all nights from star to star and becomes lyric among rustling leaves in rainy darkness of July.


  • 现在我们拿它来对比下,贝多芬第五交响曲第二乐章,这部分长时间抒情流畅主题,开始

    Now let's contrast that with what happens in the second movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony where we have a lyrical, long, flowing theme. Okay?


  • 神秘气氛抒情感觉刺激沉思淡淡的微笑触摸很快消失性质相同的空间。

    An atmosphere of mystery and lyrical sense of excitement, meditation faint smile, hand touch will soon disappear into the nature of the same space.


  • 也许会优美的语言来描述某个事物,用最富有灵性抒情词语表达词语不是事实

    You may describe something in the most lovely language, put it in the most spiritual or lyrical words; but the word is not the fact.


  • 家庭不稳定女房东房客关系紧密了。这部抒情沉思录引人思考究竟何为组成家庭的要素。

    The unsteady state of their home and their landlady forges an even closer bond between the housemates in this lyrical meditation on what really makes up a family.


  • 和谐和诗意在如此支离破碎的世界中难觅踪迹,希尔先生振聋发聩般狂野而抒情声音使读者难以忘却这一事实。

    Harmony and lyricism are hard to find in a world which can seem so disjointed, and Mr Hill's growling "lyric-loutish" voice ensures a reader never forgets this.


  • 本月即将推出第一散文只是孩子》(Just Kids)中,表现出同样未经雕琢而又抒情品质

    Now she brings the same raw, lyrical quality to her first book of prose, Just Kids, out this month.


  • 古典主义诗歌抒情执着自然亲近,对文化历史自觉承接等显示出其对诗歌审美特性坚守

    Neo-classical poetic and lyrical poetry of the attachment, intimacy with nature, culture and historical consciousness of the undertaking have shown their aesthetic characteristics of poetry stick.


  • 情感”在文学艺术中的重要性得到认同,文学艺术叙事到重抒情转变,一定程度上反映了这种影响

    The approval of the importance of literary emotion was confirmed, the emphasis on description shifted to the emotional expression, which reflected such an effect.


  • 这部动画片,承袭捷克经典儿童文学写实传统兼具幽默抒情风格中国观众也带来不少乐趣

    The cartoon not only follows the realism tradition of children's classic in Czech, but also adopts humor and lyric styles, bringing much fun to Chinese audience.


  • 同时那带有诗意笔致抒情句子回旋情感,同样证明她是中国现代文学史上最有文体意识作家之一。

    Her poetic tone, lyrical sentences and hovering emotions, also mark herself as one of the modern Chinese writers who owned a keen sense of literary style.


  • 通过一时期细节艺妓回忆录深深地认同感,这部抒情的和充满感情的小说探究神秘的人类关系女性友谊

    With the period detail and deep resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha, this lyrical and emotionally charged novel delves into one of the most mysterious of human relationships: female friendship.


  • 此后几十年合作生涯,布鲁贝克双手和弦以及保守运用切分音演奏风格,同戴斯蒙流动抒情柔和声线交相辉映,配合默契。

    For decades to come, Brubeck's two-handed chordal playing and sparing use of syncopation would beautifully complement Desmond's floating and lyrical lines.


  • 最终结果一种明亮抒情彩色挂毯松散形状通过厚重线条来打破减弱近似轮廓的变幻不动的色块来确定的。

    The ultimate result is a bright, lyrical tapestry of color with shapes loosely defined by a heavy line breaking or fading against shifting planes of color as it approximates contour.


  • 然后就能看到抒情解释:,“有种感觉,觉得他看见的一切都之前发生过的,他已经忘记的,某大而无用的事掉落碎片。”

    And then you get that sort of lyrical moment of interpretation: "he had the feeling that everything he saw was a broken-off piece of some giant blank thing he had forgotten had happened to him."


  • 邓恩尔顿则突破十四行诗传统爱情主题开辟了十四行诗抒情的新天地,从内容和主题表达上完成了十四行诗的英国化进程

    Donne and Milton's break with the traditional Petrarchan love theme opened anew world for sonneteers and announced the completion of the process of sonnet Anglicization.


  • 不仅承袭了温柔敦厚抒情传统而且创作中补充了新的内容,在抒情表达方式、情感的多义性以及抒情广度方面都有所拓展

    It not only inherited the gentle lyric tradition, but also in the creation of new content added, lyrical expression, lyric more complicated and ambiguous and so has the development of lyrical breadth.


  • 本书的作者让人想见了仿佛更加坚韧的W. G . Sebald一般的人物,一位擅长抒情德国作家,带着同样凄凉湮没打捞出生活文化

    Its author emerges as a grittier W.G. Sebald, a lyrical German writer with the same forlorn urge to rescue lives and cultures from oblivion.


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