• 关于转播节目广播站无线电设备技术法规

    To establish the technical regulations for radio equipment of radio stations relaying broadcasting programs accommodating other frequencies.


  • 按照法律效力内容我国强制性标准就是技术法规

    According to legal effect and content, our compellent technical standards should be one of technique regulations.


  • 有关产品技术法规标准最初并不是以贸易壁垒形式出现的。

    The technological regulations and standards of products didn't emerge in the form of trade barriers at first.


  • 技术法规附录版本增加短距离无线设备使用协调频段数量

    This new version of the technical annex will increase the number of harmonised frequency bands that can be used by short-range devices.


  • 越位只是技术法规而且也没有一个条文规定不停犯规应该被警告

    Offside is a technical offence and not one for which a caution is issued for persistently infringing the laws of the game.


  • 我国农业科技还很落后标准体系不健全、技术法规评定程序不完善。

    We have to face the challenge with weak agricultural foundation and technology, fragmentary standard system, controversial regulation and assess process.


  • 通过研究,我们发现技术壁垒表现形式,即:技术标准技术法规

    Study show there are three kinds of technical barrier: technical standard, technological regulation and quality assessment.


  • 欧洲ece汽车技术法规及其型式批准制度越来越得到世界各国广泛认可。

    The ECE automobile regulations and model approval system have been recognized by more and more countries around the world.


  • 我国技术法规标准体系发达国家相比进行了分析讨论提出了几点建议。

    Compare and analyse our technology regulation and standard system with the developed countries and put forward some Suggestions.


  • 中国加入时起,使所有技术法规标准合格评定程序符合TBT协定》。

    China shall, upon accession, bring into conformity with the TBT Agreement all technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures.


  • 近年来,随着世界各国能效重视日本发达国家建立了针对能效的技术法规体系

    In recent years, with the world's increasing attention to energy efficiency, the developed countries, such as Japan, have established technical regulation systems.


  • 以下基本综述供信息参考,关于委员会相关技术要求完整解释参照技术法规全文

    The summary below is for general informational purposes only. Please refer to the full technical regulation for a complete explanation of CPSC's technical requirements.


  • 评价结果表明该矿安全状况比较理想,通风设备检测设施符合有关安全技术法规

    The result shows that the safe state of mine is good and the evaluating method is feasible and effective.


  • 已建立全球技术法规的是协定书的规定列入全球注册中的某一全球性技术法规

    The term "established global technical regulation" means a global technical regulation that has been placed on the Global Registry in accordance with this Agreement.


  • 同时关注私营标准技术法规问题警惕私营标准中知识产权因素可能市场竞争的影响。

    Meanwhile, attention should be paid to technology regulation problem of the private standard, and we shall be vigilant of the intellectual property factors that may influence market competition.


  • 针对各缔约方的技术法规技术标准和合格评定程序以及通报咨询等方面规定一系列准则

    It stipulates a series of rules on technical regulations, technical standards, conformity assessment systems, notification and enquiry systems.


  • 采用国际标准作为技术法规基础同类国产品进行某项检验,则进口产品也应免除此项检验。

    Adopt international standards as the basis for technical regulations and exempt imported products from inspection where like domestic products were not subject to such inspection.


  • 结果显示我国电子信息产品出口影响最大因素依次绿色生产,绿色回收技术标准技术法规标准认证。

    The result is demonstrated that the top four factors are Green Manufacture, Green recycle, technology standards, and technology regulation.


  • 随后论文第二关于医疗器械标准分类技术法规自愿标准、医疗器械国际标准制定组织等标准相关的基础内容。

    S. , Europe and China. The second chapter is about the classification of medical device standards, technical regulation, voluntary standards, international standards organization.


  • 秘书长要求列入候选纲要的技术法规本条5.2.3段规定获肯定支持日期技术法规列入候选纲要中。

    The requested regulation shall be considered to be listed by the Secretary-General on the date on which it is supported by an affirmative vote under paragraph 5.2.2. of this Article.


  • 尽管二氧化硫没有纳入到此项法规,但是由于控制氯化氢技术去除二氧化硫,因此二氧化硫的排放量也下降90%。

    Although not covered by the rules, sulfur dioxide also could drop up to 90 percent because it would be filtered out by the same technology that controls hydrochloric acid.


  • 但是这种技术全新的。联邦监管机构在努力制定必要法规保证公众安全

    But the technology is so new that federal regulators are still figuring out exactly what kind of rules are necessary to keep the public safe.


  • 与此同时粮农组织帮助各国重新拟定渔业法规从而推动技术广泛应用

    At the same time, FAO is helping countries re-draft their fishing regulations so that they promote wider use of the new technology.


  • 我们需要制定法规违法用工雇主罚款,加强边境守护我们能够因为某人种族关系、区域近缘关系亲属数量而给予合法移民地位,而是要视其所能带来的技术资本而定。

    We should institutionalize employer fines, finish the fence—and predicate legal entry into the US not on race, nearness to the border, or the number of relatives in America, but on skills and capital.


  • Grosse确实,那些谈论网络中的入侵检测恶意软件检测深度检测法规正逐渐当前技术潮流所忽略。

    Grosse: I agree that regulations that would talk about intrusion detection or malware detection or deep pack-et inspection on the network really are being passed by with current technology trends.


  • 于2000年8月1日生效绿卡法规可以缓解蓬勃发展信息技术产业专业人员缺乏状况。

    The new Green Card rule coming into effect on August 1st 2000 can ease the shortage of specialist staff in the booming information technology sector.


  • 对于意大利来说,更好的城市就意味着更好的海岸线经济;现在,意大利造船企业先进技术、成熟的游艇法规带到中国希望中方深入开发游艇业这一新兴的休闲行业。

    Italy brings advanced yacht rules to China to seek cooperation with China to develop the emerging industry, he added.


  • 对于意大利来说,更好的城市就意味着更好的海岸线经济;现在,意大利造船企业先进技术、成熟的游艇法规带到中国希望中方深入开发游艇业这一新兴的休闲行业。

    Italy brings advanced yacht rules to China to seek cooperation with China to develop the emerging industry, he added.


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