• 一个不断赞扬生育社会里承认后悔孩子等于承认你支持小猫有什么奇怪的吗?

    In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing?


  • 不过如果害怕承认甚至害怕自己承认它——永远无法克服恐惧

    However, if you are afraid to admit it even to yourself - you will never overcome your fears.


  • 很清楚自己并非十全十美,可是承认自己犯了也是个难事——担心的是,一旦承认了错误,对方生气,会拒绝原谅甚至失去信任

    Still, it can be hard to admit it when you mess up. You worry that once you confess your mistake, the other person will be angry, refuse to forgive you, or lose trust in you.


  • 没有必要为了缺点错误行为进行辩护爽快地承认自己错误承认改变它们需要帮助

    No need to justify your shortcomings or wrong actions, simply own up to your mistakes and recognize that you need help in changing them.


  • 他们失去学习东西热情虽然他们愿意承认一点,但他们行为相信他们已经承认自己到了顶峰”,而且对现在的生活工作满意

    They lose all the zeal to learn new things and although they won't admit this, their actions would make you believe they have thrown in the towel and are satisfied with a status quo life and career.


  • 相信如果更多时间承认就会少的时间承认你的罪。

    I believe if you spend more time confessing your faith you will need a lot less time to confess your SINS.


  • 承认的错误,即使认为是对的。承认伤害了接着道歉

    Admit what you did was wrong even of you don't think you were. Acknowledge that you hurt her and then apologize.


  • 承认的错误,即使认为是对的。承认伤害了接着道歉

    Admit what you did was wrong, even of you don't think you were. Acknowledge that you hurt her, and then apologize.


  • 话说,不仅仅承认同意了什么而是承认你基督里是谁。

    In other words, your confession isn't just about agreeing with God about what you did; it is also about agreeing with God about who you are in Christ.


  • 佛教承认现实生活如梦的现实生活,就完全承认当下”,不会现实的生活完全性的”,不用干什么事情不会这样的。

    Buddhism recognized in real life, such as the phantom dream in real life, there will recognize the "next" without saying "your real-life is totally empty" instead of doing things, would not say.


  • 永远不要承认错误感到羞耻因为承认错误可以解释今天聪敏

    Never admit mistakes and ashamed, for admitting mistakes also can explain for you today is more bright.


  • 承认错误每个人都会犯错误,但是一点必须承认错误并且持续不断的改正它,不断地做更好

    Own up to your mistakes. Everyone makes them, but is a sign of character when you admit to it and commit to changing it for the better.


  • 坦白承认时,就是与他人分享之前隐藏信息可能意味着承认曾经错事解释为什么最近一直表现怪异

    When you come clean, you share information you were hiding before. This might mean confessing that you have done something wrong, or explaining why you have been acting weird.


  • 即使是通过互相透露出最深黑暗的想法通常需要几个双方才会承认(或永远都不承认)有这样的想法。

    Albeit by revealing to each other your deepest, darkest thoughts - the sort it usually takes a few months to admit (if ever).


  • 承认历史起因,承认现阶段还有存在必然性

    You have to admit its rationality in the history, We must admit the truth that it has the exist inevitability now.


  • 了事情,要承认承认你自己的过错可以帮助儿子明白其实每个人都会犯错而且以身作则让他看到了如果错误发生时候他该怎么

    Admit when you are wrong. Admitting when you are wrong will help your son understand that everyone makes mistakes, and models how to behave when mistakes happen.


  • 如果承认自己错误而且是迅速承认瞻前顾后然后再提出解决办法人们重视也会获得自信

    If you can acknowledge your mistakes - quickly, not dwelling on them - and then propose solutions, people will value you, and you'll believe in you.


  • 即使喜欢现实,也要承认现实 --- 其实越是不喜欢,越应该承认现实。

    Recognize reality even when you don't like it – especially when you don't like it.


  • 提醒一个太太。先生,就是承认法律也是承认的。

    I would remind you of your lady's existence, Sir, which the law recognises, if you do not.


  • 啊,我们颂扬完全承认。我们承认你是万有的主,是说话的也是灵,将生命分赐我们里面。

    Lord, we extol You, we acknowledge that You are the Lord of all, You are the speaking God, and that You are the Spirit who dispenses Your life into our being.


  • 啊,我们颂扬完全承认。我们承认你是万有的主,是说话的也是灵,将生命分赐我们里面。

    Lord, we extol You, we acknowledge that You are the Lord of all, You are the speaking God, and that You are the Spirit who dispenses Your life into our being.


- 来自原声例句

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