• 至少与包含类别相同可视性扩充方法作为静态方法

    Implement the extension method as a static method with at least the same visibility as the containing class.


  • 描述了NEAX61E程控交换机存储器管理扩充方法注意事项。

    This article describes the management, extending methods and attentive problems for the internal storage of NEAX61E SPC exchange.


  • 本文给出MTC开发环境主要功能程序结构操作环境算法扩充方法

    This paper gives the main functions, source program structure, operation environment and the expanding methods of algorithm for MTC environment.


  • 着重阐述了超出单片机寻能力容量存储器扩充方法软件实现采样率的数据采集方法

    A method of large capacity memories expansion of excess 8031 location addressed ability and using software to collect data in different sampling frequency are emphatically described.


  • 本文结合第四纪沉积物类型划分,讨论了遥感分类中最佳波段和波段组合的选取以及特征空间扩充方法

    The optimum selection of bands and its combinations in remote sensing classification and the method for expanding feature space are presented.


  • 通过分析各种样本扩充方法优缺点,用多种样本扩充方法来生成虚拟样本充分利用单一样本所提供的信息。

    By analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of various sample augment methods, some of them were combined to synthesize virtual samples in order to make full use of the single training image.


  • 获得真正有用方法需要使用特定于上下文的资产进行扩充

    For the method to be truly useful it needs to be augmented with context-specific assets.


  • IBM希望任何人包括WS - I可以畅所欲言,并按照大家认为合适方法不断加以改进扩充

    It is the express intent of IBM that anyone, including WS-I be free to take this work and expand or refine it as they see fit.


  • 学习课程学员不仅扩充词汇基础上掌握了复杂,更灵活的表达方法,而且,用词和会话技巧会有明显提高。

    Upon completion of this level, you can make progress not only on vocabulary extension, but also on your communication skills obviously.


  • 解决这个问题必须JETEmitter进行扩充,使其覆盖initialize方法将其加入自己的classpath项中

    To work around this problem, you must extend the JETEmitter class to override the initialize method and add in your own classpath entries.


  • 新的模块电池寿命提供很大改进(方法非常简单,电池扩充为2倍大小)。

    The new model did offer substantially improved battery life (through the simple expedient of making the battery twice as big).


  • 随着数据增长系统提供一种经济高效方法扩充容量——组织不必将大量资金花费过剩硬件软件

    As the amount of data increases, the system provides an economical and efficient approach to scaling capacity-without forcing organizations to overspend on excess hardware and software.


  • 没有依赖简单数据库方法用户密码依赖,而是提供扩充文档模式

    It does not have the user name and password dependencies of the simple database approach and provides an extensible and documented schema.


  • 这个方法看起来可能过分谨慎了但是已经作为一种扩充方法,可规模巨大集群中使用

    This method might seem overly cautious, but it has been chosen as a scalable method that will work for a very large cluster.


  • 一些国家则实行工作换食物计划或是发放饮水其他服务优惠购物卷以便扩充用于粮食消费金额通过这些方法抵消了粮食价格的增长

    Other countries have offset increases by launching food-for-work schemes or handing out vouchers for water and other services to boost the amount of money consumers can spend on food.


  • 实践表明方法便于网络动态维护有效地提高了网络课件扩充课件的开发质量

    Practice indicates this method is easy to dynamic maintenance in network, and can enhance expansion ability and development quality of courseware effectively.


  • 为了支撑增长极快的新的在线渠道Nespresso寻求购买支撑这些渠道扩充现有渠道新型架构集成方法

    To enable massive growth in new online channels, Nespresso looked to pursue a new architecture and integration approach to enable these new channels and scale existing ones.


  • 此外,本文还线性散列技术作一般性扩充通过模拟实验研究方法性能。

    In addition, a general expansion of lip ear hashing and the results of simulation of performance of the method are given as well.


  • 地处大平原城市可以用这种方法扩充技术员工群体,而不需要真正营造创业景象——尽管听起来很棒

    The great Plains city could boost its tech employee base that way, without ever actually growing a startup scene-as great as that sounds.


  • 计算机硬件系统设计方法必要时可增加中央处理机的硬件外部设备扩充机器的性能

    The design of computers to permit expansion of their capabilities by increasing the central processor 's hardware and the number of peripheral devices as required.


  • 方法具有分辨率高、动态响应评价指标参数多样且可扩充等特点。

    It is indicated that this method has high resolution ratio, rapid dynamic response and multiple expansible parameters of evaluation.


  • 本文采用间接测试改变基点扩充方法巧妙地解决传感器产品质量检验中某些不能解决的问题

    By means of indirect test, changing datummark and expanding sample, etc, ingeniously solves the problems in product quality inspection with sensors.


  • 基于界面图形化方式,提出扩充临界比例基础直流输电系统PID控制器参数优化方法

    Using interface graphic scheme, this paper presents the parameter optimization method for DC transmission PID controller based on expanding critical ratio method.


  • 开发可构造扩充开放式软件系统提供了一些方法手段

    Some new methods or approaches are provided for developing constructible, extensible open software systems.


  • 联机分析处理数据组织二维平面结构扩充多维空间结构,提供了多维数据分析方法

    Online analytical processing expands the framework of data from two-dimensions to multiple-dimensions and provides the method to analyze the multi-dimensional data.


  • 文中扩充基于契约的安全检查机制提出了一种针对函数指针的安全检查方法

    By extending the contract-based safety analysis mechanism, a method for checking the safety problems of function pointers is presented in this paper.


  • 方法用于微处理机内存扩充在线测试,也可用于RAM 板的一般测试。

    The test can be used for either on-line RAM board testing or RAM board general testing.


  • 方法编程效率算法快速稳定计算精度高、扩充能力强、交互性一定工程应用价值

    This method has the high effective programme, the stable and fast arithmetic, the high calculate precision, the good expansion, the good alternating and the value of project application.


  • 简单陈述了DOS扩充任务功能解决问题实现方法

    The problems which must be solved to expand the multi task functions for DOS and its realization method are described.


  • 此外按照刀补建立进行撤消不同状态采用不同方法进行数据存储,从而提高程序的可扩充性及可替换性。

    In addition, according to various states of the establishment, proceeding and cancel of the cutting tool nose radius compensation, the data are stored in different way.


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