• 地区执行中止之后,则地区报告数字资料每个分析评估。

    After the suspension of your district is implemented, the district's reporting statistics will be analyzed on a monthly basis.


  • 本文执行中止事由纯化、执行观念更新和债权凭证制度的构建方面为建立新的执行中止制度提出了具体的设想

    This article puts forward the tentative plan in discontinuation of execution in the future such as the purification of particulars, the renewal of conception in execution and the construction of...


  • 个月大选日结束第一,由保守派掌控的议会中止清洁空气区”的执行迈出了废除该项措施的第一步。

    Seven months and one election day later, a new conservative city council suspended enforcement of the clean air zone, a first step toward its possible demise.


  • 垃圾收集开销很大因为本质上它会中止应用程序的执行以便可以检验对象

    Garbage collection has a lot of overhead, as it basically halts the execution of your application so it can examine your objects.


  • 可以找到补偿服务决定是否尝试重新执行服务,或是忽略它,或者补偿服务所在的流程实例完全中止

    You can now mark a compensation service and decide whether to retry the service, skip it, or to stop compensation completely for the process instance that this compensation service is in.


  • 现在可以看到EclipseDebug透视图插件在所指定断点中止执行

    You are now looking at the Eclipse Debug perspective with your plug-ins execution frozen at the breakpoint you specified.


  • 应用软件开发过程中,可视化命令执行过程的对话框取消按钮(2所示),用来中止一命令

    In Application Developer, the progress dialog for the Visualize command has a Cancel button (Figure 2), which can be used to abort the command.


  • 甚至即使最高法院一决定作出之前就已经有十个暂时中止注射式执行方式等待关于一问题更为确定的裁决的出现。

    Even before the Supreme Court's decision, ten states had suspended executions while awaiting a definitive ruling on the issue.


  • die语句中止程序执行Web浏览器上显示文本

    The die statement halts program execution and displays text to the Web browser.


  • 如果AIX 发现参数10/auto或者 100/auto,那么它并不知道如何其进行处理并且系统将在执行ioconfig 的过程中中止,具体代码为 607。

    If AIX sees a parameter as 10/auto or 100/auto, it does not understand how to deal with that, and the system stops during ioconfig with a code 607.


  • 由于某种外部事件使进程(例如计算机程序执行)暂时挂起的一现象,而且中止进程重新恢复正常的运行。

    A suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to that process, and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed.


  • 这种方法典型应用提供对话框中止一个长期执行任务

    The typical use of this approach is to provide a dialog to abort out of a long running task.


  • 欧共体把谈判重点放在了专家组的组成、建议裁决执行补偿中止减让、法庭之制度等方面。

    The contribution of EC focuses on panel establishment, implementation of recommendations and rulings, compensation and the suspension of concessions, regulation of amicus curiae and so on.


  • 最后实行再审案件收费制度以及再审案件条件中止执行制度。

    Finally, implement charge system of retrial case, as well as the retrial case has the condition to stop carrying out the system.


  • 有几联邦法官判定临时中止遣返签证持有者不过西雅图法官判决第一可以在全国范围内执行的判决。

    Several federal judges have temporarily halted the deportation of visa holders, but the Seattle ruling is the first to be applicable nationwide.


  • 条所规定的部长颁布强制许可决定应当说明异议或者复审申请提出是否中止决定的执行

    A decision by the Minister on issuing a licence, as referred to in article 2, shall state whether the lodging of an objection or an application for review will suspend implementation of the decision.


  • 第一百八十五条按照审判监督程序决定再审案件,裁定中止判决执行

    Article 185 When a decision is made to retry a case according to the procedure of adjudication supervision, the enforcement of the original judgment shall be ordered to be suspended.


  • 作为州长时困难孤独一些时刻决定是否授予缓期执行中止执行或者允许执行继续进行。

    Some of my most difficult and lonely moments as governor were deciding whether to grant a stay of execution, to halt an execution, or to allow the execution to proceed.


  • 异步线程中止引发问题因为它们目标线程执行中的不可预知处理的。

    Asynchronous thread aborts present a problem because they are processed at unpredictable points in the target thread's execution.


  • 测试回合执行时间达到逾时值即使有些测试尚未执行,测试回合都会中止

    When the duration of a test run reaches its time-out value, the test run is aborted, even if some tests have not been run.


  • 根据郯城会议精神我们决定中止第二编纂活动执行总会筹委会的决定

    Presently according to the Tancheng conference's spirit, we decides that stops second editing compiles the activity, carries out the general meeting preparation committee's decision.


  • 因此如果开发人员使用CER共用执行个体化,将不会拦截 JIT 编译错误型型别载入错误,或是预期的 CER 之区域执行中止

    So if the developer uses a shared instantiation of the CER, then JIT-compilation errors, generics type loading errors, or thread aborts within the region of the intended CER are not caught.


  • 取得指出执行程序相关要求是否中止

    Gets a value indicating whether the request associated with the executor was aborted.


  • CLR会针对CER执行的程序延迟执行中止

    The CLR delays thread aborts for code that is executing in a CER.


  • 专用执行尝试卸载定义域该定义域中的所有执行都会中止

    The dedicated thread attempts to unload the domain, and all threads in the domain are aborted.


  • 若要避免遗漏控制代码资源请务必限制执行区域(CER)内呼叫这个方法,因为在该区域中执行中止无法插断处理

    To avoid leaking handle resources, always call this method inside a constrained execution region (CER), where a thread abort cannot interrupt processing.


  • 若要避免遗漏控制代码资源请务必限制执行区域(CER)内呼叫这个方法,因为在该区域中执行中止无法插断处理

    To avoid leaking handle resources, always call this method inside a constrained execution region (CER), where a thread abort cannot interrupt processing.


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