• 过去同情尼尔忧郁执拗举止了。

    She felt more sympathy for Neil's sombrely stolid manner than she ever had before.


  • 多少执拗思想无可否认职责痉挛地辗转不安!

    How many times had his refractory thoughts rattled convulsively in his throat, under the evidence of duty!


  • 父母就是这样执拗心爱着子女不管他们是否在意,是否领情。

    Maybe every parent is the same, caring for their children with relentless love without caring about whether they know or like it.


  • 没有成功孤僻执拗的追求充分我们展示了他的个性意志

    He was not successful, but his lonely and stubborn quest tells us a lot about his personality and mind.


  • 他们执拗敌意使大为震惊,我可以肯定他们病人来说一个心理威胁

    I was stunned by their implacable hostility and convinced that they were a psychological menace to my patient.


  • 那里城市最初回忆哪怕滴水穿石的时间面前,总是保持执拗姿态

    Where the initial memories of the city, even in the face of resolve in time, it is always the most obdurate attitude.


  • 短身材,瘦削结实,身上筋节印象是个久经风霜、脾气执拗的人。

    A short man with a bunched wing body that gave the impression of being gnarled and sour.


  • 截止到目前出现的标题新闻列为展示我们没有完全消失的旧社会的执拗偷窥情结的前十名

    Those that have appeared so far are my Top Ten Exhibits in the case for the persistence of our voyeuristic fixation on the not-quite-extinct dinosaur, Society Rex.


  • 人们对不同食品喜好随着文化的不同而有差异的,也可能是造成执拗的个人偏见原因之一。

    Food likes and dislikes vary from culture to culture. It can be a source of intense personal prejudice.


  • 这个广袤世界里也许可以找到另外一个一样执拗人,但是我们这个巷子里根本不可能。

    In the wide wide world there might be found another, his equal in pertinacity, but never in this little lane of ours.


  • 执拗共和党人宁愿看到一个银行出售保险抵御抵押违约损失计划,也不愿意银行手里收购资产

    Recalcitrant Republicans would rather see a programme to sell insurance to Banks against mortgage defaults, rather than buying assets from them.


  • 看出执拗抑郁怠情感到难受良心责备她不该把放弃改变自己:这件她做得生效了。

    I saw she was sorry for his persevering sulkiness and indolence: her conscience reproved her for frightening him off improving himself: she had done it effectually.


  • 从前小镇上有个年轻执拗男孩为了挑战的固执,他的朋友和他打赌说他不敢半夜时分将一个钉子墓地中央一棵树上。

    Some years back, a brave young boy in a small town was challenged by his friends to fix a nail in a tree situated in the middle of a burial ground at midnight.


  • 张鹏野笔下自行车执拗的秉持着自我信念无论科技发达后交通工具如何先进自行车永远驻足人们心里托举着生命节律

    The bicycle by Zhang Pengye firmly upholds the self-belief, no matter how advanced transportation technology developed, the bicycle will always be kept in people's heart to carry the rhythm of life.


  • 是个名人有时会夸张地自嘲;他也是真挚热情朋友个不可阻挡对手,一个得坚决,错得执拗的男人;他性格忧郁坚忍不拔,大口喝酒,放声歌唱

    He was a celebrity, sometimes a self-parody, a hearty friend, an implacable foe, a man of large faith and large flaws, a melancholy character who persevered, drank deeply and sang loudly.


  • 简直不能当作是个有理性人,对于性格如此执拗坚持着一种荒谬的看法而且她所孕育的错误印象来行动。

    I can hardly regard her in the light of a rational creature, so obstinately has she persisted in forming a fabulous notion of my character and acting on the false impressions she cherished.


  • 最大努力明白就是执拗相信:因为我第二还是女孩,我事实上就会挨揍

    I tried my best to make her understand, but she firmly believed that by giving birth to a second girl I really would be thrashed.


  • 城里人对一切心里很明白,却偏要执拗他们喜欢乡村的样子,这来说一直是个谜。

    It has always been a mystery to me who city dwellers, who appreciate all these things, obstinately pretend that they would prefer to live in the country.


  • 尽管梵高古怪执拗饱受抑郁、精神衰竭之苦,但是不是神秘、捉摸不定精神失常者

    Though he could be erratic and difficult, though he suffered breakdowns and depressions, van Gogh was far from the madman of myth.


  • 无论具有适应性的青少年的这种观点多么正确,都很难得到认同——父母们处理青少年那些特别恼人、执拗绝对令人恐慌时刻越多就越如此

    This adaptive-adolescence view, however accurate, can be tricky to come to terms with—the more so for parents dealing with teens in their most trying, contrary, or flat-out scary moments.


  • 我们表现执拗,一些恼人的想法头脑中划,在每一个低落的周期向灵魂洒下醉的眼泪

    We perseverate, and ugly thoughts circle in our mind, slicing jagged tears in the soul with every gyration.


  • 最近他们不得不对付那个他们某种程度的纵容下变得刚愎自用的执拗盟友

    Lately they have had to deal with a difficult ally whose awkward strength is in part their own creation.


  • 身体欠佳妻子孩子们遭遇的可怕事故可能已经加剧了他的执拗好战

    Some of his crabby belligerence may have been prompted by the ill-health and awful accidents that dogged his wife and children.


  • 他们未婚人群形容,则是“孤独”、“羞涩”、“不幸”、“惶恐”、“固执”或是“执拗”。

    The descriptions of singles, on the other hand, included "lonely, shy, unhappy, insecure, inflexible, and stubborn".


  • 这位疲惫的父亲常常一边给孩子枕边,一边就倒在那里睡着了,于是亨利就用胳膊肘鼓捣嘴里还执拗地央求着:“啊,!念啊!”

    The tired father would fall asleep while reading his son bedtime books, till Henry elbowed him back awake, insisting, "read, Dad! Read!"


  • 有气无力朴实无华的个人独白充满了红州人所独有的执拗情感,这种刻画方式是否代表作者的切身感受,我们无从知晓,应该不是一时的灵感乍现。

    His drawling, cracker-barrel soliloquies overflow with crusty red-state sentiments that may or may not represent the author's feelings but probably don't violate them terribly.


  • 有气无力朴实无华的个人独白充满了红州人所独有的执拗情感,这种刻画方式是否代表作者的切身感受,我们无从知晓,应该不是一时的灵感乍现。

    His drawling, cracker-barrel soliloquies overflow with crusty red-state sentiments that may or may not represent the author's feelings but probably don't violate them terribly.


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