• 其他方面的认识只是几个世纪前认识到,它们变得越来越重要

    The other aspects have been recognised only for a few centuries but they are becoming more and more important.


  • 太阳海上的时候,醒过来她感到一阵剧痛。这时有一年轻貌美的王子面前

    When the sun arose and shone over the sea, she recovered, and felt a sharp pain; but just before her stood the handsome young prince.


  • 我们必须考虑对方或同伴的情况心情,也许困难,所以无法保持美好的心情,也许她有太多事要,太多头痛事,所以无法平常那样亲爱,而这时是该展现我们自我期许的高贵品质时候了。

    Maybe she has so much work to do and so many headaches, so she cannot be so darling like usual. That time is the time when we need to show our most noble quality, the way we want ourselves to be.


  • 由于导航链接产生层次结构

    The indenting of the child navigation links is what creates the tree hierarchy.


  • 了很久意识到,真的兴奋感只有在市中心几家一流餐馆能找到。

    It took me a while to realise that the real buzz is to be felt behind the doors of several excellent downtown restaurants.


  • 位女性朋友梦见自己观赏瓦格纳歌剧,歌剧得到次日7:45结束。

    A lady friend of mine, dreams: She is at the opera. It is a Wagnerian performance, which has lasted until 7.45 in the morning.


  • 四季本地生产总值预算案揭晓预料回复增长

    The GDP for the fourth quarter will be announced on the Budget Day. We expect it to return to a year-on-year positive growth.


  • 年多前,确切点说是14个月前慢慢明白过来,意识一点什么重要。有些事蓄势待发,山雨来。

    I learned that a little more than a year ago-fourteen months, to be exact-and it was that realization, more than anything, that set in motion all that was to come.


  • 本周销售iPad只有WiFi功能;而具备移动无线功能的机子由于4月底公开发售许多翘首以待

    The devices on sale this week are WiFi-only iPads; many people will be waiting for the mobile-wireless ones that are due to go on sale in late April.


  • 名人,啊,好几位名人呢,不能说出她们名字,因为她们也许看着我,我不会吻了就到处说呢。

    someone famous, we11, a couple of people that were famous, but I can't ca11 their name because they might be watching and, I don't kiss-and-tell.


  • 伊伯(如今认为包含了1000多个天体还有许许多多即将发现)直到1992年被发现。

    The Kuiper Belt - which is now known to host more than 1,000 icy bodies, with many more likely to be discovered - wasn't even discovered until 1992.


  • 火辣感情当然果仁巧克力否则怎么显出心中的独特呢?

    Hot feelings, of course, the election is nuts enough chocolate, or show you how in his mind so unique?


  • 拼着劲儿努力追赶计划进度,可是那些以往的解决方案实在陈旧了,因而现在处境艰难,指着能走出路子,好替代你现在费尽心力勉强握紧的这一切。

    You keep trying to go along with the program but the old prescription is worn out and you're having a hard time seeing that a new program has to replace what you're trying so hard to hold together.


  • 十四岁而已所以努力学习如何尽可能冶场帮忙父亲骄傲著。

    I am only fourteen, so I am just learning how to best help Father in the smithy, he says, proudly.


  • 现在虽然同事了个运动鳏夫”,但花了时间接受了这个事实。

    My fella just puts up with being an exercise widower now, although it's taken some time for him to accept that.


  • 现在他们我们不能改善华盛顿,”巴马激动而真挚的说,“巴拉克奥巴马,我竞选美国参议院议员,我要说,‘是的,我们能。’”

    "Now they say we can't change Washington, " Obama said in an earnest voice. "I'm Barack Obama and I am running for the United States Senate to say, 'Yes, we can.


  • 博士矿渣激发方面大量的研究成为这个领域知名人物。

    Dr Shi has done extensive research on activation of slag, and is becoming well known in the area.


  • 刚开始并不知道存在直到它打了个哈欠,我发现着它的喉咙

    I didn't know he was there until he yawned and I found myself staring right down his throat.


  • 有人听到中国经济——地区经济引擎——高于预期速度增长,亚洲股票市场应该欢欣鼓舞对。

    ONE would think that Asian equity markets would be happy at the news that China's economy, the regional powerhouse, is growing even faster than expected.


  • 那个时候意识到,我戴着MP3播放器

    It was only then that I realised I was wearing my MP3 player.


  • 休闲概念听起来自相矛盾也许就是为什么这个概念这么长时间被世人所接受原因。

    The concept of 'casual formal' sounds contradictory. Perhaps that is why the idea has taken so long to take hold.


  • 休闲概念听起来自相矛盾也许就是为什么这个概念这么长时间被世人所接受原因。

    The concept of 'casual formal' sounds contradictory. Perhaps that is why the idea has taken so long to take hold.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定