• 拿不准到底是何意图,直到后来我朝我汽车过去时,仔细了看敞蓬小货车明白了。

    I wasn't sure what to make of Bo until I took a closer look at his pickup on my way back to the car.


  • 只有整合欧洲顶尖科学家,共同努力可能成功解决这些基础研究挑战

    Successfully tackling such fundamental research challenges will only be possible through the combined efforts of top scientists from all over Europe.


  • 他们躲藏起来了,几个月之后抓到人。

    They went into hiding, and were not apprehended for several months.


  • 最大努力——旨在规范统一印度琳琅满目的重重可怕税收而制定的印度商品服务延期直到2012年四月开始生效。

    The biggest, an effort to prune the country's dreadful thicket of indirect taxes into a , an all-India Goods and Services Tax, has been pushed back by a year, to April 2012.


  • 也许更严格限制工业二氧化碳排放量重要尤其是因为影响会波及欧洲

    Arguing for a tighter cap on emissions for the industry is probably more important, not least because it has effects Europe-wide.


  • 这种时候,万能叙述者不负盛名,这种知让我们联想到了上帝

    It's moments like these when that omniscient narrator lives up to its name, that sense of omniscience that we might associate with God.


  • 模式下通用公司的这汽车预计可行驶50英里(合80公里),足以满足大多数美国通勤者的需求,这样他们长途的情况下需要使用汽油发动机

    GM's car is expected to go around 50 miles (80km) in all-electric mode, more than enough for most American commuters, who would need to use the petrol engine on longer trips only.


  • 最终感知自己多少不能吃多少水化合物以及如何增加碳水化合物(比如谷类),健康

    Eventually you get a feeling for how much you can and can't eat, and how to add carbs that are healthy (such as whole grains).


  • 完蛋,那是可能的,但是至少不会再有什么那样合算呢!

    It would all be smashed, very likely, but at least, no one would have anything, and there would be that much gained!


  • 医生建议她专科,她的病情让医生困惑了好几个星期,直至体检发现她出现了严重肾衰

    Her GP referred her to a specialist, but her illness confounded doctors for weeks, until tests revealed her kidneys were severely damaged.


  • 通常我们很迟发觉应该删掉关于周五穿短裤备忘一个公司会议提醒

    Often, we find out much later that we shouldn't have erased that memo about wearing shorts on Fridays, or the reminder about the company-wide meeting a month from now.


  • 十美计划不会成功只有稍许带着几分苦恼可以大体上防止得了失望

    A scheme of which every part promises delight, can never be successful; and general disappointment is only warded off by the defence of some little peculiar vexation.


  • 可惜力气不是对手如果辛德雷能够做到看到捣烂,我不会掉呢!

    It's a pity Earnshaw is not his match in strength: I wouldn't have run till I'd seen him all but demolished, had Hindley been able to do it! '!


  • 或许人生就是这样,我们成长历程不是十美而是留下了那么一些遗憾真正体验成长学会珍惜成长中的某些插曲

    Perhaps life is that it allows the course of our growth is not perfect, but it left some regret, that let me grow up to experience before I learned to value the growth of some small episode.


  • 完完可以家里直到外出便便之前,放到笼子里。

    In dog can completely at home until you take him to suppress the poop, please go to the dogs in the cage.


  • 电影,意识到里面既没有老虎,也没有,原来它们藏起来了。

    I saw the movie and realized I saw no tigers or dragons, but of course they were crouching and hidden.


  • 仗着守门员技术避免比赛惨败

    Only the skill of the goalkeeper prevented the match from turning into a rout.


  • 你干吗问问想法一门心思我们跪倒机器人主子膝下。

    Look, why don't you ask Root what she thinks? She's the one who wants us to bow down to our robot overlords.


  • 不会伤害了李贝卡而又最好的钢用在刀刃上,真是人尽其其美

    That way Rebecca doesn't get hurt, and the best person gets the job!


  • 虽然发明于1948年,但第一晶体管计算机直到1959年成为现实。

    Although invented in 1948, the first all-transistor computer did not become available until 1959.


  • 这种事情带有浓重虚伪性,就好比等马儿马厩死? ?而那些马上的正是受过良好教育的

    There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped? With the educated themselves riding on them.


  • 种事情带有浓重虚伪性,就好比等马儿马厩死——而那些马上的正是受过良好教育的

    There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this , a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped— with the educated themselves riding on them.


  • 种事情带有浓重虚伪性,就好比等马儿马厩死——而那些马上的正是受过良好教育的

    There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this , a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped— with the educated themselves riding on them.


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