• 新一技术同时增强功率控制减少由于口袋里装有手机物品而导致蓝牙信号中断次数

    The new version also will have Enhanced Power Control, which is meant to reduce the number of disconnects that are caused by things like putting the cell phone in a pocket.


  • 由FCC测试手机输出功率方式决定的。

    This is often done because of the way the FCC tests power output of the phone.


  • 手机打开传输功率

    The handset only transmits power when it is turned on.


  • 手机距离增加后,功率(以及用户射频辐射接触量)迅速衰减

    The power (and hence the radiofrequency exposure to a user) falls off rapidly with increasing distance from the handset.


  • 功率手机相仿重量不到1千克(2.2)。

    They operate on a power output similar to a cell phone and weigh less than 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds).


  • 这样电力装置可以做成如今手机电池的十分之一一样大,不过保持一样的功率

    These power devices could be made 10 times smaller than today’s cell-phone batteries but still hold the same amount of power.


  • 这个数字表示使用手机最大功率时,你身体吸收辐射的数值。

    This number indicates how much radiation is absorbed by the body when using the handset at maximum power.


  • 所能尽可能使手机远离头部的方法都可以降低能量功率

    Anything you can do to keep the cell phone as far away from your head as possible will reduce the energy or power level.


  • iPhone用户平均操作功率为75%,其它智能手机为55%,普通手机只有38%。

    For example, iPhone owners had an average success rate of 75% while other smartphones averaged 55%. Traditional cell phones, however, only averaged 38%.


  • 早期移动电话使用模拟信号,他后来数字信号手机发射功率更强的信号。

    Earlier mobile phones used analogue signals which emitted higher power signals than the later digital models.


  • 这个科技目前用来功率手机天线提供电力,偏远地区使用

    That technology is currently used to power highly efficient cell phone antennas that can be scaled for use in rural communities.


  • 功率主要缺点是不能测量频率因此有缺陷手机给出通过”,就像下面两个例子

    An RF power meter has one major drawback: it cannot measure frequency, so it may give an "approved" rating to a defective mobile telephone, as in the following two examples.


  • 因为解释如下设备使用磁铁收集能源发电机可以反过来用于功率手机其他收费装置

    As it's explained below, this device USES magnets and a dynamo to collect energy which can in turn be used to power up your phone or other chargeable device.


  • 手机功率微波用户头部辐射程度严格受到法令管制的。

    The power of mobile phones-and the rate at which microwaves are absorbed by the heads of the users -is strictly limited by regulations.


  • 每个蜂巢装备功率无线电发射器接收器使信号手机用户之间传播

    Each cell is equipped with a low-powered radio transmitter and receiver that permit propagation of signals among cell-phone users.


  • 阅读手机用户手册记住烹调时间距离一定情况下正比于输出功率平方倒数

    Check your user manual and remember that cooking time will be proportional to the inverse square of the output power for a given distance from egg to phone.


  • 新的版本可以提供节省功率优势手机芯片并且微软一个更好机会新兴平板计算机获得立足点

    The new version could take advantage of the power savings provided by cell phone chips, and give Microsoft a better chance of gaining a foothold in the emerging world of tablet computers.


  • 无线路由器迷上手机给予额外的天线发送功率需要坐标了。

    A wireless router was hooked up to the mobile phone to give it the extra antenna power needed to send the coordinates down.


  • 功率经常用于手机生产测试因为快速测量峰值功率,平均功率,峰均

    Power meters are often considered for mobile-telephone production testing, because they can quickly measure peak power, average power, and peak-to-average ratio.


  • 功率分析仪可控制读取信道发射功率假定手机发射信号。

    The RF power analyzer is programmed to read the power only in the channel in which the mobile device is supposed to be transmitting.


  • 协议综合使用了RTS/CTS短分组、忙音信号、功率控制CDMA技术提高网络性能

    The RTS/CTS handshake mechanism, busy tone and power control are integrated with CDMA to improve the network performance.


  • 基于ARM开发体系结构上的芯片明显具有功率特点,所以目前很大部分的智能手机平板电脑都使用此种芯片。

    Chips based around the ARM architecture typically use very little power, and as a result are found in the vast majority of smartphones and tablets currently available.


  • 例如一对输出功率2瓦特手机使用3分钟可以煮熟鸡蛋

    For instance, a pair of mobiles each with 2 Watts of transmitter output will take three minutes to boil a large free range egg.


  • 是因为手机设计可工作多个功率级别上以便仅仅使用所需要功率访问网络

    This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network.


  • 物理治疗学会布朗尼克利福德:发短信一个很好的交流方式但是手机不是根据人体功率设计的用来发过多的短信并且需要重复活动的装置

    Bronwyn Clifford of the CSP said: "Texting is a great way to communicate - but phones are not ergonomically designed for excessive texting and require repetitive movements."


  • 物理治疗学会布朗尼克利福德:发短信一个很好的交流方式但是手机不是根据人体功率设计的用来发过多的短信并且需要重复活动的装置

    Bronwyn Clifford of the CSP said: "Texting is a great way to communicate - but phones are not ergonomically designed for excessive texting and require repetitive movements."


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