• 晚上爷爷吃完饭就着芭蕉了。

    On a summer evening grandpa will go out for a walk waving a palm leaf fan.


  • 可以单独使用结合使用扇出

    You can use Fan Out in isolation or as part of a Fan Out and Fan In combination.


  • 控管安置处在隔板设有离心风口

    The air outlet of the centrifugal fan is arranged on the baffle which is arranged in the position of the magnetron.


  • 度量耦合(每个扇出(fan - out))。

    Measure: Efferent coupling (fan-out per class).


  • 属性视图提供两种触发模式配置如图1所示。

    The FanOut properties view allows for the configuration of the two firing modes, as shown in Figure 1.


  • 高压变压器安置处在隔板设有离心风口

    The air outlet of the centrifugal fan is arranged on the baffle which is arranged in the position of the high voltage transformer.


  • 现在我们详细了解下流,并聚合着手。

    Now take a look at the flow in detail, starting with the aggregation primitives, Fan Out and Fan In.


  • 总是一起相同中,作为何时继续执行流的判定

    Fan in is always partnered with a Fan Out in the same flow and ACTS as a decision point for when to continue flow execution.


  • 故障模拟方面,本文着重考虑了其困难的部分—故障模拟。

    In fault simulation, the most difficult problem-fanout stem fault simulation is coped with.


  • XPath表达式必须指向处理原语期间可以元素数组

    This XPath expression must point to an array of elements that can be iterated over during the processing of the Fan Out primitive.


  • 蚊子嗅到气味,全都飞过来进了一个袋子里面

    The bug sniffs the scent, zeros in, and gets captured by the wind from a small fan, forcing it into a bag.


  • 中国现在1600年前成为流行600年后中国北宋王朝。

    Chinese folding fan appeared about 1600 years ago, and became popular 600 years later, which is Northern Song dynasty in China.


  • 清单11展示了一个CheckStyle设置最大复杂度数例子

    Listing 11 shows an example of using CheckStyle to set the maximum number of fan out complexity.


  • 找到带有太多责任一个方法就是通过耦合度量方法复杂度

    A way to find a class with too much responsibility is through the efferent coupling measure, also referred to as fan out complexity.


  • iterate模式下使用时,扇出上下文用于存储重复元素当前

    The Fan Out Context is used to store the current item of a repeating element when Fan Out is used in iterate mode.


  • 每个迭代使用当前字段相关客户创建DispatchOrder

    The current field is used in each iteration of the Fan Out to create the DispatchOrder for the customer in question.


  • 例如如果名为order元素重复元素,上下文应该与清单1所示类似

    For instance, if there was a repeating element of an element called order, the Fan Out Context would look like Listing 1.


  • 因此可以特定聚合响应中的中介不能用于聚合来自请求流中的中介原语消息

    Therefore, you can only aggregate in a particular flow: a Fan in mediation primitive in a response flow can't be used to aggregate messages from a Fan Out mediation primitive in a request flow.


  • 警告设计包含1个高扇出。1000用于延迟计算涉及这些网。(tim- 134)。

    Warning: Design contains 1 high-fanout nets. A fanout number of 1000 will be used for delay calculations involving these nets. (TIM-134).


  • 如图7所示,可以看到每个部分其中包括扇出原语使用以及总体流中所需任何映射

    You'll look at each part of the flow, as depicted in Figure 7, including the use of the Fan In and Fan Out primitives along with any mappings needed within the overall flow.


  • 巴西重金属乐队Sepultura里约热内卢9月25日,2011年的摇滚音乐节里约热内卢

    A fan of Brazilian heavy metal band Sepultura attends the Rock in Rio Music Festival in Rio DE Janeiro September 25, 2011.


  • 对于数组中的每个元素,为存储上下文中的数组中的选定触发条消息,本文稍后部分将对此进行详细说明。

    For each element within the array, a message is fired with the selected item of the array stored within the Fan Out Context, which is covered in more detail later in this article.


  • 之前广泛用来制作面,如今用来面,凡是用绫绢作都可以称为绫绢

    The silk is commonly used to make the cover of the round fan before the coming of folding fans. And nowadays, it is also used to make the cover of the folding fans.


  • 部分看到每个部分其中包括每个原语使用以及总体流中所需任何映射(请参见25)。

    In this section, you'll look at each part of the flow, including the use of each Fan in and Fan Out primitive along with any mappings needed within the overall flow (see Figure 25).


  • 以及,安装于该机壳内及连接主机,并具有一第一风,且经由该第一风扇出气流至该机壳

    The fan is electrically connected to the main board, has a fan outlet and is capable of outputting airflow through the fan outlet to the outside of the housing.


  • 上下文包含一个整数字段,其中包含重复元素occurrence索引以及包含 occurrence本身的元素。

    The Fan Out Context contains an integer field containing the index of the occurrence of the repeating element along with an element containing the occurrence itself.


  • 入(Fan - in)扇出(Fan - out)场景通过新的元素受到支持,这些元素将单个消息拆分多个部分或者多个消息聚合一个消息。

    Fan-in and Fan-out scenarios are supported through new primitives for splitting one message into multiple parts, or aggregating several messages into one.


  • 后面称为TransformToOrderXSLT, XSLT可以将新的FanOut Context(包含当前Order元素)转换Order服务请求消息(请参见38)。

    Following the Fan Out is an XSLT called TransformToOrder, which converts the new FanOutContext (containing the current Order element) into the request message for the Order service (see Figure 38).


  • 后面称为TransformToOrderXSLT, XSLT可以将新的FanOut Context(包含当前Order元素)转换Order服务请求消息(请参见38)。

    Following the Fan Out is an XSLT called TransformToOrder, which converts the new FanOutContext (containing the current Order element) into the request message for the Order service (see Figure 38).


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