• 什么使所有其他公司佼佼者

    Zing is what makes a company standout from all the rest.


  • 2000年,国家足球联盟(nfl)同意步(Reebok)成为球队队服的独家生产厂商,而将所有其他公司拒之门外。

    But in 2000 the National Football League (NFL) agreed to make Reebok the exclusive producer of its team-branded clothing, cutting out all other firms from the business.


  • 即使是股市泡沫破裂之后今天美国风险投资公司——它们从事的注未来的业务——也让所有其他国家公司相形见绌

    Even today, after the bursting of the stock-market bubble, American venture-capital firmswhich are in the business of betting on the future—dwarf the firms from all other nations.


  • 对于所有其他情况选择运行公司A提供服务

    For all other situations, the selector runs the service that Company a provides.


  • 对在所有地点上开发活动可见性控制一个挑战特别是其他公司不同时区团队合作时。

    Visibility into and control of the development activities at all sites can be challenging, especially when collaborating with other companies or with teams in different time zones.


  • 卖家抵押公司以及事务涉及所有其他也是如此

    So does the seller, the mortgage company, and all the other parties involved in the transaction.


  • 所有其他商标注册商标它们相应公司财产

    All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respective companies.


  • 还没有其他马来西亚公司这样全球性存在至少所有低效率公共部门中是如此。

    No other Malaysian company has such a global presence, least of all those in the inefficient public sector.


  • 但是无法所有轧钢厂提供足够多矿石其他国内供应商极为稀少,所以公司只能放眼海外弥补短缺

    But that does not provide enough ore for all of them, and other domestic supplies are scarce, so the firm has had to look overseas to make up the shortfall.


  • 公司此降低行动环境客户员工社区股东所有其他公共领域成员影响

    The corporation mitigates the impact of its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere.


  • 但是这项法案主要仰赖监管部门:他们负责监管各金融公司设定资本要求拆分破产机构还须达成共识,以及其他所有相关事宜。

    But this bill leans heavily on regulators: they watch the firms, set capital requirements, have to reach consensus before taking down a failing institution, and, well, everything else.


  • 实际上,航空业的降价其他行业的价格战没什么两样:所有参与降价公司都会经受损失

    But at bottom it was just like other price wars: all the companies involved got hurt.


  • 第四注册公司需要填写其他所有信息

    Step 4: All of the other pieces of information you'll need to fill in when registering a company.


  • 韩国要求所有国有公司2007年10月开始使用xbrl格式定期其他财务报表进行整理。

    All publicly held Korean firms have been required since October 2007 to electronically file their periodic and other financial reports in the XBRL format.


  • 也是其他上市公司所有例如猎头公司Novare斯德哥尔摩大酒店

    And it is the owner of other unlisted firms, such as Novare, a head hunter, and Stockholm's Grand Hotel.


  • 即使泡沫破灭时期其他所有技术公司争个头破血流的时候,Jim一直交付着令人满意的成果

    Even after the bubble burst and every other technology company took a blood-bath, Jim kept delivering results.


  • 但是由于缺少商场经验致使苹果公司实际上到了其他手中,而这些人并非所有认为好的影响力

    But his lack of business experience meant that the company was actually left in the hands of others - not all of whom felt he was a good influence.


  • 一些其他炼油公司说道他们不会认可所有,亦任何英国石油公司关于粘合管道等等决定

    Some other oil companies say that they would not have sanctioned all, or even any, of BP's decisions about cementing, pipes and so on.


  • 看到这种平板电脑人们表示苹果公司不仅当作阅读新闻图书其他材料方式推销而且把它作为一种公司所有内容进行收费的方法来销售。

    People who have seen the tablet say Apple will market it not just as a way to read news, books and other material, but also a way for companies to charge for all that content.


  • 这里提到其他商标产品公司名称可能其他所有财产

    Other logos or product and company names mentioned herein may be the property of their respective owners.


  • 如今阿海珐唯一一家提供核能循环所有步骤公司扩展到了美国英国中国其他国家

    Areva is now the only company to supply all stages of the nuclear-energy cycle, and it has expanded into America, Britain, China and elsewhere.


  • 制药公司这个价格,包括他们研究广告营销其他所有一切费用

    Drug companies build into that price the cost of their research, the advertising, the marketing and everything else thats associated with that.


  • 公司“少纳”大额税款,还遭遇了其他不幸一直有小道消息说所有可能明年易手。

    The firm has been hit with big tax bills and other misfortunes; persistent rumour has it that a change of ownership is likely next year.


  • 尽管可能位于地理上一个位置,可能世界其他某处一家公司所有世界其他地的个人所有

    Although it may be located in one geography, it may be owned by a corporation somewhere else in the world, or controlled by an individual somewhere else in the world.


  • 许多其他公司生产外包关闭所有工厂,将制造业务全部交由代工企业。

    A lot of other companies, when they outsourced, they closed their last factories and gave all the work to contract manufacturers.


  • 几乎所有公司表示它们相信奥运会促使中国世界其他国家进行更具建设性对话

    Almost all the companies said they believed that the Olympic Games would be a catalyst for more constructive dialogue between China and the rest of the world.


  • 几乎所有公司表示它们相信奥运会促使中国世界其他国家进行更具建设性对话

    Almost all the companies said they believed that the Olympic Games would be a catalyst for more constructive dialogue between China and the rest of the world.


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