• 苹果同意云上音乐服务所得收益70%交与唱片厂牌。

    Apple has agreed to give 70% of any revenue from its cloud music service to the record labels.


  • 合伙企业财产来源于合伙人出资合伙企业存续期间所得收益部分。

    The property of partnership firm comes from partners' investment and the profits gained from the period of firm existence.


  • 业主所得收益应当主要用于补充专项维修资金可以按照业主大会决定使用

    The proceeds obtained by that owner shall be mainly used to supplement the special maintenance fund, or be used according to the decision of the owners 'congress.


  • 掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益对象包括“犯罪所得“犯罪所得收益”两种。

    The object of the crime of shielding or concealing the illegal gain or the income of illegal gain includes the illegal gain and the income of illegal gain.


  • 环境不确定性经销商渠道关系所得收益渠道关系中分配水平程序水平控制明显影响

    Environmental uncertainty and the dealers' benefits obtaining from the channel relationship have significant influences on the control of the distribution level and the business process level.


  • 掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益行为方式包括窝藏转移收购代为销售以及其他方法

    The act of the crime of shielding or concealing the illegal gain or the income of illegal gain includes: concealing, transferring, purchasing, helping to sell and other methods.


  • 现职以前员工说,尽管这份杂志创办11年来一直是媒体集团摇钱树但它所得收益份额却较少。

    While the 11-year-old magazine had been a cash cow for the media group, it had received a smaller share of the revenues, according to current and former staffers.


  • 迈克尔单曲真实信念》来自于专辑《新秩序》,313发行所得收益全部捐给快乐慈善基金会。

    Michael's new single is a cover of the new Order song True Faith, which will be released on 13 March, with all proceeds going to Comic Relief.


  • DormRing1可以通过这些专门社交网络进行劳动分工所有最高级别的参与者会都会分享活动所得收益

    DormRing1 was able to use these exclusive social networks to create a division of labor in which all participants at the highest levels Shared in a percentage of profits from an operation.


  • 对于我们这些卖空作为炎炎夏日下时尚点缀投资者而言,一诱惑买进股本回报率高的股票,决定所得收益预定毛里求斯某个度假胜地旅行。

    For those of us who think of shorts as fashion accessories on a hot summer day, the temptation is to buy ROE and decide which resort in the Mauritius to book with the gains.


  • 环保局声称细则避免因大气污染有关的过早死亡,从而挽救一万三千人到三万四千人的生命。每年健康环保所得收益将在一千二百亿到两千八百亿美元之间

    The EPA claims that by 2014 CSAPR will prevent 13, 000-34, 000 pollution-related premature deaths, and yield between $120 billion and $280 billion in health and environmental benefits annually.


  • 随着石油收益下降人口的增加,个人平均所得开始下降

    With oil revenues falling and populations growing, per capita income began to decline.


  • 也就是说希腊制造一个小玩意,就有了这个刨除希腊工人生产力提高所得所有收益的33%成本增长

    That's a 33% increase in the cost of producing one gimcrack in Greece after you've deducted all the benefits of any increase in the productivity of Greek workers.


  • 反对记入此类所得担心这会导致收益质量的下降,可能公司高管找到条操纵收益途径

    Opponents of the practice of booking such gains worry that they erode earnings quality and possibly open a new way for executives to massage earnings.


  • 这家评级机构表示收益加入此类所得产生有违直觉误导性业绩认为核心可持续性收益

    The ratings firm said the inclusion of such gains in earnings' can produce counterintuitive and misleading results' and that it doesn't consider them 'to be core, sustainable earnings.'


  • 目前,如果将收红包现金存入银行,一年期的利率3%,虽然有收益但是并不是很多

    A little, but not much. Anyone depositing the contents of their red envelope for a year can now earn 3%.


  • 故事寓意大量研究结论一样,金钱在各处能够左右一些选举,但是遵从收益递减定律

    The moral of such stories, and the conclusion of a mountain of research, is that although money can sway the odd race here and there, it is generally subject to the law of diminishing returns.


  • 进一步节省来自减缓高收入人群增加收益提高所得相适应的最高薪水

    Further savings would come from slowing the rate at which benefits to upper-income earners grow and raising the maximum salary subject to the payroll tax.


  • 留存收益指的是,公司运营之初除去支付股东股息部分所得利润

    Retained earnings represent the total profits the company has earned since it began, minus whatever has been paid to shareholders as dividends.


  • 对于软件开发来说,收益通常来自软件产品销售所得

    For software development, the return is typically related to the sales or income derived from the software product.


  • 对于一些收入稍低家庭已经在这么做了,这些家庭一直在享有税务减免这个减免属于布朗担任首相推行的可怕而复杂收益所得一套体系

    This has already happened for lower-income families through tax credits, the gruesomely complicated system of benefits and negative taxation that Gordon Brown introduced when he was chancellor.


  • 收益分成的佃农农村里的短工通常黑人他们所得报酬收获的一小部分庄稼

    Sharecroppers were farmhands, usually black, who were literally paid with a small share of the crops.


  • 贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)首席财务萨姆•莫利纳罗(SamMolinaro)公司收益电话会议上这些所得真实交易另一面的确有人出现损失

    During his firm's earnings call, Sam Molinaro, Bear Stearns's chief financial officer, said 'the gains were real,' adding that 'there's someone on the other side of that trade who lost money.'


  • 外币兑换收益所得应及时入帐

    All profits on foreign exchange are duly accounted for.


  • 英语系国家更多的依赖所得即工资所得税,利润所得以及资本收益)。

    Anglo-Saxon economies tend to rely most on income taxes (on wages, profits and capital gains).


  • 其他方法掩饰隐瞒犯罪违法所得及其收益性质来源

    covering up or concealing by any other means the nature or source of the illegally obtained proceeds and the gains derived therfrom.


  • 根据刑法第191条规定,洗钱罪的本质特征在于它掩饰隐瞒特定犯罪违法所得及其产生的收益的行为。

    According to the Article 191of Criminal Law, the characteristic of money-laundering is to cover up or conceal proceeds and gains illegally obtained from certain crimes.


  • 根据刑法第191条规定,洗钱罪的本质特征在于它掩饰隐瞒特定犯罪违法所得及其产生的收益的行为。

    According to the Article 191of Criminal Law, the characteristic of money-laundering is to cover up or conceal proceeds and gains illegally obtained from certain crimes.


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