• 留下深刻印象一定累坏了,所以终于让步时,他就筋疲力尽了。

    He must have been so exhausted from impressing her that when she finally gave in, he gave out.


  • 暮色”,是因为我们傍晚时分外出漫步的,所以一点印象尤为深刻

    I say "the evening light," because in the evening we wander out, and so that aspect is impressed on my mind.


  • 芬奇佛罗里达州米特训练营表现令人惊喜,经理对他印象深刻所以特邀参加了正式的训练

    Finch showed up at the Mets camp in Florida, and so impressed their manager that he was invited to attend training camp.


  • 所以这些如此正面研究结果,而且非常安全,真是一个令人印象深刻成就

    So, that these results were so positive for something that's very safe is an impressive accomplishment.


  • 所以善于及时发现别人是否穿新的令人印象深刻的衣服,要记住:“穿衬衣!”

    So be sure to be quick at finding out if anybody is wearing anything new or impressive and remember to say, “You look awfully smart in this new shirt!


  • 所以下次试试看,去喝咖啡招待员随便玩笑逗弄他们本性,让他们对印象深刻

    So next time you are ordering coffee, give the person taking your order a very hard time by cracking some random joke and teasing the hell out of them.


  • 这个农场之所以第一印象深刻,全因为公司供应链更偏远,周围也没有熏制仓库

    This community struck me as more isolated from the company supply chain than the first one we had visited, without curing barns or storage facilities located nearby.


  • 所以觉得印象深刻是因为美国处理伊拉克事务方式实际上不仅国家重建而且进行庞大的社会改造。

    It struck me that because of the way we handled things in Iraq, the United States was taking on not just nation building but also a very large social-engineering project.


  • 试验结果所以令人印象深刻是因为许多不孕女性来说,自己通过体外受精怀孕的“最后机会”——这些女性典型状况是39岁,过两次失败的体外受精周期

    The results were particularly impressive because many of the women were on their 'last chance' at IVFtypically aged 39 with two failed IVF cycles behind them.


  • 这些镜头所以如此令人印象深刻是因为他们并不成为经典”,摄影师Art Streiber,他负责拍摄照片中的两个镜头。

    “What makes these scenes so impressive is that they don’t last long in the movies, but they have become classic,” says photographer Art Streiber, who shot two of the portfolio pictures.


  • 又说说唱音乐以后,“那些禁忌已经消除所以来说,Gaga的行为给我留下了深刻印象那么容易声名狼藉。”

    Since rap music, he adds, "those taboos have been removed and that, to me, makes her that much more impressive. She doesn't have that easy ticket to notoriety."


  • 而且因为Python效率收益过去Neo留下深刻印象所以是否可以Python编写代码使用DB 2JDBC驱动程序

    However as Neo has been impressed by Python's productivity gain before, he wondered if he could write code in Python to use DB2 JDBC driver.


  • Illustrator制作专业图表给人留下深刻印象所以快来学习这个教程学会如何使用制图工具吧。

    Create professional charts in Illustrator that will impress: learn how in this tutorial that utilizes the Pie Graph Tool.


  • 媒体想要人们认为他们知道他们谈论是什么所以如果让人对于你的大声强硬或者不受约束这些方面印象深刻的话,他们会试你听起来是个大嘴巴。

    The press wants people to think that they know what they're talking about, so if you come across as loud, tough or independent, they try and make you sound as if you're a loud-mouth jerk.


  • 正如所说的那样,就一直没有长期运行所以最新业绩,到目前为止,我非常深刻印象,她已经超过了期望

    As I said she has not beem running long so I will keep you updated with her performance, so far I am very impressed and she has exceeded my expectations!


  • 辛勤劳动以及改变刻板印象所做出的努力也许未来造成深刻影响所以不要失去希望

    Your hard work and effort to change the stereotypes of a field may have a profound effect on the future, so don't lose hope!


  • 第一印象非常重要,所以假如天性内向害羞,你必须打破桎梏,那样才能给别人留下深刻印象

    First impressions are everything, so if you're shy by nature, you need to break out of your shell if you're trying to impress someone.


  • 所以一部分让人印象深刻,考官应该至少6并且非常严肃考虑7分。

    I was impressed with this and would score it at least a 6 and would seriously be considering a 7 here.


  • 知道要给人留下深刻印象天你不会碰到很多很多人,所以还是收起你那些时髦的珠宝首饰你那条鳄梨绿色的紧身裤吧。

    Yes, I know you want to be memorable, but save thefunky jewelry and avocado-green tights for a day when you aren't meeting dozens of newpeople.


  • 可能是因为头上头巾十分特色所以大家对此印象深刻

    Perhaps it is because the sight of a head wrapped in a turban is so characteristic that it leaves everyone with such a deep impression.


  • 鉴于之前他们对村长钱云进行了大量长篇累牍报道所以大多数中文媒体所表示出的沉默让人印象深刻

    The silence of most Chinese media was striking given their extensive coverage of the aftermath of the death of the village leader, Qian Yunhui.


  • 史密斯先生倒是工作因为能力给他留下深刻印象但是,因为我没有经验所以只得把我排除在外。

    Mr Smith said that he would like to offer me the job because he was impressed by my abilities, but he ruled me out of court because I lacked experience.


  • 张涛:很早前国际品牌酒店也工作过,所以两者印象应该还比较深刻

    Zhang Tao: Once upon a time, I used to work for international hotels. They gave me a deep impression.


  • 直到1985年中国队首次参与国际数学奥林匹克竞赛,所以创下的记录是令人印象深刻:中国队几乎赢了三分之二参加过的比赛。

    China has been participating since only 1985, which makes its record all the more impressive: it has won almost two-thirds of the Olympiads it has competed in.


  • 喜欢家人一起事情因为这样可以充分沟通,还可以整件事情很圆满地解决,所以我与家人所一件事,留下深刻印象

    I like to do things with my family, because we can fully communicate with each other and get the things done perfectly. All the things I did with my family left me a deep impression.


  • 父亲可能没有意识到现在多少有助于享受烧烤乐趣的好工具所以,送给这种适合公园烤架留给他深刻印象。 。

    Your dad may not realize just how many useful tools exist now to help make the grilling experience that much better, so providing him with this Park-Style Charcoal Grill will impress him.


  • 看来已经过去几个月留下深刻印象多个重要人物所以任务捉住一个重要位置应该不会困难

    It seems you've ALREADY impressed one or more VIPs over the past months, so your task to nab an important new position should not be too difficult to do.


  • 行星天蝎座帮助所以有机会这个新月不久看到结果令人印象深刻镜子

    Planets in Scorpio will help you move mountains now, so take the opportunity at this new moon, and before long you'll see impressive results in the mirror.


  • 基础化学实验的影响不仅学术领域而且日常事务所以令人印象深刻当然我。

    Basic Chemical Experiment influenced me not only on academic field but also on daily affairs, therefore it's the most impressing course to me.


  • 基础化学实验的影响不仅学术领域而且日常事务所以令人印象深刻当然我。

    Basic Chemical Experiment influenced me not only on academic field but also on daily affairs, therefore it's the most impressing course to me.


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