• 戴维斯加州大学研究癫痫PhilipSchwartzkroin博士,认为一新发现具有显著意义。

    Philip Schwartzkroin, PhD, of the University of California at Davis, who studies epileptic seizures and was unaffiliated with the study, said this new finding could be of considerable significance.


  • 美国农业部加州大学戴维斯分校菲利普·马丁研究机械化趋势预测美国农场的发展状况

    Department of Agriculture, and Philip Martin at the University of California, Davis, have studied trends in mechanization to predict how US farms might fare.


  • 就是最近加州大学戴维斯分校的乔纳森·埃辛及其同事所提出问题

    That is the question asked recently by Jonathan Eisen of the University of California, Davis, and his colleagues.


  • 认为自己幸运”,戴维斯先生1971年——2002年加州大学劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室工作

    "I considered myself very fortunate," said Mr. Davis, who worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory at the University of California from 1971 to 2002.


  • 罗奈尔德博士来自加州大学戴维斯分校,15年来,她致力于水稻分离抗洪基因

    Dr Ronald, of the University of California, Davis, has been working for the last 15 years to isolate the gene for flood tolerance in rice.


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校弗兰克·米特洛纳(FrankMitloehner)遏制肉食生产消费天气造成的有利影响人们宣称

    But curbing meat production and consumption would be less beneficial for the climate than has been claimed, said Frank Mitloehner from the University of California at Davis (UCD).


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校环境科学政策教授黑斯廷斯世界上利用数学模型(方程组)理解自然系统顶级专家之一

    Hastings, a professor in the UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy, is one of the world's top experts in using mathematical models (sets of equations) to understand natural systems.


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校这项新的研究美国国家科学基金会先进生物理论计划资助的。

    The new UC Davis study was supported by the Advancing Theory in Biology program at the U.S. National Science Foundation.


  • 年前开始这项研究,加州大学戴维斯分校名科学家担任实验室导师。

    She began her research four years ago. A scientist at the University of California, Davis, taught her how to design and do experimental work in the laboratory.


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校通过进一步研究很快又生产出若干比较成功结合体旨在研究畜牧怀孕关键过程

    Further research at the University of California, Davis, soon produced several more successful chimeras, for the purpose of studying vital processes in livestock pregnancies.


  • 刚才听到加州大学戴维斯分校研究员萨曼塔·普莱斯的讲话。

    You're listening to Samantha Price, a researcher at the University of California, Davis.


  • 盖尔先生对以法国蒙彼利埃国家第一农学院美国加州大学戴维斯分校收集档案材料基础故事带来了新的见解

    He brings fresh insights to the tale based on material from the archives of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie in Montpellier and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis).


  • 也许生命需要熵上升这些地方因为我们需要时光存在,”加州大学戴维斯分校阿尔·布雷特

    "Perhaps life clings to these patches where entropy is going up, since we need the arrow of time to exist," UC Davis's Albrecht said.


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校教授弗兰克·米特·罗纳质疑报告指出计算有误。

    University of California, Davis Professor Frank Mitloehner, challenged the report pointing to flawed calculations.


  • 来自加州大学戴维斯分校研究者们29,662数据进行了分析,这些数据来自于国家酒精依赖相关特征的流行病学调查

    Researchers from UC Davis looked at data on 29,662 people from the the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions.


  • 这项研究是加州大学戴维斯中心的学者汤亚·雅各布牵头并网上的《心理神经内分泌学期刊发表不久的将来即将有印刷版大家见面。

    The study, with UC Davis postdoctoral scholar Tonya Jacobs as lead author, was published online in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology and will soon appear in print.


  • 这些东西的没有被正式命名,”加州大学戴维斯分校生物工程学家特·里奇(KentLeach)正在使用这些干细胞治疗比赛用马的骨囊肿

    "These things have gone through the ringer in choosing a name," says biomechanical engineer Kent Leach of UC Davis, who has used whatever-they-are to treat bone cysts in racehorses.


  • 加州大学戴维斯大学研究人员新的研究表明了名人是否赞助企业影响问题底线

    The University of California, Davis, researchers said the new study speaks to the question of whether celebrity sponsorship has an impact on a firm's bottom line.


  • 加州大学营养学家戴维斯·丹妮·希森另一个要点——不要仅仅吃掉水果个别部分来满足营养需求,要吃掉整个水果。

    Another key, [University of California, Davis, nutritionist Dianne] Hyson says, is eating the whole fruit, rather than looking for individual components in supplements.


  • 医学物理学家JerroldBushberg加州大学戴维斯分校辐射问题专家

    Medical physicist Jerrold Bushberg is a radiation expert at the University of California, Davis.


  • 整个排毒净化理念根本就是无稽之谈。”加州大学戴维斯分校营养学系高级讲师伊丽莎白艾伯盖特接受《石板杂志采访时表示。

    "The whole cleansing concept is silly," Elizabeth Applegate, a senior lecturer in the nutrition department at the University of California, Davis, told Slate magazine.


  • 美国加州大学戴维斯分校的社会人类学家马康纳认为旅游现代现象

    Mr Nean MacCannell, a socio-anthropologist at UC Davis, regards tourism as a modern phenomenon.


  • 这里水生生物学水产中心创建网站中心位于加州大学戴维斯分析

    This is the website maintained by Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture in the University of California at Davis.


  • 加州大学戴维斯分校这项新的研究美国国家科学基金会先进生物理论计划资助的。

    The new UC Davis study was supported by the Advancing Theory in Biology program at the U. S. National Science Foundation.


  • 他是加州大学戴维斯分校生态学博士科罗拉多州立大学草原学硕士,米德尔伯学院的地理学学士。

    D. in Ecology from the University of California at Davis, an M. S. in Range Science from Colorado State University and a B.


  • 他是加州大学戴维斯分校生态学博士科罗拉多州立大学草原学硕士,米德尔伯学院的地理学学士。

    D. in Ecology from the University of California at Davis, an M. S. in Range Science from Colorado State University and a B.


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