• 一生巴黎装饰博物馆馆长戴思德兰里斯誉为“本世纪伟大服装创造家”。

    ISSEY MIYAKE was honored as "the greatest fashion creator" by the president of the Musée des Arts décoratifs of Paris.


  • 1957年,动物行为学家戴思蒙·莫里斯曾经伦敦当代艺术馆组织黑猩猩艺术作品展览,展品中包括刚果画作

    In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts.


  • 1957年,动物行为学家戴思蒙·莫里斯曾经伦敦当代艺术馆组织黑猩猩艺术作品展览,展品中包括刚果的画作。

    In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London "s Institute of Contemporary Arts."


  • 等到教授一天穿过院子来到玉面前,每天厚厚是什么书时,已经以后的事情了。

    It had taken two years for Professor Dai to cross the courtyard and ask Siyu about the thick volume that she had been reading every day.


  • 希望教授老年成为一个现在她的希望实现了,这在她并不丰足人生中得到的意想不到的礼物

    Siyu had wished to be a companion for Professor Dai in her old age, and her wish would now be granted, an unexpected gift from a stingy life.


  • 玉想自己无权感到被鄙视,然而教授没有自己的情况告诉感到失望。

    She had no right to feel let down, Siyu thought. Nevertheless, it disappointed her that Professor Dai had not told him much about her.


  • 教授打来电话见面时,可能是对那个英俊单身汉表现出来兴趣教授留下了假象,所以让教授做起了媒人

    When Professor Dai called and asked her to meet Hanfeng, Siyu wondered if the matchmaking had come as a result of a beguiling impression she had left of her interest in a good-looking bachelor.


  • 玉问起墙上照片时,教授指着瀚峰照片,告诉她弹钢琴自己儿子

    Her son was the one who played the piano, Professor Dai answered when Siyu asked, and pointed out the pictures of Hanfeng.


  • 那时她们吃完年夜饭,她教授餐桌着,可以看到窗帘竹叶外面焰火照亮

    They had just finished dinner, and, sitting across the table from Professor Dai, Siyu could see the prints of bamboo leaves on the curtain lit up by the fireworks outside.


  • 现在玉知道了,不结婚原来是为了教授;也是因为教授的关爱,她变成一个结了婚女人

    She had remained unmarried for Professor Dai, Siyu thought now, and she would, with her blessing, become a married woman.


  • 从来没有提起过这些年来相亲时遇到的那些陌生人,但是有一年除夕教授告诉玉,假如不想结婚,就不因该去结。

    Siyu had never mentioned the strangers she had been matched up with over the years, but, one New Year’s Eve, Professor Dai had told Siyu that she shouldn’t get married if it was not what she wanted.


  • 初次见到那些照片已经十八岁了当时推选班级代表,给教授新年礼物

    Siyu had been eighteen when she first saw those photographs, when she was sent as a representative from her class to deliver a New Year’s present to Professor Dai.


  • 教授,“我们就不要见外了。”玉尽快搬进来住,不要再浪费租房

    We don’t need any formality among us, ” Professor Dai said now, and told Siyu that she should move in at her earliest convenience instead of wasting money on rent.


  • 了看门廊知道教授钢琴房间改成第三间卧室,钢琴会搬到客厅里。

    Siyu looked down the hallway, knowing that the room that served as a piano studio for Professor Dai would be converted into the third bedroom, the piano relocated to the living room.


  • 教授屋里,把餐桌上的材料挪登上,坐下,然后走进厨房泡茶

    Professor Dai had invited Siyu into the flat, moved the papers that covered the dining table onto the piano bench, and let Siyu sit while she went to the kitchen to make tea.


  • 安斯太太转向虽然微笑着,可眼中流露出念之情。,“感到高兴的。”

    But it seemed I wasn't the only one with such fancies.mrs.ainsworth turned to me and though she was smiling her eyes were wistful9. "Debbie would be pleased," she said.


  • 上面罩手套样子滑稽为什么保护眼罩?。

    Katherine:You look ridiculous in that mask and gloves and why are you wearing protective glasses?


  • 博物馆馆长以前木帆船来自广东邻省福建省樟木松木制造的。

    Once junks were made from camphor wood and pine from next-door Fujian Province, said Mr. Davies, the former museum director.


  • 然后,文章以莫立·森克为讨论作者专题研究方案的设计。

    Then it USES a Maurice Sendak study as an example to discuss how to design an author study.


  • 然后,文章以莫立·森克为讨论作者专题研究方案的设计。

    Then it USES a Maurice Sendak study as an example to discuss how to design an author study.


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