• 那场战争之后恢复了韦尔斯利学院的任职。

    After the war he resumed his duties at Wellesley College.


  • 南北面的墙壁上充斥战前语录战争期间士兵们日记笔记以及战争之后复苏

    The North and South walls are filled with quotations from people before the war, journals and notebooks of soldiers during the war, and then recovery after the war.


  • 这些钱币很可能北方银行家其他商人,要运到奥良帮助这个南方城市南北战争之后重建使用

    It is 3 likely that 4 bankers and other business people in the North had shipped the COINS to New Orleans to help the southern city rebuild after the Civil War.


  • 中越两2008年最终划定边界,在中越边境战争之后20世纪90年代,两国关系才开始正常化。

    The border between the two nations was only finally demarcated at the very end of 2008, while relations were only normalised in the 1990s after the 1979 border war.


  • 越南战争之后日本钢铁公司出售了大量的质量成本钢材几乎取代美国所有的钢铁厂所能提供钢材。

    After the Vietnam War, Japan's steel companies sold so much high quality, low priced steel, that it pretty much displaced most of the steel mills in the United States in providing steel in the u.


  • 1960年,毁灭性战争之后千疮百孔韩国是当时世界上最为贫穷国家之一人均收入等同于非洲部分最为贫穷的地方。

    In 1960, in the aftermath of a devastating war, the exhausted south was one of the poorest countries in the world, with an income per head on a par with the poorest parts of Africa.


  • 只有经过几次代价昂贵战争之后埃及后来的巴解组织得出这样的结论:既然以色列不能消灭他们最好能达成协议

    And this came to pass. Only after several costly wars did Egypt and later the PLO conclude that, since Israel could not be vanquished, they had better cut a deal.


  • 当然慈善已经存在相当长一段时间了。那场战争之后我们变得富裕了许多而且我们对世界上问题以及它们我们影响也有了更好的理解。

    Of course, charity has existed for a very long time, but since the war, we have become a lot wealthier, and we have a much better understanding of the world's problems and how they impact us.


  • 中世纪时,盔甲飘扬的旗帜再到坚定浴血一战军容,对于战争狂热渲染着中世纪的历史。而每场战争之后无一不都充斥着恐惧疲惫厌倦

    But enthusiasm for war, from buckling on armour to rippling standards to determined sightseeing, colours the medieval Chronicles, as does the fear, weariness and boredom that set in afterwards.


  • 卡比拉先生2001年其父去世接受就职上任,父亲,Laurent-Désiré,在年前地区性战争之后掌权,而在那次战争,造成百万死亡

    Mr Kabila took office in 2001 after the death of his father, Laurent-Désiré, who had won power four years earlier during a regional war that cost millions of lives.


  • 土地是一大区域一部分,这片区域1784年英国人交给他们来自约克郡(New York)地区的印第安盟友的,这些部落成员美国独立战争之后到了加拿大

    The land is part of a much larger tract given by the British to their Indian allies from New York in 1784 when members of the tribes fled to Canada after the American war of independence.


  • 那场战争一生重大的之后没有什么使她感到满足过。

    The war was the biggest thing in her life and nothing after that quite fulfilled her.


  • 他们知道一旦宪法起草签署最大的战争全国代表大会之后发生

    They knew that the greatest battles would take place after the convention, once the Constitution had already been drafted and signed.


  • 美国越南饱受创伤之后,花了几十年教科书删去了“战争概念,但美国的军官困难教训

    Decades after expunging the idea of "small wars" from their textbooks after the trauma of Vietnam, American officers are relearning the lessons the hard way.


  • 不过这个预算没有假定明年之后伊拉克阿富汗战争追加经费,同时也使许多布什实行创记录减税项目期满作废

    But it assumes no additional spending for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after next year and allows many of the President's record tax cuts to expire.


  • 本杂志公开了联军最高指挥官斯坦利迈克切尔斯特将军采访中对战争美国文官领导不满之后遭到解职

    General Stanley McChrystal was sacked as commander of coalition forces after a magazine published an interview in which he disparaged the handling of the war by America's civilian leadership.


  • 以叙之间和平谈判2000年破裂之后叙利亚警告说,以色列拒绝交还战略要地戈兰高地的举动可能导致战争

    Peace talks between the two countries collapsed in 2000, and, since then, Syria has warned that Israel's refusal to return the strategic Golan Heights could lead to war.


  • 起初是糟糕战争之后是糟糕的审判现在是糟糕的死刑伊拉克人顽固地拒绝美国征服者设定的道路。

    A botched war, a botched trial and now a botched execution: Iraq obstinately refuses to behave in accordance with the script its American conquerors have written for it.


  • 自此之后包括艰难战争岁月莎士比亚更多著作陆续翻译成中文

    Many more translations followed, including during the difficult war years, as Chinese readers were attracted to Shakespeare and his works for his humanism and idealism.


  • 例如加沙人们最近战争(2008- 2009年)之后前来开展应急项目直接救治本地人从而削弱本地服务

    For example, in Gaza, people came in on emergency projects after the recent war (2008-9) working directly with local people and undermining the local services.


  • 这种盲目愤怒”的文明无知不觉停留在了“坠落无论如何也无法阻止的坠落,似乎从此不再未来,不再有和平了,即便战争结束之后。”

    Theblind rage” that our civilizations unknowingly harboredhurls down . . . whatever bars its way, as though there were to be no future and no peace after it is over.”


  • 之后战争中,Butler致力于支持黑人民权对于反叛军支持者毫不留情,南方大部地区恨之入骨,还给绰号叫兽性屠夫。

    During the rest of the war, Butler's support for black civil rights - and harsh treatment of rebel sympathizers - made him hated throughout most of the South, where he won the nickname Beast Butler.


  • 他们的婚姻熬过了两伊战争并且两个孩子,直到10年前Nafisi接到约翰·霍金·普斯大学的研究员邀请之后才告终结。

    They stick it out through the Iran-Iraq war and the birth of two children, leaving for good a decade ago when Ms Nafisi received a fellowship from Johns Hopkins University.


  • 美国独立战争期间理查德J .盖特发明武器之后西战争中得到使用,但是,后来被先进的武器所取代

    It was invented by Richard J. Gatling during the American Civil War, and later used in the Spanish-American War, but was supplanted by advanced weaponry soon after.


  • 因俄罗斯格鲁吉亚之间战争,两关系降至苏联解体后的冰点,这项协议的签署反映了两国俄格战争结束之后努力重修旧“好”。

    The progress reflected an effort to re-establish ties a year after Russia’s war with Georgia left the relationship more strained than at any time since the fall of the Soviet Union.


  • 因俄罗斯格鲁吉亚之间战争,两关系降至苏联解体后的冰点,这项协议的签署反映了两国俄格战争结束之后努力重修旧“好”。

    The progress reflected an effort to re-establish ties a year after Russia’s war with Georgia left the relationship more strained than at any time since the fall of the Soviet Union.


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