• 预期计划总罢工期间有麻烦,在菲律宾军队处于完全戒备状态

    Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike.


  • 班加罗尔孟买附近印度马德拉斯已经进入戒备状态

    Bangalore, and southern Indian's Madras near Mumbai, have also been put on alert.


  • 尽管没有针对使馆人员的具体威胁他们处在高度戒备状态

    He said embassy staff were still in a heightened state of alert but there were no specific threats against any staff members.


  • 好比一个战士处于战场中时刻需要保持高度戒备状态一样

    This is like a soldier in the battlefield, always the same need to maintain a high state of alert.


  • 保罗儆醒祷告,他把祷告比喻为执行防卫职责保持戒备状态

    Pray and be watchful, says Paul, using the imagery of guard duty and keeping alert.


  • 旅游胜地巴厘岛发生这起爆炸事件后,目前全国都处于高度戒备状态

    The nation is on high alert after blasts hit top tourist spots in the island of Bali.


  • 就使鸟儿处在戒备状态,开始保护它们领地而不是坐在它们的蛋上。

    It puts the birds on the defensive and while they are defending their territory, they are not sat on their eggs.


  • 除了做不家务外,大大小小的家庭风波她们时刻处于戒备状态

    The never-ending housework and the persistent family conflicts will put them on the alert at all times.


  • 八万名士兵40万名警察准军事人员已经处于戒备状态,准备选举提供安全保障

    More than 80, 000 soldiers and nearly 400, 000 police and paramilitary forces are on alert to provide security for the polls.


  • 八万多名士兵40万名警察准军事人员已经处于戒备状态,准备选举提供安全保障

    More than 80,000 soldiers and nearly 400,000 police and paramilitary forces are on alert to provide security for the polls.


  • 荷兰鹿特丹附近化工厂着火,发散浓厚烟雾南部地区因此进入最高戒备状态

    Southern areas of the Netherlands are on the top state of alert after a blaze at a chemical plant near Rotterdam sent out a thick plume of smoke.


  • 同时空军已下令包括拉哈尔、萨戈达在内的所有前沿基地进入戒备状态减少反应时间

    The Pakistani air forces meanwhile put Lahore, Sargodha and other forward bases on alert to reduce reaction time.


  • 医院立马进入戒备状态——因为致命爆炸随时都会发生,在顷刻间杀死周围32英尺所有人。

    Immediately the hospital was put on alert - because the deadly explosive could go off at any moment and kill everyone within 32ft.


  • 位于巴基斯坦西北部开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省白沙瓦郊区的沃尔瑟格大坝水位不断上升,大坝附近居民处于戒备状态

    Residents living near Warsak Dam on the outskirts of Peshawar in northwestern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province were put on alert as water levels rose.


  • 指责杰克危及伊丽莎白安全之后,杰克恳请帕默保持警卫处于高度戒备状态因为其它2名杀手未被捕。

    After Palmer accuses him of endangering Elizabeth Nash, Jack begs the candidate to keep his security at high alert because two other suspects are still at large.


  • 这次军事演习引发邻国黎巴嫩叙利亚担忧,他们担心以色列可能计划发动袭击。这些国家已经自己武装部队进入戒备状态

    The drill has raised fears in neighboring Lebanon and Syria that Israel might be planning an attack, and those countries have raised the level of alert in their armed forces.


  • 正常情况下人们一般愿意选择避免刺激但是他们进入戒备状态做好了充分心理准备,体验恐惧在体验快乐

    Under normal circumstances people generally prefer to avoid stimulation, but when they enter a state of alert, well prepared, when the experience of fear is also a happy experience.


  • 怎样产生的:目前世界上超过23000种的核武器其中有8000种已在使用中,还有2000种处于高度戒备状态随时准备发射。

    How it could happen: There are currently more than 23, 000 nuclear weapons in the world, of which 8, 000 are currently operational and 2, 000 are on high alert and ready to launch on short notice.


  • 今天欧洲央行行长特里谢(特里谢)阿姆斯特丹讲话表示政策委员会成员处于高度戒备状态,这表明他们打算下周提高利率

    Today, ECB President Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet) said in a speech of Amsterdam, Policy Committee members are in a State of high alert, suggesting that they intend to raise interest rates next week.


  • 已经证明对付戒备状态黑客技术英勇神武不到分钟时间内获取现金,而这仅仅是脚本诀窍一些简单工具还有Google搜索

    He has demonstrated his hacking prowess at events like DefCon, coaxing ATMs into spitting out wads of cash in less than a minute using scripting know-how, a few simple tools, and some Googling.


  • 已经证明对付戒备状态黑客技术英勇神武不到分钟时间内获取现金,而这仅仅是脚本诀窍一些简单工具还有Google搜索

    He has demonstrated his hacking prowess at events like DefCon, coaxing ATMs into spitting out wads of cash in less than a minute using scripting know-how, a few simple tools, and some Googling.


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