• 一首热门歌曲1962年发行迷你专辑上的《的所有朋友》。

    Her next hit was "Tous mes copains ", issued on EP in 1962.


  • 推荐这种迷你刷头的睫毛膏

    I recommend this mini-brush mascara to you.


  • 多么迷你小狗啊又咯咯地笑孩子后边着呢。

    When I told her it is a miniature dog, she giggled and said the children are hidden behind the trees.


  • 大部分同事觉得团队中的两个成员结成对每天结束时进行迷你回顾”很有帮助

    Most of my colleagues and I have found it helps for each pair on the team to have a "mini-retrospective" at the end of each day.


  • 觉得提姆许多非常棒的想法比如迷你退休、极简的日常生活等等

    I think Tim has some great ideas, like mini retirements, following a low information diet, etc.


  • 克拉荷马是的充满阳光周六下午朋友、一位自豪父亲博比·刘易斯带着两个男孩迷你高尔夫

    It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf.


  • 在这个迷你马拉松里,匀速跑步,将这些有创造性东西放入脑袋

    It is a mini marathon where I run evenly and ponder these cool and creative things in my head.


  • 60的时候自己了一迷你作为礼物。

    I had treated myself to a Mini as a 60th birthday present.


  • 感觉自己看到穿着高跟鞋子,红色迷你短裙还有件印有大大的红色吻唇图案的黑色T恤。

    I thought I saw her wearing high heels, a short red miniskirt and a black T-shirt with a large red kiss print.


  • 在看迷你电视机然后开始大笑了一些关于利斯·乔治的事儿。

    J: Watching my little TV, and I started laughing and I said something about that Phyllis George.


  • 是说有个女孩穿毛皮迷你高跟长统来上班。

    I mean, one girl showed up wearing a fur miniskirt and high-heeled boots.


  • 这项发明灵感来源于德兰妻子,”尼撒迷你蹦床作为礼物大约一周后,了。

    Delaney's wife is the origin of his idea: "Nyssa asked me to get her a mini trampoline as a gift. After about a week of using it, she said it was getting boring.


  • 最近两个月里一直试验性项目,写一本“目标的生活”这本迷你第一个希望实现的项目。

    For the last two months, I've been working on a mini book project I'm tentatively calling Life on purpose-my first of hopefully many more to come.


  • 所以了个已经跑了年的二手车先开着,而与此同时逐渐够了买迷你酷派的钱最终替换掉了旧车。

    I bought a five-year-old used car, and have been very happy with it. Meanwhile, I’m slowly saving for an eventual replacement Mini.


  • 制作把“迷你古筝乐器制造商贤三说:“把古筝的声音和普通古筝还是有些差别的,不过期待看见太空中弹奏它。”

    The sound is quite different from that of an authentic one, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing her play the koto in space, said instrument maker Kenzo Ogawa, who produced the mini harp.


  • 制作把“迷你古筝乐器制造商贤三说:“这把古筝的声音和普通的古筝还是有些差别的,不过期待看见太空中弹奏它。”

    "The sound is quite different from that of an authentic one, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing her play the koto in space," said instrument maker Kenzo Ogawa, who produced the mini harp.


  • 看来配价格为$299迷你10就像数字化瑞士军刀,有着多样化功能时刻在线,保持生产力享有好心情(并有着足够的娱乐性能)。

    Starting at $299, I think of the Mini 10 as a digital Swiss army knife, with multiple functions, keeping me connected, productive, and entertained.


  • 个人而言介意穿这件迷你裙。

    As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind that you wear this mini-skirt.


  • 迷你里面两个小时消防队员切断车顶汽车后部试图最好办法出来

    I was trapped in the Mini for two hours as firefighters cut off the roof and the back of the car, trying to establish the best way to pull me out.


  • 听过他们被叫作迷你风投”微风投”。

    I've also heard them called "Mini-VCs" and "Micro-VCs."


  • 开车回家的路上,下车窗打开迷你小天窗,起了八十年代的合成音乐。 想起那时克丽丝刚起步的情景。

    As I drive home — windows down, the Mini’s sunroof open, listening to 80s synthpop — I thought about what it was like when Kris and I were starting out.


  • 位20多岁的姑娘穿着牛仔迷你一位西装革履手提公文包头发花白男人定期情侣晚餐。看到这种情形,当时就餐的人是怎么的,只能是想象了。

    I can only imagine what they thought at the time, seeing a twentysomething girl in a denim mini-skirt coming in regularly for intimate dinners with a grey-haired suited man carrying a briefcase.


  • 女友迷你雪瑞发现动物出去散散步可以让自己冷静下来。 它们永远只有当下,研究证明在身旁养一只猫或狗可以放松自己。

    My girlfriend has a miniature schnauzer and I’ve found that hanging out with animals really calms me down.


  • 迷你瀑布概念一个好的开始最后发现,您上面描述步骤之间来回迭代

    the concept of "mini-waterfalls" is a good beginning, but in the end you'll discover that you'll iterate back and forth between the steps that I've described above.


  • 朋友van为了撒哈拉沙漠前观看日出,早上4点出发来攀登这些沙子形成的迷你山的时候,才意识这个问题。

    I found this to be true when my friend van and I set out at 4 a.m. to climb a mini-mountain of sand to watch the sun rise over the Sahara Desert.


  • 问过一些夫妻他们到底在什么得到答案五花八门:家庭装修跑车迷你如何打包黄酱还是奇妙酱 (MiracleWhip)。

    I've been asking couples what they argue about and have heard about plenty of fights over home renovations, plus sports cars, mini-skirts, how to a pack and whether to buy mayonnaise or Miracle Whip.


  • 那个项目中,享有很大的自由度,所以启动一个迷你项目,这个小项目是服务于当时的手头的Amoeba项目的。

    I had a large degree of freedom on that project to start my own mini project within the scope of what we were doing.


  • 博文将要关于ASP.NETMVC3Beta功能详细描述的“迷你帖子”系列中的第一篇。

    This post is the first of several “mini-postsI’m going to do that talk about a few of the new ASP.NET MVC 3 Beta features in more detail.


  • 博文将要关于ASP.NETMVC3Beta功能详细描述的“迷你帖子”系列中的第一篇。

    This post is the first of several “mini-postsI’m going to do that talk about a few of the new ASP.NET MVC 3 Beta features in more detail.


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