• 2013年4月24日这一天记忆里鲜活依旧

    April 24, 2013, still remains fresh in my memory.


  • 记忆最深刻的部分,当然这些东西。

    My adolescence was the darkest but the most profound period in my memory. Of course I would integrate this into my painting.


  • 过雨空气疲倦了伤心记忆里的童话已经慢慢融化

    20 rain over the air, tired of the sad, my memory of the fairy tale has been slowly melting.


  • 越是如此记忆过节具有不可磨灭魅力使不断地回忆怀念

    The more so, my memories of the more festive with indelible charisma, so I kept memories and nostalgia.


  • 可能缘于工作失误或是神经紧张,记忆Ben汉普顿小屋干的最长的雇员

    Kind to a fault and intellectually keen, Ben was the longest-serving Hampton House employee in living memory.


  • 记忆,安妮·曼斯菲尔德·沙利文老师一生重要的日子。

    The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me.


  • 这位老先生说:1941年的新年除夕但是记忆好像昨天发生的事一样。

    It was New Year's eve in 1941, but I still remember it like it was yesterday.


  • 顺着视线,环绕大广场四周风格不同又不乏和谐金色建筑,雕像金色成了记忆里最深刻两个元素。

    Looking around, I was circled by four golden palaces, different styles but matching well with one another. At this moment, gold and statues were dipped into the dept of my heart.


  • 约翰已无法重回少年时代,记忆里们俩笑着一对

    John and I were hardly teenagers. But my memory of us is that we were a couple who laughed.


  • 来看父亲的,顿,”又说举动出,即使还活记忆里的话,他认识就是耐莉了。他举起他的飞镖要掷。

    I am come to see thy father, Hareton, 'I added, guessing from the action that Nelly, if she lived in his memory at all, was not recognized as one with me.


  • 童年的记忆里记得曾经有那么父亲不可思议地把怀

    During my childhood, I can recall one magical moment when my father held me in his arms.


  • 那些重要的,已被捕捉照片埋在记忆里,直到永远

    What was important I captured straight into my photos and it burned into my memory to stay there forever.


  • 北京人,儿时记忆里春天两三黄毛大风袭击京城,刮来漫天黄土。

    As a native of Beijing , I remember that there have been gale at times during spring that made the city sandy everywhere.


  • 创造出什么样记忆有赖于最近记忆里塞入了什么也包括上次重组记忆时所加进去的感觉其他事情

    What I created depended on what else I had thrown into my mind recently, including what other thing I was doing/feeling last time I tried to assemble the skipping meteor memory.


  • 近期记忆里最爱特效非《阿达》潘多拉星球漂浮于云间的神山莫

    My favorite effect in recent memory has to be the floating landmasses on Pandora in Avatar. The first time they fly through in the helo was definitely a jaw-dropper.


  • 以下照片均拍摄911事件期间,拍摄者詹姆斯.纳希微描述为:“记忆里一切就像是慢镜头所有事物都在漂浮

    The following photographs were all made on 9/11 and are described here in Nachtwey's own words: “In my mind it all went into slow motion. Everything was floating.


  • 段通过文字引起的快乐至今仍留在记忆里- - -此外还有,就是幼时古诗:“雨点滴滴潮水河上。”

    These two literary delights still linger in my memory — and there is the other, the infants' classic: "the rain falls pit-a-pat, the tide comes up the river."


  • 激励他们与人为善至少记忆里,曾经因为不想你忽视而在最后一分钟试图弥补做错的事。

    You inspire good behaviour and, at least in my memory, some desperate last minute attempts to redeem bad behaviour so as not to be overlooked.


  • 的话铭刻记忆里

    His words impressed themselves on my memory.


  • 的话已经记忆里了,钥匙保管一辈子吧!

    Your words have been locked in my memory, the key you for me to keep a lifetime!


  • 初秋记忆里一直成熟丰收色彩斑斓季节,一如人生正值壮年正是年富力强硕果累累的年龄

    Early autumn, in my memory has always been mature harvest, colorful season, as in life prime of life, is the prime of life, fruitful age.


  • 的话已经记忆了那钥匙保管一辈子吧。

    Your words have been locked in my memory, the key you keep for me for a lifetime.


  • 一个永远童年影响。摄影之路最初寻觅儿时记忆里环境

    A man will never go out of his childhood. My photography, the first is looking for a childhood memory of the environment and people.


  • 因此今天作为特别有意义永远留在记忆

    So this day will forever remain in my heart as one of the most special and significant day.


  • 有些并不时光流逝褪去有些人见面忘记记忆里永远朋友迎新之际恭祝事业蒸蒸日上

    Some things are not for time and shed some people don't forget not often met because you are my memory forever friends. On this occasion good business orientation.


  • 因为幼年时期最清晰记忆已经尽可能不分辨记住一些东西,未来也会记住一些东西,所以特为记忆里自豪

    Since I am rather proud of my own memory, I have tried now and then to remember as far back as I could and to identify my earliest clear memory.


  • 提醒的话,记忆清楚的记得,面粉上标有加拿大进口的字样。

    Were it not reminded it'd get farer from my memory of flour sacks marked with 'imported from Canada.


  • 的眼似乎不是重要的,在她的记忆只是一个短暂性回忆有时在不经意间就会悄然消失

    In her eyes, it seems that I am not important, in her memory I am just a temporary memory, and sometimes inadvertently would quietly disappear.


  • 的眼似乎不是重要的,在她的记忆只是一个短暂性回忆有时在不经意间就会悄然消失

    In her eyes, it seems that I am not important, in her memory I am just a temporary memory, and sometimes inadvertently would quietly disappear.


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