• 自己卧室窗口向外眺望远处密集山峦屋顶

    From my bedroom window I looked out on a crowded vista of hills and rooftops.


  • 还会给院子里的花浇水,必要时打扫自己的卧室

    I also water the flowers in the yard and tidy up my own bedroom whenever necessary.


  • 一直亨利不能等孩子们挖好防御工事,要来不及之前她们自己的卧室才行。

    I keep telling Henry that he can’t let them bunker down. Get them out before it’s too late.


  • 自己卧室妻子交代后事,请务必要照顾好两个孩子

    I locked myself in a bedroom and told my wife to handle our two children without me. Finally, she insisted I get help.


  • 但是每个孩子自己卧室以及他们大量时间是呆卧室

    Each of my two kids has their own bedroom and plenty of their stuff stays in there where they play a lot of the time.


  • 不过如果现在走进父母卧室,你仍然发现呆坐自己的角落里,在说话他的

    Still, if you were to walk into my parent's den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures.


  • 丈夫自信以为自己聚精会神的电视比赛就可以帮助自己喜欢的队伍如果喜欢的队伍处于弱势了,那他卧室里大声教训他们

    My husband is so confident that when he watches sports on television, he thinks that if he concentrates he can help his team.


  • 周五晚上都不记得自己后来是怎么床上的。下图周六早上醒来后给卧室拍的照片。

    No one could recall how we crawled back to our beds on Friday night. The following picture was taken in my bedroom on Saturday morning.


  • 这个周末自己买来摆放自己卧室鲜花因为生活永远值得们去庆祝…不管什么方式

    The flowers I bought and put in my bedroom this weekendbecause life is always worth celebratingin any forms.


  • 穿上高跟鞋卧室踉踉跄跄地行走,镜子自己形象。

    I'd put on her high heels and totter around the bedroom, catching glimpses of myself in the mirror.


  • 回到卧室发现不好事情脾气不好,应该控制自己脾气。

    When I went back my bedroom, I realized I did the wrong thing, I had the bad temper and I should control my temper.


  • 从不觉得卧室的,因为属于自己地方充满喜怒哀乐

    But I never feel my bedroom is empty, because it is the place belongs to myself and full of my passion.


  • 曾经床上急匆匆跳起来,开始新的一天,就往常一样冲出卧室自己孩子准备完毕,然后匆忙他们送到学校接着很晚才回来开始工作

    I used to start my day by jumping out of bed, late as usual, and rushing to get myself and the kids ready, and rushing to drop them to school and come in to work late.


  • 照例每次出差回来都是不门铃,先自己铁门然后再敲木门,敲的声音小,隔卧室每次听到

    Every time he came back after business trip with knocking the wood door after opened the iron door by himself, and I always could hear the voice although I closed the bedroom door.


  • 昨晚霉迹斑斑的公寓楼里,在那与酒吧卫生间的小隔间差不多大小的卧室中,努力尝试着看自己能否忍受这里当成自己的

    Last night, I stood in a mould-stained tower-block bedroom not much larger than a club toilet cubicle13 and tried to work out if I could bear to make this my home.


  • :“家里人吃饭声音只能在自己的卧室吃饭。”

    She said: "The noise of my family eating forced me to retreat to my own bedroom for meals."


  • 黄金做的卧室,”四周看看后轻声地自己,随之准备入睡了。

    "I have a golden bedroom, " he said softly to himself as he looked round, and he prepared to go to sleep;


  • 高分用英语介绍自己说中文你写英文 一个不小,家客厅三个卧室

    I have a not small home. There is a living room and three bedrooms in my house.


  • 不过最近在家测试一种名为zeoPersonalSleepCoach新型家庭睡眠监测仪人们可以自己卧室跟踪自己夜晚的睡眠状况

    But I've been testing a new home-sleep monitor called the Zeo Personal sleep Coach that lets people track their sleep patterns nightly in their own bedrooms.


  • 为了方便他们亲热已经腾出自己卧室——谨慎地钥匙自己连带和打字机也搬到了自己儿子卧室之中。

    I had allotted my own bedroom for necking, prudently removing both the bed and the key, and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son's bedroom...


  • 为了方便他们亲热已经腾出自己卧室——谨慎地钥匙自己连带和打字机也搬到了自己儿子卧室之中。

    I had allotted my own bedroom for necking, prudently removing both the bed and the key, and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son's bedroom...


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