• 听到说话的声音他们什么

    I could hear voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying.


  • 每隔几个月,听到远处海上驳船经过声音

    Every few months, I can hear the sound of an ocean barge passing in the distance.


  • 要是之前听到海蒂声音好了。”这个可怜老妇日复一日叫喊着。

    "If only I could hear Heidi's voice before I die," the poor old woman would exclaim, day after day.


  • 和他在一起,都必须安静下来,才能听到他所听到的飞鸟和树木说话的声音

    Every time I was with him, I'd have to be quiet to hear the flying birds and the talking trees he heard.


  • 不论走到哪儿,都听到各种各样嘈杂声音而且所有声音都是音量

    Anywhere I go, I hear a cacophony of sounds and voices, all at the same high volume.


  • 感觉到光线照射到脸上听到树叶声音闻到空气中花儿的芬芳然后按下快门

    I can feel the light on my face, hear the wind in the leaves, smell the fragrance of the flowers - then I just press the shutter.


  • 听到人们说话喃喃声音走廊末尾看到公共清洗烹饪谈笑

    I could hear the soft murmur of voices and, at the end of the corridor, saw a cluster of people laughing and talking in the communal washing and cooking area.


  • 听到地板上东西声音好一会开了

    I could hear something being dragged across the floor. After a long pause, the door opened.


  • 糟糕每次下来写作能听到同样声音然后自觉继续下去。

    What's worse is that each time I sit down to write, I experience the same set of voices, and I have to consciously keep going.


  • 有时深夜或是清晨起床听到附近公路传来刹车声、爆炸声和鸣喇叭声音

    Sometimes late at night or early in the morning when I get up I can still hear the screeching tires on the nearby road. I can still hear the explosion, the horn.


  • 是被谋杀的。虽然嘴唇并无动静,听到他的声音耳边回响。从未默哀妹妹死了没人悼念很难受的。

    Murdered. Though his lips never moved, somehow she could hear his voice, whispering in her ear. You never mourned me, sister. It is hard to die unmourned.


  • 这栋公寓不是最好地方,时不时地听到暗处老鼠吱吱叫的声音

    It's not the best flat we have lived in. Ican hear rats squeaking in the dark from time to time.


  • 对于篮球热爱从不会消失总是一起,也许听到它的声音

    The love of the game never goes away. It always stays there with me, probably I can talk to.


  • 就在战斗打响的前几天,他收到了她的回信:“当然会畏惧……勇士们都会那样,下次你在自信时,希望听到朗诵声音:‘,是的,尽管走过死亡,但勇往直前,因为你同在。’”

    Next time you doubt yourself, I want you to hear my voice reciting to you:'yeah, though I walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will hear no evil:for thou art with me.


  • 说说话虽然不会人类的语言,但只要听到声音就很幸福。

    Please talk to me more. Though I can't speak your language, I'm happy to hear your voice.


  • 有时听到很多评论声音对此并不在意够使倾注自己注意力只有所效力的球队

    Sometimes I hear things said about me, but to be honest I don't care too much. I only care about the team and the squad.


  • 他们交谈过,但是他们说话声音太大所以卧室听到他们的话,这不让人舒服

    I don't, but they talk so loudly that I can hear what they're talking about from my bedroom - and it's not very nice.


  • 不得不承认现实残酷命运的残酷,听到自己心碎声音碎了愈合

    Have to admit the reality of the cruel, cruel fate, I can hear their heart-breaking voice, broken hearts, but also should not healed?


  • 照例每次出差回来都是不门铃,先自己铁门然后再敲木门,敲的声音小,隔卧室每次听到

    Every time he came back after business trip with knocking the wood door after opened the iron door by himself, and I always could hear the voice although I closed the bedroom door.


  • 朦胧中听到马蹄声音身体不由自主马车节奏摇晃了起来

    I could hear the rhythmical clicking of the horse's hooves and my body was swaying in motion with the rocking of the wooden cart.


  • 那个电话亭狭小的空间挤开。听到面板摸索的轻微声音

    And she crowded up against me in that little space, tighter than a phone booth. I could hear the soft noise of her hand fumbling along the panel.


  • 开始几张唱片听到很多多莉声音不过努力打造自己声音

    You can still hear a lot of Dolly on my first records, but I worked hard to get her sound out of my voice.


  • 时期听到自己声音由于一个桌子表面振动扬声器站立得住

    At one point, I was able to hear my own voice due to the thin surface of one of my tables vibrating the speaker stand.


  • 上了眼睛听到14岁女儿电话聊天声音电视机里传来的笑声

    I closed my eyes. I could hear our 14-year-old daughter chattering on the telephone and laughter coming from the TV.


  • 外甥昨天晚上了个尿布拨打起来电话但是只听到小娃娃声音

    My nephew Diaper Dialed me last night. I picked up the phone and all I heard was baby talk.


  • 感觉到魅力宏大,甚至听到咆哮声音

    I could feel its beauty and size. I could hear the sound of its roaring waves.


  • 感觉到魅力宏大,甚至听到咆哮声音

    I could feel its beauty and size. I could hear the sound of its roaring waves.


- 来自原声例句

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