• 知道帮助不会无偿的。

    I knew his help wouldn't be given gratis.


  • 知道戒烟教训了。

    I know I should stop smokingdon't give me a lecture about it.


  • 知道一些婴儿的事例。

    I have known cases where dogs have nipped babies.


  • 知道研究黑猩猩至今已有30了。

    I know that you've been studying chimpanzees for thirty years now.


  • 自称18岁可是知道16

    She claimed to be 18, when I know she's only 16.


  • 知道诚实可靠的。

    I know she's honest and reliable.


  • 知道答案。”房间后边有个声音起来

    'I know the answer,' piped up a voice at the back of the room.


  • 知道葆拉彼得叔叔去世以来有多么心神不定。

    I knew how unbalanced Paula had been since my uncle Peter died.


  • 知道认为总爱管闲事事实关心你。

    I know you think I'm incurably nosy, but the truth is I'm concerned about you.


  • 知道听起来有点俗但是真的不是为了

    I know it sounds corny, but I'm really not motivated by money.


  • 知道一定很忙当然不想占用太多时间

    I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time.


  • 知道他们地址放在这块儿一时找不到

    I know their address is here somewhere, but I can't lay my hands on it right now.


  • 知道维基喜欢工作也许并不觉得

    I know Vicky doesn't like the job, but I mightn't find it too bad.


  • 知道未来干什么再往后没有想过

    I know what I'll be doing for the next three weeks but I haven't thought beyond that.


  • 知道沮丧的,说到底,事情并没什么大不了的。

    I know you're upset, but when all's said and done it isn't exactly a disaster.


  • 知道在谈恋爱,不过他们不至于上床吧。

    I know he's going out with her, but I don't think they're sleeping together.


  • 知道拳击冠军,有时他像孩子!他蜘蛛

    I know he's an ex-champion boxer, but he can be a big baby sometimes! He hates spiders.


  • 知道雕塑家用她自己作品去换著名画家画作

    I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist.


  • 乔治·格兰杰了个保健中心知道正在物色合格员工

    George Granger has started a health centre and I know he's looking for qualified staff.


  • 是的知道事。”凯利一边把消音器手枪上一边说道

    "Yes, I know that," Kelly said, screwing the silencer onto the pistol.


  • 说过明天。” — “知道贝尔还是回去。”

    "You said you'd stay till tomorrow."—"I know, Bel, but I think I would rather go back."


  • 知道没有天赋。

    I know I am not talented.


  • 我知道是谁了!

    Now I know who I am!


  • 知道节日和活动的名称。

    I know the names of festivals and activities.


  • 知道老乔单独生活。

    I know Old Joe lives alone.


  • 知道国家和节日之间的关系。

    I know the relationship between the countries and festivals.


  • 知道他已经30岁了。

    I know he is already 30 years old.


  • 知道必须依靠这些食物了。

    I know I have to depend on these foods.


  • 知道学期根本没有学习

    I know I didn't study at all this semester.


  • 知道习惯,知道

    I know the ways of ghosts, and so do you.


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