• 干着这份工作那个宁静小城非常舒适悠闲生活

    Having this job, I could have a very comfortable and relaxed life in that quiet city.


  • 然而生活工作交往经验过程中,意识到这些原因当中存在这一些主要的错误想法。

    However, in my experience dealing with people at work and in life, I realized these reasons are more misconceptions than anything.


  • 爱尔兰以后,QQ上也好几天. 话题都是关于生活工作的.

    After I came to Ireland, we talked on QQ for several times about life and work.


  • 一度很担心工作问题,担心是不是足够的时间家庭个人生活上,”说道

    "I worried about the workload, about having enough time to give to my family and my personal life," he says.


  • 最近关于英国理论物理学家史蒂夫·霍金生活工作书籍。

    I have recently been reading up a bit on the life and work of British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.


  • 只顾投入自己生活工作忽略了所有征兆

    I had been so caught up in my life and work that I'd missed all the signs.


  • 简·托内罗表示织布工作确实生活带来平衡,让能够医学学习中暂时解脱出来,“很开心能够在科学创造之外一个平衡点。

    Tonella says her work hours do bring balance to life. She finds the weaving to be a welcome distraction from her medical studies.


  • 位住TriBeCa嫁给(至少目前这样)华尔街经理母亲相当地直截了当:“工作管好家庭孩子生活,”

    One mother in TriBeCa, who is married, at least for now, to a Wall Street executive, put it rather bluntly: "My job was to run the household and the children's lives," she said.


  • 告诉了关于找到公寓工作,关于她要生活城市地区文化社交活动,还提到公共图书馆

    I told her about the apartment and the job I had found for her, about the cultural and social programs available in that part of the city, about the public library.


  • 很多一样看到那些艺术家音乐家工作几乎全部的生活感到很困惑。

    Like most people, I confused myself by looking at people like artists and musicians whose life's "work" fills their time.


  • 作为妻子母亲,一位关心着别人亲戚——现在作为一名国家航空总署顾问——懂得在此工作逐一改善这些孩子生活状况哪怕一个。

    As a wife and mother, a concerned relative - and now as a NASA consultant - I knew that I was put here to do this work: to improve the lives of these children, one kid at a time.


  • 几乎偶然地跌跌撞撞地进入创业企业家世界但是这里确定说,一种伟大工作生活方式

    I stumbled into the world of startups and entrepreneurs almost by accident, but I'm definitely here to stay. It's a great way to work and a great way to live.


  • 经营这些店铺店子工作生活起居生活和工作都在这儿重迭混合在一起。好像这儿往前的街道一间常光顾的疏菜店。

    The people who run those shops, work in those shops have their daily lives and their work is overlapping, blended, like my green grocer down the street from here.


  • 期待的事就是人们一起工作,”立普生说道:“感觉自己会他们生活很大影响。”

    "The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is working with people," Lipson said. "I feel like I'm going to be a big impact in their lives."


  • 生活工作思想行为要诚实坦率,模范地遵守国家法律我的工作部门各项规章制度。

    Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department.


  • 人们亲密接触,研究他们生活,他们的工作生活然后创造他们意义的技术都是在他们交谈基础

    I get to do field work with people, find out what their lives are like, find out what their work lives are like, and then invent technology that's meaningful to them based on what they told me.


  • 曾经这种追求生活方式型企业家工作过,一段眼界的经历,从那里了解了人们不同动机目标

    I worked for a Lifestyle Entrepreneur once and it was an eye opening experience where I learned about people's different motivations and goals.


  • 为了改善生活,增加更多的时间工作社交学习曾经寻求过许多各种各样的方法。要了解思想

    I had been looking at different ways to make my life better and found myself increasingly short of time to do work, socialize, and study everything I wanted to learn about the mind.


  • 希拉里代表们花了很多精力做工作生活迈阿密弟弟托尼还有妻子——古巴裔的律师玛丽亚也帮了很多忙。

    Hillary and I also worked the delegates hard, as did her brothers, Hugh and Tony, who lived in Miami, and Hugh's wife, Maria, a Cuban-American lawyer.


  • 科尔生活工作,“科尔谷”是具有维多利亚风格的拥有一百历史街坊,毗邻金门公园海特

    I live and work in a 100-year old Victorian in a neighborhood called Cole Valley, near the Golden Gate park and Haight Street.


  • 母亲一手大的,她是名速记打字员,工作生活位于Don一个名叫Rostov小镇整个童年青少年时期都生活于此,直到1936年离开那里文法学校为止。

    I was brought up by my mother, who worked as a shorthand-typist, in the town of Rostov on the Don, where I spent the whole of my childhood and youth, leaving the grammar school there in 1936.


  • 25年来冒险幻想哲学生活工作中的一些主要嗜好

    Twenty-five years on, adventure, fantasy and philosophy are some of my core interests in life and work.


  • 25年来冒险幻想哲学生活工作中的一些主要嗜好

    Twenty-five years on, adventure, fantasy and philosophy are some of my core interests in life and work.


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