• 来说,可能重要意义在于可以机器运行已知软件而不需要器上安装程序库工具版本的不同。

    To me, probably of even greater significance is an ability to run a known software set on multiple machines, without worrying about variations in precise installed library and tool versions.


  • 不过许多单身朋友,总能听到很多为了找到理想伴侣人们是如何战胜艰难险阻又费尽心机故事

    However, I have a lot of single friends and hear plenty of stories about the trials and tribulations of their efforts trying to find the perfect mate.


  • 许多艺术效果上费尽心机但是设计规则很差劲游戏没有什么乐趣所以那些游戏

    Lots of games that try too hard to be art, and follow poor game design practices, also are not interesting, so I don't play those either.


  • 当提到以色列超级工厂病毒时候,科恩说:“懂专业,但是看到以色列一个强劲信号感觉到离心机知识至关紧要。”

    "I have no specific knowledge," Dr. Cohen said of Israel and the Stuxnet worm. "But I see a strong Israeli signature and think that the centrifuge knowledge was critical."


  • 希望心机成为回答我的问题方面的工作。

    Hopefully my centrifuge will be the answer to my problems in this regard.


  • 一刻父亲进来就可以出来闷闷不乐,他的努力找到份工作 经是白费心机再来一次

    The moment my father came in I could see from his worried face that his effort to find a job had been in vain once again.


  • 喜欢个性事情总是心机

    I don't like his personality because he's always so sketchy with things.


  • 北宫回答说:“信念里,无论做任何事,都应该使用心机计谋策略诱导强迫欺骗别人达到目的。”

    Beigong She answered, "in my concept, tactics, strategies, or scheme should not be used to induce, force or cheat others so as to reach my goal."


  • 阿少量是从胳膊放在一个心机

    A small amount of blood was taken from my arm and put in a centrifugal machine.


  • 众多心机厂家中,选择了南昌森是对信任一定优越质量回报客户,本着人态度国内心机使用者提供帮助

    In numerous centrifuge, you chose Changsen, we must trust in the most superior quality return customers, with I have no one, I have the best attitude, and help users for domestic centrifuge.


  • 打开面纱,会心地笑了笑,算计着怎样来嘲弄贵族派头,取笑费尽给你的平民新娘戴贵族的假面

    I smiled as I unfolded it, and devised how I would tease you about your aristocratic tastes, and your efforts to masque your plebeian bride in the attributes of a peeress.


  • 一个要走陌生陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后某个不经意的瞬间,发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记事情真的就那么忘记了。(曾经那么忘记…)

    Oneis always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningtostrange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhardto forget are already gone.


  • 是因为已经学会了如何依靠方便微小的- - -你个。

    It's because I've learned to depend on a handy little inner mechanism-you've got one too.


  • 离开之后自己走 放开回头 窗外不停留雨季来到被吹着走 爱你不懂 爱情个黑洞 痛过之后要学会照顾自己 过去的忘记了 不再为你费心机

    After you leave I would like to open their own hands did not go back The clouds did not stay out of the window Dream Come the rainy season to be …


  • 离开之后自己走 放开回头 窗外不停留雨季来到被吹着走 爱你不懂 爱情个黑洞 痛过之后要学会照顾自己 过去的忘记了 不再为你费心机

    After you leave I would like to open their own hands did not go back The clouds did not stay out of the window Dream Come the rainy season to be …


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