• 思维犹如友人水波摇曳时,很丢脸不过安静下来谜底明澈见底了。

    Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes arduous to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.


  • 它们飞走时候,心底里晓得他们关起来一种罪行,你会因而而振奋。不外,他们一,你的处所也就更加灰暗充实。感到真是悼念友人

    Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they 're gone. I guess I just miss my friend.


  • 后来占据了屋子一隅开始友人在那里聚集抽烟,最后不得不烟雾弥漫溜之大吉

    Then he took up his quarters in a corner of my room and began to hold smoking parties with his friends, till I had to take refuge in flight from the smoke laden air.


  • 一位友人过,觉得爱情痛苦的这个世界上没有什么是放不下的了,自然地放下爱情的伤痛,这是真的吗?

    Question: I hear friends saying there is nothing in this world that we cannot let go of as once we feel attachment is painful, we will naturally let go.Is this true?


  • 在附近经营布鲁克·斯伍德乡村公园友人•卡:“眼看着他们这一步真是凄惨,知道山姆的离去他们的打击实在大了。”

    Friend Sue Capon, who runs nearby Brokerswood Country Park, said: "to see what they have gone through was awful and I can only assume losing Sam was too much for them."


  • 昨天本来友人非常快乐日子年来朝思暮想宝马终于到手。

    It should have been a very happy day yesterday for one of my friends and me. She has finally got the BMW car for which she had been longing for two years.


  • 去年11月克罗地亚的瓦拉日丁拜访友人,终于机会实施斯洛文尼亚自驾游的计划了。

    That opportunity came last November, when I visited friends in Varazdin, Croatia.


  • 一位友人曾说过觉得爱情痛苦的这个世界上没有什么是放不下的了,自然地放下这爱情的伤痛,这是真的吗?

    Question: I hear friends saying there is nothing in this world that we cannot let go of as once we feel attachment is painful, we will naturally let go. Is this true?


  • 尊重为了怀念友人写下名言的作家丁尼生,但有时似乎从未过要更好

    With all due respect to Tennyson who wrote this line in memoriam to his friend, sometimes it might be better to never have loved at all.


  • 从不回避大山沉重,你从不鄙视水潭的浅陋,你岩石那样坚定,你把风暴当作前进的动力,你学习生活真正友人

    You never avoid the heaviness of big mountain, you never despise the shallowness of the pool, you are as steady as rock and look storms as the real friend in my study and life.


  • 蓝伦︰「感谢扶轮结识许多各国专业人士友人更有能力与兴趣了解其他人生活方式。」

    "I have Rotary to thank for my international network of professionals and friends as well as my better understanding and interest for other people's way of living, " Granlund said.


  • 17 +个不同国家21个以上不同的学校上过学许多国际友人

    I've been to 17 + different countries, studied at 21 + different schools and have many international friends.


  • 那么恐怕没人有抉择父母的权力。甚至不断咱们是否有取舍友人的权利。

    Wilson: Well, then I guess nobody gets to choose who their parents are. I'm not even sure anymore if they get to choose who our friends are.


  • 好久好久之后棵栎身上,找到依然未断;那歌,从头发现在友人心内

    Long, long afterwards, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.


  • 本土食物可以帮助外国友人更好了解家乡这儿的人们

    The indigenous food may help foreigners have a better knowledge of my hometown and our people.


  • 一位友人提醒,适时争取一下属于自己荣耀展示一下自己,否则吃亏

    But I had a friend reminded me that the time to fight for the glory of their own, display your own, otherwise you will lose out is.


  • 已经经历了双亲仙逝,友人的亡故,一位敬爱老板的离逝,还有心爱宠物死亡

    I've dealt with the deaths of both parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets.


  • 一天都会生命起点终点看到这类情况的种种版本:年轻男人竭力对抗毒瘾之际遭到友人抛弃

    Every day I see variations at both the beginning and end of life: a young man abandoned by friends as he struggles with opioid addiction;


  • 想开网店虚构充值友人能够接洽

    Have wanted to start a shop to do imaginary friends can recharge contact me!


  • 友人如果你们听到了这些啰啰唆唆的话告诉这个周末火炉旁,暖意融融饮一杯无?

    My friends, if you have heard these garrulous words, beg you to tell me: Could we have a drink again by a warm stove at the weekend?


  • 欢送交换一下也许可能什么,或者帮不了什么呵呵,多友人老是好的

    Welcome to me about the exchange, maybe I can help something, they might not tell you what, huh, huh, more than making friends is always good.


  • 还要关心中国建设事业国际友人表示感谢

    Here I also would like to express my thanks to international friends who are interested in and support the development of China.


  • 已经经历了双亲仙逝,友人的亡故,一位敬爱老板的离逝,还有心爱宠物死亡

    I've dealt with the deaths of parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets.


  • 希望外国友人随心所欲交谈同时提高自己英语口语。

    I'd like to chat with foreign friends. On the other hand it can improve my speaking English.


  • 莉达从未这些你和男性友人去度假时做事吗?惹怒

    Rita : But I've never given you one of those. So that's what you do on those boys-only holidays? Don't rub me up the wrong way.


  • 莉达从未这些你和男性友人去度假时做事吗?惹怒

    Rita : But I've never given you one of those. So that's what you do on those boys-only holidays? Don't rub me up the wrong way.


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