• 喜欢尽管有时生气

    I like him. Though he makes me angry sometimes.


  • 生气不是

    Don't get stroppy with meit isn't my fault!


  • 生气了,直截了当地告诉一直过任何工作

    I lost my temper and told him straight that I hadn't been looking for any job.


  • 过去经常取笑直到生气又跺脚尖叫感觉非常无助

    Often he teased me till my temper went and I stamped and screamed, feeling furiously helpless.


  • 每当妈妈生气时,都会双臂交叉放在胸前然后严肃地看着

    Whenever mother gets angry with me, she will fold her arms and looks at me seriously.


  • 态度变化并没有使生气因为明白不是导致了他态度上的改变。

    His changes of manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.


  • 不会希望生气的。

    You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.


  • 事情没有所料时,生气了吗?

    When things don't go my way, do I get grumpy?


  • 懒惰生气

    His laziness really ticked me off.


  • 无法解释为什么喜欢就是使生气

    I can't really explain why I don't like him. He just rubs me the wrong way.


  • 艾伯特这才直视沃尔什探长。“是的生气了。”

    Albert looked at Inspector Walsh for the first time. 'Yes, I.


  • 我生气是因为没有准备一些,只好“找一天”再写。

    Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I intended to writeone of these days.


  • 生气是因为没有一个答复失踪了白白这么

    I am angry because you did not give me a reply before you disappeared, leaving me waiting for you for so many days!


  • 难道知道一个男孩使用洗手间的时候女孩子是不可以进来的吗! ?”生气地嚷着说。

    Dont you know that little girls arent supposed to come into the bathroom when a little boy is using it!? I hollered.


  • 刚开始注意交谈中常发生一些奇怪事情:刚才还在和善地和聊天,但突然会冲生气

    Right from the start I noticed that strange things would happen in our conversations: he'd suddenly be very angry at me in the middle of seemingly benign conversations.


  • 生气责备这个结果渐渐意识处理伤害愤怒方式的确使远离了真正的欢乐进步

    I was angry and I blamed this person, but in the end, I have come to realize that the way I was handling my hurt and anger was really preventing me from truly enjoying my life and moving forward.


  • 惩罚应该受的惩罚——完全明白——你给的惩罚是应该受的——你生气也是应该的,公正的。

    The punishment you have measured out to me is deserved - I do know that - well deserved - and you are right and just to be angry with me.


  • 生气东西因为不想看到但是不想扔掉其中的一些也找不到位置来放剩下的部分。总的来说就是它们太多啦!

    I'm mad at my Stuff because I don't want to look at it anymore, but I can't bear to part with some of it, and I can't find places for the rest. Which, naturally, means that there's too much of it.


  • 大家一样,你们感受到什么,也会如此。但是如果生气了,并不需要特意摄像机镜头或者人群面前显露出来。

    I have feelings like you and other people but when I get angry I don't need to show that in front of the TV cameras and the crowd.


  • 认为暴怒生气上帝存在背道而驰

    I don't think the rage, the anger, and the sense of the presence of God are antagonistic.


  • 。”彼得生气害怕

    "I'll do the learning," said Peter, half angry and half frightened.


  • 有人高速公路上危险地超车时,想法可能,“不要生气”(或者暴怒”,如果那么糟糕的话)。

    When someone dangerously cuts you off on the freeway, your thought might be, "I do not want this anger" (or "rage", if it's that bad).


  • 还没告诉就先妻子,为此非常生气

    I take great exception to the fact that you told my wife before you told me.


  • 生气不过晚了分钟

    Don't get in a stropI'm only a few minutes late.


  • 什么意思?”问道,很莉迪生气

    "What do you mean?" I asked, offended on Liddie's behalf.


  • 奶奶惊讶也有一点生气因为件事的安排一无所知

    Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because it had all been arranged without her knowledge.


  • 知道什么生气了,他样子简直吓死人

    I don't know what I've done to upset him, but if looks could kill...


  • 事被隐瞒生气

    It makes me sick that this wasn't disclosed.


  • 事被隐瞒生气

    It makes me sick that this wasn't disclosed.


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