• 是不是一定参加这次聚会?实在没有精力应付了。

    Do we have to go to the party? I really don't feel up to it.


  • 只要遵守一些简单规则可以这块土地上掘金,呆多久没有问题,前提足够精力,还有足够的金钱可以让来到这个地方

    As long as I abide by some simple rules, I canassuming I have the energy, and the money to get to the spot – prospect at the site for as long as I want.


  • 这个失败容易理解确定是不是真的修正——没有测试的这个方法非常微不足道这么微不足道的方法添加测试有点浪费精力

    This failure is easy to understand, but I'm not sure I really want to "fix" itthe method I'm not testing is trivial, and adding tests for trivial methods can be a waste of effort.


  • 不断告诉自己没有任何人愿意一样这项工作花这么多时间精力

    I was telling myself that 'no one else would put in the time and the care' that I was putting in.


  • 没有所有精力都放在这个项目上,直到得到LMB的稳定资助,“。”

    "I didn't put all my energy into that project until I had the security of the LMB," he says.


  • 虽然那时没有实现一个用于创建良性精力管理循环的重要工具

    Although I didn't realize it at the time, this is an essential tool for creating that positive cycle of energy management.


  • 没有多少剩余精力他们了,所以他们感觉谈话进展貌似挺顺利

    I don't have much energy to put up a good fight so parents feel like their talk went well.


  • 到了忙碌十二月就会逃避跑步没有时间没有精力之间斗争。

    Once the busy month of December hits, my excuses for not running flip-flop between no time and no energy.


  • 在与的交谈中,了解到,您属于事业成功人士收入水平很高,工作也十分繁忙没有时间和精力打理自己资产

    I learn from you that you have a successful undertaking with a good income. So you are too busy to manage your assets.


  • 邂逅一部伟大的作品时,没有时间精力细细品味,或者说,只能大致地浏览一番,对来说实在是个遗憾

    But I am saying that it will be really a big pity when I run into a wonderful work I have no time and energy to enjoy it, that is to say, I can only read it superficially.


  • 半个小时已经没有力气精力集中书本上,大滴的汗珠额头上冒了出来。只能趴在桌子上稍作休息

    Half an hour later, I could hardly focus myself on the book and large drops of sweat ran down from my forehead, making me be only able to lean by the table for a rest.


  • 精力分散许多事情上所以理所当然的是不论在什么方面没有进步

    I’m dabbling in so may things, as a result, I’m not making very much progress in any one direction.


  • 一个的时间里集中精力,再没有其它目标项目或者习惯成为关注点

    I focused on this exclusively for about a month, and didn't have any other goals, projects or habits that were my main focuses.


  • 不得不两个多月时间来恢复身体时常想到莉莉安,没有精力打电话和她联系。

    Now I had to spend two months regaining my health, I'd think about Lillian but didn't have the energy to call.


  • 早点得到反馈经常可以使免得一些没有真正想要的东西上浪费精力

    Getting feedback early and often keeps me from wasting effort on something nobody really wants.


  • 知道学习外语困难的,尤其是年纪没有精力学习新的东西

    I know it is hard to learn a foreign language especially after you become older and loose your energy to learn something new.


  • 计算这样估算准确率团队必须耗费精力获得详细的“实际工作小时数没有哪个敏捷实践倡议这样做。

    To calculate this kind of estimate accuracy, teams would have to expend effort to capture detailed "actual" hours, a practice not advocated by any Agile approach I've seen.


  • 无事没有地方可感觉疲劳,不要再在无法改变的事情耗费精力了。

    There is nothing to be done, nowhere to go and I am too tired to waste energy on things that I am powerless to change.


  • 网店投入大量时间,所以对身体健康以及现实生活中的人际关系没有投入同等的精力

    I've spent way too much time focusing on my online ventures that I haven't spent nearly as much effort on my health or my "real world" relationships.


  • 没有付出足够精力学习法语所以目前只有数数谈论衣服颜色而已

    I don't study my French as much as I should, so basically all I can do is count and tell you what color my clothes are.


  • 知道吉他调音可以实践中慢慢学会的,但是了,也没有精力任何技巧了

    I know tuning a guitar is something you can learn to do with practice, but I was tired and didn't have the energy for learning any new tricks.


  • 段时间这样煎熬着过完一整天没有精力解决任何问题

    I've had days like this, when I'm struggling through the day and don't have the energy to tackle anything that matters.


  • 与其说牺牲或者是妥协觉得更多分清轻重缓急,然后告诉大家:,这么做不错现在没有时间精力

    So rather than sacrificing or compromising, I think it's a lot around prioritizing and then being able to say: "this would be nice to do, but I can't do it right now".


  • 旅行以及想到一切而后睡着了,他再也没有精力清醒很久

    We talked about my trip and anything else we could think of. Then he fell asleep because he could no longer stay awake for long periods of time.


  • 只是一些电影人恰好在那段时间制作了一些优秀作品,当时没有精力放在这上面,其实也没有任何人刻意地追求新浪潮。

    It just happened that certain filmmakers were making good output during that time, and I wasn't focused on that-none of us were.


  • 是因为当时要忙碌工作生活于是一天结束时没有剩余精力考虑酷爱的事情。

    It was simply because I was so busy juggling my busy work schedule and my daily life that I had no mental energy left to think about my passion at the end of the day.


  • 在凌晨这个时间没有电话,也没有需要处理紧急事物完全可以将集中精力工作创意迸发

    There are no phone calls and no urgent tasks that need to be done at this time of the morning. I can completely focus myself on my work and let my creativity glow.


  • 在凌晨这个时间没有电话,也没有需要处理紧急事物完全可以将集中精力工作创意迸发

    There are no phone calls and no urgent tasks that need to be done at this time of the morning. I can completely focus myself on my work and let my creativity glow.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定