• 回答说﹕「没有妈妈,也没有爸爸所有没有地方。」

    I told him I have no mamma and I have no papa, so I don't have any place to stay.


  • 很可能是因为没有妈妈至少如果这么了,就在穿过地球的途中。

    Probably because I don't have a mother, at least if I do, she's halfway across the earth.


  • 妈妈今天学校里妈妈孩子一起的才艺表演但是因为没有妈妈所以没有去参加,没有告诉爸爸爸爸想念妈妈

    Mom, today at school have mothers with their children's talent show, but because I did not have my mother, so I did not go, I did not tell my father, afraid Mom and Dad will miss.


  • 妈妈没有地方然后说:“那吧,的画室吧。”

    I said there was no room in my mother's house, and he said, "All right, come to my studio and paint."


  • 妈妈觉得有人上了以为父亲睡觉了,转身晚安时那里一个人没有

    My mother felt someone climb in bed. She thought it was my father coming to bed, but when she turned over to say goodnight, there was no one there.


  • 妈妈解释说黛西是个可爱的女孩,但在家里没有人能取代

    My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely girl, but nobody could replace me in the family.


  • 听见妈妈进来了,“妈妈,”悲伤地说,“没有一个男孩愿意和跳舞。”

    I could hear Mom come in, "Mom," I said sadly, "none of the boys would dance with me."


  • 哈利从来没有离开过。”这位来自基德明斯特的蔬菜水果商,“记得有个警察们家,这个消息告诉爸爸妈妈。”

    "Harry has never left our thoughts," said the former greengrocer, from Kidderminster, "I remember a policeman came to our door to give mum and dad the news."


  • 还是个小女孩的时候,记得妈妈或奶奶从来都没有浪费过食物。

    When I was a girl growing up, I cannot once ever remember either my mum or my grandma wasting food.


  • 希望的老师知道有时的阅读作业没有签名,是因为妈妈不太有空。”另一个人写道。

    "I wish my teacher knew sometimes my reading homework is not signed, because my mom is not free a lot, wrote another.


  • 每当想起一生没有遗憾,就会想起妈妈

    When I think of someone who lived a life without regrets, I think of my mom.


  • 小男孩儿看完牙医面带微笑地回到妈妈,牙医颗蛀牙没有

    A smiling boy arrived home from a dental visit, Hey mom, the dentist says I have no cavities.


  • 生日第二妈妈生日,如果没有提醒可能忘了

    It's my mom's birthday the day after yours and I would have forgotten if you had not reminded me.


  • 海蒂温哥华参加妈妈葬礼了没有

    Heidi went to Vancouver for her mother's funeral. I didn't go.


  • 妈妈告诉德国,还没有开通电话。

    My mom told me that this woman had just moved here from Germany and they had not yet had their phone turned on.


  • 所以不管什么时候提到这件事,非常清楚家里没有妈妈”,从来没有而且永远不会有。

    So whenever the issue comes up, I'm very clear that there is no Mommy in our family, never has been and never will be.


  • 认为妈妈没有可以预言如果整整一代人都有这样想法会发生什么

    I don't think either of us could have predicted what happens when you multiply that sense of agency by an entire generation.


  • 在后面大声叫着,妈妈根本没有听到的话,车子拐向左边人行道绿色小灌木然后连人带车慢慢倒下了。

    She and the bike turned left, went off the sidewalk, and rolled into a little green bush. Then slowly Mom and the bike fell over.


  • 妈妈为什么生活得那么简朴当时完全没有意识到,对于一个带着两个儿子单身母亲而言回答这个问题多么痛苦

    I asked my mother why we lived with such modest means, unaware of how painful it must have been for a single parent with two young boys to field such questions.


  • 即使从来没有听到,“妈妈,”希望认出是他母亲。

    Even if I never heard him say, "Mom," I wanted to see the recognition in his eyes.


  • 女孩学校回到家里妈妈说:妈妈今天学校里因为一件我没有的事情而受到惩罚。

    One day a little girl came home from school, and said to her mother, Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn't do.


  • 一直都没有意识妈妈那种“唠叨直到自己亲眼看着第三世界的孩子因为饥饿垂死的状态。

    I never realized the full extent of her seemingly "nagging" phrase until I actually saw children dying of starvation in third-world countries.


  • 的遗言没有明白:“妈妈所有关心的人。”

    His final note which no one claimed to understand read: "to mum and anybody who CARES."


  • 他们没有这么妈妈留出空缺即使怀孕第一个时候列到了等候名单上

    They didn't anticipate any openings for many months either even though I'd put my name on the waiting list in my first month of pregnancy.


  • 想想这个童年不可思议如果没有花费时间在尝试人们感到惊讶取悦他们的话(沿着妈妈的路),可能会更早点意识童年的精彩

    Come to think of it, my childhood was wonderfully weird, and if I hadn't spent my time trying to shock and amaze people (and keep pace with my mother), I might have realized it earlier.


  • 妈妈过了,虽然没有房子但是一个空闲的房间而且她真的很好

    I talked it over with my mom, and she doesn't have a big place, but there's a spare room, and she's really nice.


  • 妈妈过了,虽然没有房子但是一个空闲的房间而且她真的很好

    I talked it over with my mom, and she doesn't have a big place, but there's a spare room, and she's really nice.


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