• 对于典型同事回避建议假装一些生意:“是的高兴打电话因为真的需要敲定细节。”

    For standard colleague avoidance, I suggest fake chatting about fake business: "Yes, I'm glad you called, because we really need to hammer out the details."


  • 大概时间内更多的房间:“Thompson真的想见。”

    In the course of the week two or three more people came by and said, "Hey, Thompson really wants to see you bad".


  • 那么在家应该怎样做保护一珍贵的资源努力事实上真的起到作用吗?

    What can I do at home to conserve this precious resource, and will my efforts actually have any effect?


  • 也许一些专家真的可以利用这些意见但是拟合这样的普通人不能从中得到好处改变生活

    Maybe some gurus can actually make use of this advice but ordinary people like you and me can't benefit from it to save our lives.


  • 在一个下午这里时,真的高兴见到便热烈地欢迎他。

    This time, when he came one afternoon, I actually felt glad to see him, and welcomed him cordially.


  • 许多事讲论你们判断你们;真的那里听见的,就传给世人

    I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is reliable, and what I have heard from him I tell the world.


  • 如果表达那种情绪,她些什么帮助比如,“如果这发生在身上,真的会很生气。

    If I couldn't find the emotion I was looking for, she would help by saying something like, "If that happened to me I would be really angry.


  • 没有任何统计数据证明这个但是相信真的

    I don't have any statistical evidence for this but I am convinced it is true.


  • 拉米·科恩:做个“家庭主父”真的很棒发现……(女儿说)

    Rami Cohen: It's been really wonderful. And we found that... (to his daughter) Need help with that? Here.


  • 告诉伊扎克如果真的致力于和平,他阿拉法特握手证明这一点

    I told Yitzhak that if he was really committed to peace, he'd have to shake Arafat's hand to prove it.


  • 安德森告诉范申特,他她家的车道上时,范申特说,”刚开始感觉真的可疑就好像故意辆车敲诈似的。

    When Anderson told Vansant the car was in her driveway, "It sounded real fishy at first, like maybe she wanted to hold the thing for ransom, " Vansant said.


  • 真的很棒的演讲所以了个瓢虫模型展示给全班

    I really wanted to make a great presentation, so I made a model of a ladybug to show the class.


  • 去年圣诞节齐家人去肯尼亚露营。坦白说,真的想不一个更好方法孩子一起消遣。

    Last Christmas I took my own family camping in Kenya and I honestly can't think of a better way of spending time with your kids.


  • 一次地,发现自己开始怀疑他们真的精神疾病患者还是更喜欢做出消极的行为满足自己的自癖或是表演欲。

    Yet again, I find myself doubting tabloid claims of real mental illness and prefer to attribute bad behavior to spoiled narcissism or histrionic acting out.


  • 可以通过类似的手段达到这个目的,看起很奇怪,但是返回相同,但是的实现真的有点不同

    So I can similarly do this, which is going to look strange because it's going to give me the same value back out, but it actually did a slightly different thing.


  • 真的不想改变因为喜欢它的工作方式,这样决定围绕开发一个MVC框架

    I didn't really want to have to change it, because I liked how it worked and decided to make an MVC framework around it.


  • 想起三个月以的无私帮助,真的知道什么语言表达感激之情.

    Thinking of your selfless help in the past three months, I really have no clue what kinds of words can best convey my gratitude.


  • 然而并不确定通过这样做节省一点时间是否真的非常合理。

    However, I'm not sure that the minimal time savings gained in doing so would be sufficient justification.


  • 几天真的狂奔回家被子里,不到恐惧退去的时刻

    On those days, I seriously wanted to run home, hide under the covers and not wake up until my fear had passed.


  • 许多讲论你们判断你们真的那里听见的,就传给世人

    I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him.


  • 说出那些真的容易看到他们知道真相后只是满脸的同情关切觉得的这个决定是正确

    It wasn't easy to get the words out, but the empathy and concern I saw in their faces as I explained it to them told me I had made the right decision.


  • 非常简单真的需要告诉怎么做,要找寻宁静,你需要时间静静地坐下每天你都找到宁静。

    It's pretty simple, really, and you don't need me to tell you to do this: to find stillness, you just need to take the time to sit still, every day that you can.


  • 接受星期日泰晤士报采访时,她表示“非常急切地希望孩子年轻女士们得知照片经过美化的事实。这样一她们不会沦为受害者——认为照片那些12寸的腰围真的

    I am very keen that children and young women should be informed about airbrushing, so they don't fall victim to looking at an image and thinking that anyone can have a 12in waist.


  • 真的担心孩子健康认为玩具食物绑在一起引诱孩子是对的”,补充到

    "I'm really concerned about the health of my children, and I don't think its OK to entice children to get Happy Meals with a toy," she added.


  • 意味着时间角度表示位置,时间真的很好的参变量吗?

    That means that I have, maybe I'm expressing the position in terms of time Let's see, is time going to be a good thing to do?


  • 所以十二开始演戏时候真的超级喜欢演戏。演戏的时候,一个安全、克制、可控环境宣泄情绪。

    And so, like, when I started acting in earnest at 12 years old, I really embraced it because, in a safe and contained and controlled environment, it allowed me to emote.


  • 然后王后耳语说:“真的亲爱的一个作证人必须审讯了,已经头疼得无法忍受了。”

    'Call the next witness.' And he added in an undertone to the Queen, 'Really, my dear, YOU must cross-examine the next witness. It quite makes my forehead ache!'


  • 开发者常常这样问道,“程序太慢了;可以怎样通过线程化加快程序的运行?”

    Naive developers often say ask, "My program is too slow; how can I make it threaded so it'll be faster?"


  • 知道音乐会的时候,如果乐队几个小时之后才并且只表演四十五分钟离开真的会非常非常愤怒。

    You know, when I go to concerts and the band comes two hours late and plays for 45 minutes and then they leave, then I'm really, really mad.


  • 打断了。“先生,再说一次真的很对不起真的知道这里等着。”

    He interrupted again. "Sir, once more, I'm truly sorry. I had no idea you were out here waiting. Please follow me."


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