• 孩子13女儿在一起。

    I have one child, a 13 year old daughter who stays with me sometimes.


  • 公司兼职工作因为孩子一个工作时间固定的丈夫需要弹性安排时间,而他们允许这样做。

    I have two part-time jobs at small companies because they allow me the flexibility I need as a mom with a young child and a husband whose work schedule is inflexible.


  • 作为一个11岁孩子单身母亲采用在家工作主要动机提高自己的工作效率

    The main motivation behind adopting home working was to increase my own productivity, as a single mum to an 11-year-old.


  • 一直想把园艺的快乐留给自己,而这里有一个迫不及待地想和别人分享的孩子

    I'd tried to keep the happiness of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldn't wait to share with others.


  • 向你们保证,现在你们的社区里一些孩子需要一个安全的地方落脚。

    I promise you there are children in your community right now who need a safe place to land.


  • 父亲个规定,就是们必须把南瓜搬回家,作为最大的孩子我有一个优势——去年搬回了一个85磅的南瓜。

    My dad has a rule that we have to carry our pumpkins back home, and as the eldest child I have an advantage—I carried an 85-pounder back last year.


  • 1997年,我有一个可爱的孩子,是妮科尔照顾了和他。

    In 1997, I had a lovely child and it was Nicole who took care of me and him.


  • 外,作为一个耐心的人,会很好地对待孩子

    Besides, as a patient person, I think I will be good with my kids.


  • 看起来很兴奋,对们说:“孩子们,今天我有一个特殊而趣的任务要你们去完成。”

    He looked excited and said to us, "Boys and Girls, today I have a special but interesting task for you to complete."


  • 孩子们说小气时,会感到骄傲,因为很高兴我有一个世界上最小气的母亲。

    I will feel proud when my children call me mean, because I am so glad I had the meanest mother in the whole world.


  • 三个孩子一个女儿两个儿子他们毕业于同一所大学

    I have three children, one daughter and two sons, all of whom graduated from the same university.


  • 还关注教育三个大学孩子一个在念公立学校

    My concern is about education - I have three kids in college and one in the public schools.


  • 这时几个阿拉伯人暂时安静了下来,听到过道一个孩子西班牙语唱歌

    There is a lull in the Arabic, and I can hear a child singing in Spanish from across the aisle.


  • 知道女孩的丈夫度他们的新婚蜜月回来发现孩子女人机场

    One woman I know arrived home with her husband fresh off her honeymoon, only to find a woman with a baby waiting for him at that airport.


  • 那里小吃店看到一个妈妈一个孩子吃饭,他们买了一份饭,孩子,妈妈在

    At a snackbar, I saw a mother and her son sit at the table. When the son was eating, his mother watched him.


  • 做一堂学术讲座背后试图自己装进瓶子里,希望这个瓶子会被冲上沙滩孩子看到。

    Under the ruse of giving an academic lecture, I was trying to put myself in a bottle that would one day wash up on the beach for my children.


  • 孩子,两个女—一个十六岁。特别她们带到外面的那个财务世界因为曾缺失过

    I have two kids, stepdaughters aged ten and sixteen, and I desperately want to send them out into the world with all the financial context that I lacked.


  • 谈到今天自己是乌尔苏拉·伯恩斯两个孩子母亲一个丈夫。”

    Defining herself today, she says, "I'm Ursula Burns, mother of two and wife of a great guy."


  • 知道一个丈夫孩子——一个女儿——作为离婚条件,她被迫放弃这个孩子

    I also know she had a child by her first husband - a daughter - and that she'd been forced to abandon that child as a condition of divorce.


  • 并且,送礼预算因为有一个小孩,所以可以通过孩子得到红包拿那些

    We have made a budget of giving out gifts. Because I have a child, I can get some money back through the red envelopes my child got from others.


  • 是的他们死亡提醒人——事实上知道头发变灰白色速度远比孩子快,特别是现在,十几岁大的家伙。

    And yes, they are reminders of our mortalityin fact, I know I'm going gray a lot faster than I would have had I been childless, especially now that I have a teenager.


  • 使感觉幸福和谐的是幸福婚姻健康身体、孩子们身上获得的积极力量从事人感到兴奋的工作一个来说很好的职位

    Factors pulling me towards happiness and balance are: happy marriage, good health, positive energy that I get from my kids, working on exciting projects, living in a perfect location for me.


  • 还是一个孩子父亲下葬由于辛德雷命令希刺克厉夫分开才开始了悲痛。

    I was a child; my father was just buried, and my misery arose from the separation that Hindley had ordered between me and Heathcliff.


  • 孩子生活这样一个国度,在那里人们肤色而是品格评价他们

    I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.


  • 也许,“可能成为极简主义者”,“养宠物”,“带着孩子”,“我有满满一柜子”,“桌上文件堆积如山”……实际上,无关紧要。

    You may be thinking, “Oh, I could never be a minimalist,” “I havepets,” “I have kids,” “I have a closet full of shoes,” “My desk isburied in paperwork…” That’s okay!


  • 也许,“可能成为极简主义者”,“养宠物”,“带着孩子”,“我有满满一柜子”,“桌上文件堆积如山”……实际上,无关紧要。

    You may be thinking, “Oh, I could never be a minimalist, ” “I havepets, ” “I have kids, ” “I have a closet full of shoes, ” “My desk isburied in paperwork…” That’s okay!


  • 要是这个孤独症孩子就好了,要是一个(不是孤独症的)孩子就好了。

    I wish the autistic child I have did not exist, and I had a different (non-autistic) child instead.


  • 要是这个孤独症孩子就好了,要是一个(不是孤独症的)孩子就好了。

    I wish the autistic child I have did not exist, and I had a different (non-autistic) child instead.


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