• 写道,“在父亲形象里,找到自己脾性。”

    “It was into my father’s image ... that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, ” he wrote.


  • 别人歌唱得好,找到了自己短处尽快更改

    Others say that I sing songs, I found the weaknesses in ourselves to change as soon as possible.


  • 雕塑世界里找到自己认识自己最终将要放下自己

    In the world of sculpture, I find the true meaning of myself and realize my dream. Consequently, I embrace the nature warmly.


  • 找到了自己喜爱工作当然,如果当初没有危机就没有这个机会

    I have a job found that I love, which of course, wouldn't be that otherwise.


  • 每天都提高自己特内里费表现感到很高兴,因为找到了自己存在形式

    I improve day by day. I am pleased with my performance in Tenerife and because I am finding my form.


  • 作为一个初学者,最初拼写认为遇到第一困难。 但是找到了自己的方式来应对它。

    The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner.


  • 找到了可以用手的地方,自己爬了上去。

    I found handholds and hoisted myself along.


  • 到如何成为更好的人这个问题上,很幸运地找到了自己的答案。

    Back to the question about how to become a better person, I think I am lucky enough to get my own answer.


  • 找到了这种感觉的根源,才发现自己对写作有热情。

    It was not until I followed this feeling to its source that I discovered I had a passion for writing.


  • 亲爱的儿子,那个地方没有什么宝藏,”父亲平静地说,“但认为你已经找到了自己未来的道路。”

    "There wasn't any treasure in that place, my dear son," the father said quietly, "But I think you have found you own future path."


  • 不仅仅到了电子表格一些应用,还有自己某些财务问题找到答案

    Not only do I learn a little more about spreadsheets, but I can find answers to some of my financial questions.


  • 要是妨碍自己古怪哩,”咕噜着,不知道背后,“但是脸上寻找父亲时,一天天找到了!”

    It will be odd if I thwart myself, 'he muttered, unconscious that I was behind him.' But when I look for his father in his face, I find her every day more.


  • 有些问题自己已经找到了答案,还有些问题别人。

    I had either answered them for myself or asked them of others.


  • 现在还处于最初职业生涯,并且令人高兴的是找到一些自己成功之处专注于学习以及增强自己技能

    I'm still early in my career and while it's nice to find some success I'm mostly focused on learning and growing my skills.


  • 现在还处于最初职业生涯,并且令人高兴的是找到一些自己成功之处专注于学习以及增强自己技能

    I'm still early in my career, and while it's nice to find some success, I'm mostly focused on learning and growing my skills.


  • 不能轻易回答,因为即使现在甚至不能确认完全找到了属于自己声音

    And I have no easy answer - I'm not even sure I can say I've fully found my voice yet.


  • 面对广告时,知道自己思想多少控制力- - -所以找到加州大学伯克利分校某个实验室带上传感器进行实验。

    But recently, I've been wondering just how much control I have over my thoughts, when it comes to ads - which is how I found myself in this Berkeley, Calif., lab wearing a hat of electrodes.


  • 发现年轻妇女-包括自己在内-找到自己成功途径

    I have also seen young women - myself included - getting in the way of their own success.


  • 依靠捐助出版自己一部诗集,奥里亚找到很多捐助人。出版一部故事集时,外婆的死讯,便赶斯莱参加葬礼。

    I had published my first book of poems by subscrip- tion, O' Leary finding many subscribers, and a book of stories, when I heard that my grandmother was dead and went to Sligo for the funeral.


  • 没有马上发现应该走进哪间屋子示意进来,可是还没走门口,他已经找到而且大步走身边,把她自己怀里了。

    He did not hit the right room directly, she motioned me to admit him, but he found it out ere I could reach the door, and in a stride or two was at her side, and had her grasped in his arms.


  • 手指开始戳这个12键界面时,一下子找到了父亲感觉,那60年代笨重电脑科学家,不能自己无线网络正常运作的感觉。

    As I prodded at the little 12-key interface, I feltlike my father, a 60s-vintage computer scientist who can’t get his wirelessnetwork to work, must feel.


  • 这里工作环境、气氛正是要的——这里积极活力四射,这里办公室的工作环境、工作范围完全不一样,这里,真正找到了自己想要的东西。

    This was my kind of environment — an active, vibrant kind of placecompletely at the opposite end of the spectrum from the office environment where I found myself.


  • 书写生活时,找到了真实自己值得庆祝一件事

    "Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And this is something worth celebrating," he wrote.


  • 当然自己不是完人时不时整夜荒废掉,什么也最后还是回到正轨找到真正激情所在

    Of course, I myself am not perfect, and every now and again I have a lazy night in when I don't do a shred of work but eventually, I find my way back on track by finding my Real Passion.


  • 最终找到一份私企工作,“觉得自己非常幸运,”他

    He was able to find the private equity job he'd hoped for. "I consider myself very lucky," he says.


  • 朋友可能找到享受的双重婚姻方法虽然对此表示怀疑。聪明女性先约法三章再一个一夫多妻的男性结婚。你的朋友可能找到了摆脱这个困难的方法—要么就是隐藏了自己痛苦

    Wise women will have insisted on binding conditions before entering into a marriage with a polygamist. Your friend must have found a way to wriggle out of these - or he's hiding his pain.


  • 一夜60欧元预算但是自己找到理由勇敢无畏的探险可以缓一缓,一家酒吧比赛

    At 60 euros a night, it was three times my daily budget, but, I reasoned, the intrepid adventurer stuff could wait could a little longer as I set off to find a bar that was showing the match.


  • 一夜60欧元预算但是自己找到理由勇敢无畏的探险可以缓一缓,一家酒吧比赛

    At 60 euros a night, it was three times my daily budget, but, I reasoned, the intrepid adventurer stuff could wait could a little longer as I set off to find a bar that was showing the match.


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