• 今天发泄怒气拼命锤打那只薄薄的枕头

    Today, to vent some of my anger, I punched my thin pillow as hard as I could.


  • 而且心情不好的时候,也会跑步可以发泄的心情。

    Well, when I'm in low spirits, I would like to run, this will let out myself.


  • 如果没有得到“”,这种感觉则会缺失。)Twitter提供一个平台我发泄感情,或是开一些大多数人觉得不好笑的玩笑

    Instagram and Facebook provide endless self-worth support with likes. (Or, in their absence, not. ) Twitter gives me a platform to vent, or crack jokes that are by most estimates not funny.


  • 打电话给戴夫·莫洛发泄自己不满结果发现电话态度有了变化。

    I called Dave Morrow to vent my frustration and found a new attitude on the other end of the line.


  • 不得不说,男人需要发泄,玩飞镖喝几杯啤酒偶尔几根烟,没有那么十恶不赦

    I hate to break this to you ladies, but men need an outlet. A few dart, beers, and smokes in moderation are not that bad.


  • 不是第一不是最后一次,令人悲哀具有讽刺意味是,黑人发泄怒火主要受害者正是黑人自己

    And I thought, not for the first or last time, that it was sad and ironic that the primary victims of black rage were blacks themselves.


  • 伙伴们似乎没有一个理解为什么如此踌躇满志他们一天到发牢骚,他们野心显示自己了不起,要发泄怒气

    None of my companions seem to understand why I appear so contented. They grumble all the time, they have ambitions, they want to show their pride and spleen.


  • 一些人他们建议不要请求宽恕或者发泄愤怒如果没有最初直面“懂得出自胸怀.可能真实的。将永远不知道,因为所做的,并且不能返回重新以任何其他方式做。

    There are those who have suggested that I could have never asked his forgiveness or let go of the anger if I had not first confronted him and "gotten it off my chest." This may be true.


  • 喜欢面,不是发泄愤怒那种法,而是一小段时间相对和平揉。

    I like kneading dough, not in an anger-management kind of a way, but as a moment or two of relative peace and calm.


  • 发泄完之后并未反击评论而是温和地告诉继续手头工作之前带话给上峰(不过从来不会这么做)。

    When he finished venting, I didn't respond to his remarks, other than blandly telling him I would convey his message to my superiors (which I never did), before moving on to the business at hand.


  • 喜欢储藏室大量储存自己喜欢食物一旦心情不好,就可以大吃一通来发泄

    I like to keep a stockpile of my favorite foods in my pantry so that when the mood strikes, I have what I'm craving.


  • 坐在后排座椅上感觉他们发泄那么点极端虽然完全赞成他们的举动

    To me, observing from the back seat, the outburst seems a tad extreme, even though I fully share the couple's reaction.


  • 无法控制自己情绪所以选择别的方式发泄情绪

    I couldn't control the emotion, so I switched emotions, " she said.


  • 然后坐上本田奥德赛面包车出去发泄下。这不又是一个拉拉队少女了。

    As I got into my Honda Odyssey minivan and drove to practice, I was just another pom-pom girl again.


  • 已经发泄不满,并不担心这会得到下工作的机会,“大声喊出来之前就已经把后路断掉了”。

    He had been vocal about his discontent, so he didn't worry about ruining his chance for a good job reference.


  • 本能想,他们工作已经快满溢的感受发泄出来的健康方法安全

    I instinctively sensed it was healthy for them to air feelings that had been bottled up and were getting in the way of their feeling safer and more secure with me, and at work.


  • 所以如果走在纽约街道上碰巧看到一个愤怒女人正朝Carrie海报奶油蛋糕,别担心只是发泄自己内心骚动

    So should you find yourself on the streets of New York and happen to witness an angry girl throwing a Twinkie at a poster of Carrie, don’t fret, it’s just me expressing my inner turmoil.


  • 公司奉献了8时光,突然之间抛弃了,恶言相向,发泄一下可以理解的:若处在的情况下,生气

    It's quite understandable to be spitting with rage when you've given eight years to a company only to be cast out on your ear: I'd be really angry in your shoes, too.


  • 梅尔女士说,甚至连从前商店向自己发泄怒火的那位母亲也已经变得格外友好了。表示:“如果那个妈妈明年自己的儿子报名,不会吃惊的。”

    Even the angry mother from the store has become quitefriendly, Ms. Maier says: “I wouldn’t be surprised if she enrolls her own sonnext year.”


  • 两方面都有的确发泄如果这些问题答案的话,下地狱都听到这些答案!

    Both. I'm venting, sure, but if these questions have answers, I'd sure as hell like to hear them!


  • 但是男人,你是精神支柱,你是哭泣时候肩膀靠的,你知道经历所有事情如果发泄一下,抑郁症的

    But you are my man, you are my spiritual support, you are the one who supports shoulder when I cry, you know all the matters we experiencing, if I don't vent all of this, I will get melancholia.


  • 不开心时候,喜欢使出浑身演奏强烈的音乐,把所有感情发泄上面,这使感觉舒服

    When I am unhappy, I like playing strong music with all of my power and venting all of my feelings on it, it makes me feel more comfortable.


  • 感觉糟糕的时候坐在笔记本电脑唯一一个可以的悲伤照单全收不被击垮的发泄情感

    On the worst days I sit before my laptop and pour out my feelings to the only person who can take in my sorrow and remain unbowed.


  • 通过他们说话机会发泄情感找到适当的方式解决问题

    Through talking with them, I have a chance to vent my feelings and find a proper way to solve my problem as well.


  • 你们心中怒火发泄出来以后,安慰话语这样大家也就没事了。

    You put the anger of the heart, when I come back a few words of comfort words, so you would be all right.


  • 你们心中怒火发泄出来以后,安慰话语这样大家也就没事了。

    You put the anger of the heart, when I come back a few words of comfort words, so you would be all right.


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