• 父母芝加哥但是住在纽约

    My parents live in Chicago, but I live in NewYork.


  • 那时纽约努力第一本小说

    By then, I lived in New York, where I was trying to write my first novel.


  • 最近纽约拍摄纽约,并想那里一次展览

    I am living in and photographing New York these days and would like to have a show there too.


  • 纽约不是美国的。来自英国伦敦

    I live in New York, but I am not American. I am from London in England.


  • 一个候选人我住纽约聘请加州启动

    I had a candidate that lived in New York and I recruited for a startup in California.


  • 毕业了以后纽约芝加哥仍然决定一起。

    After we graduated, I moved to New York and she moved to Chicago, but we decided we'd stay together.


  • 因为纽约很多四处走走机会知道这会振奋精神

    Because I live in New York City, I get a lot of opportunities to walk around outside, and I know it boosts my spirits.


  • 你好朋友名字鲍勃十五岁,是美国人,我住纽约

    Hello, I'm your new friend. My name is Bob. I'm fifteen. I'm American. I live in new York.


  • 你好朋友名字鲍勃十五岁,是美国人纽约

    Hello, , I'm your new friend. My name is [ename]Bob[/ename]. I'm fifteen. I'm American. I live in New York.


  • 纽约以外所呆居民实际住在市中心第一美国城市

    This was, New York apart, the first American city I had ever been in where people actually lived downtown.


  • 时候,所知道艺术家就是纽约暗无天日的阁楼里四处为生的一些人。

    What I knew then of an artist was somebody who lives in a cruddy old loft in New York trying to sell a painting here and there.


  • 今年秋天本来可能安静地呆纽约。”巴尔加斯。略萨先生说道,事实上有时秘鲁,有时住在西班牙——任何写作教学需要去的地方。

    This fall was supposed to be a quiet sojourn in New York, said Mr. Vargas Llosa, who sometimes lives in Peru and sometimes in Spain - or wherever his writing and teaching take him.


  • 男朋友波士顿他直到婚礼的那个周四才会纽约

    My boyfriend lived in Boston and wasn’t coming to New York until the Thursday before the wedding.


  • 如果不是过去年来一直纽约的话,错过更多

    But had I not been in New York these past six years, I would have missed many more.


  • 非常谨慎地选了这个字眼,这是因为都是纽约的“现代人士”嘛。

    Now, I’m using that word deliberately because we’re modern people and living in New York.


  • 原来纽约曼哈顿幢好像是位于130号街层的赤褐色砂石建筑里,好多亲戚都

    We lived in NYC in Manhattan on 130 something street, in a three-story brownstone that housed many of my relatives.


  • 迈阿密许多家人纽约所以经常回来看看。

    I live in Miami now, but many of my family members are still in New York, so I come back often.


  • 大人结婚之后丈夫s应邀纽约德国舞蹈家家里去参加一个宴会

    Four or five years after we got married, Your Honor, S. and I were invited to a dinner party at the home of a German dancer, who was then living in New York.


  • 白人,三十多身材高大匀称,美国东岸长大,常春藤名校本科MBA目前纽约

    I am a tall, fit, white guy in my mid-thirties. I am from the East coast, went to Ivy League schools for college and an MBA, and now live in New York City.


  • 曾经送了一张电视塔照片纽约朋友是不是photoshop做出来的图片,他根本相信竟是一座真的建筑。

    I once sent a photo of it to a friend in New York, and he asked me if I had been playing on Photoshop again, he simply didn't believe it was a real building.


  • 可能是因为关爱儿童,睦邻友好著名纽约州布鲁克林·帕克这里每次去超级市场都被迫躲避15个婴儿车的邻居。

    Maybe it's because I live in the famously child-friendly neighborhood of Park Slope, in Brooklyn, N.Y., where I'm forced to dodge 15 strollers every time I go to the grocery store.


  • 纽约Rochester,在纽约Rochester研究中心,的资深研究员,是普林斯顿毕业物理学家

    Peter Cream I live in Rochester New York, and Peter Cream with me here today is a senior Fellow in our research center in Rochester, New York and a Princeton graduate physicist.


  • 三十年来正如有的着单车走遍纽约的每个角落,居曼哈顿目睹这里日日夜夜地不断变迁。

    As someone who has used a bicycle to get around New York for about 30 years I've watched the city-mainly Manhattan, where I live-change for better and for worse.


  • 房子家俱都卖了剩下一些东西一个衣箱搬进孩子家了,他们纽约

    I sold the house and the furniture, put a few personal things in an old trunk, and shipped it to my children in New York.


  • 房子家俱都卖了剩下一些东西一个衣箱搬进孩子家了,他们纽约

    I sold the house and the furniture, put a few personal things in an old trunk, and shipped it to my children in New York.


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