• 亲自下厨的,所以小心点哟!”开玩笑说

    'I cooked it myself, so be careful!' he joked.


  • 亲自组织反对大西洋倾倒放射性废料示威活动。

    I personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 先生久仰大名今天终于亲自见到

    I've heard a lot about you, Sir, now I finally have the change to meet you in person.


  • 亲自孩子们牙科手术…?

    I insisted on doing the children's dental work?


  • 我亲自喂养大的。

    I raised this layer duck by myself.


  • 亲自保证今天到连出来。

    I personally assure you by the end of this day you won't be recognizable even to your own mother.


  • 亲自王宫市场去找那儿最好刻工亲自看着他刻版

    I have been myself to the best engraver of the Palais Royal, who did the plate in my presence.


  • 现在亲自医生希望到了早上可以把你送走。

    I'll fetch a surgeon for you now, myself: you'll be able to be removed by morning, I hope.


  • 说:“我亲自提出似乎显出不可思议的自负,它是精彩的。”

    "It would have seemed arrogant beyond belief to have suggested it myself, but it was wonderful for me," he says.


  • 令人不满了。周前亲自房间你们经理

    Well, this is most unsatisfactory. I booked the room myself a week ago. I want to see the manager, please.


  • 生怕别人坏了,我亲自爬高上梯的贴上,这会子冻的僵冷的呢。

    Not trusting anyone else to do a good job, I got up on a ladder to paste them up myself. My hands are still numb with cold .


  • 几个亲自测试了MyFord Touch系统,结果总体上还不错

    I tested MyFord Touch a few months ago with generally good results.


  • 从前想象容易多了,试图开发的课程就在这里,都不用我亲自录制了。

    I also thought to myself, Well... that was easier than I thought. I intended for the creation of a certain product, and here it is. I didn't even have to record it.


  • 事实上我亲自他们邮局他们送到航空所以确信没有任何拖延

    I actually took them to the post myself and sent them airmail so I am certain there was no delay at this end.


  • 亲自制作宝宝食物所以需要适合存储盒,这套最完美的!

    I make all my own baby food, so I needed a food storage system that worked for us - and these are perfect!


  • 这种技术用于许多不同情况亲自电视广告中使用乐趣个人的许多项目

    This technique can be used in many different situations, and I have personally used it in TV commercials and many of my personal projects for fun.


  • 相信经过研究利用许多其他类型探测器亲自确认表现最佳生产部门出售公众

    Believe me, after researching and using many other types of detectors, I have personally confirmed that this is the best performing production unit sold to the public!


  • 亲自这个系列作了混音,加入了动感的音乐激扬的插曲,有助你们快速有效地征服英语

    I've personally remixed this series with energetic music and motivating interludes so that you can quickly and effectively conquer the English language.


  • 亲自看过那些报告看过那些录像证据那里面没有任何真的能塞斯克不利的东西。”温格说。

    "I personally looked at the reports, I looked at the video evidence, and there is nothing in there really against Cesc," said Wenger.


  • 更好应用程序流量高峰期自动扩展4个实例前端一个负载平衡器,无需亲自配置

    What's even better, my application will auto scale to four instances in the case of a traffic spike, with a load balancer in front that I didn't have to configure.


  • 亲自导演这个角色初登场的因为有种相当强烈感觉,觉得死神需要这种方式来表现。

    I directed the episode that her character appears in personally, because I felt pretty strongly about the way the Death Watch needed to be portrayed in it.


  • 亲自耕地播种收割可是烦透了一切,就村子里饿菜园黄瓜一样厌恶得焦眉烂额。

    I myself ploughed and sowed and reaped, and was bored doing it, and frowned with disgust, like a village cat driven by hunger to eat cucumbers in the kitchen-garden.


  • 知道这个科学定理已有些年头了我亲自验证时候承认用了可能会怀念得少一些左手

    I'd known about it for years, but when it came time to test it in real life, I have to admit that I used my left hand, the one I'd miss less.


  • 如果亲自·阿格·里奥,假装篇报道没有怀疑这个充满幻想美国姑娘实际上雪佛龙派来打探消息的。

    If I went to Lago Agrio as myself and pretended to write a story, no one would suspect that the starry-eyed young American poking around was actually shilling for Chevron.


  • 感到他们近,即使没有亲自看到他们,但仍然认为没有任何东西可以代替我亲自看见他们”,说。

    "I feel really close to them even if I'm not seeing them in person, but I still think there's no substitute for seeing them in person," he said.


  • 亲自安装上了Windowsxp操作系统,这个系统虽然有些古董过时了,仍然被广泛着,学校里面也是如此

    I myself installed Windows XP, which was already outdated but still widely used, and also used in our college.


  • 亲自安装上了Windowsxp操作系统,这个系统虽然有些古董过时了,仍然被广泛着,学校里面也是如此

    I myself installed Windows XP, which was already outdated but still widely used, and also used in our college.


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