• 不过要提醒,抓这些形而上学表皮没有多大帮助。 专注于对话原理主要讯息会更有益。

    larger principles and the main messages of this dialogue.


  • 来告诉专注于你要的还是不想要的,这个一个思考重要的。

    Let me ask you this; are you focusing on what you want or what you don't want? It's important to give this a thought.


  • 如果专注于习惯,并且每次一个估计得到成功机会

    I would estimate that you triple or even quadruple your chances of success if you focus on one habit at a time, for one month at a time.


  • 软件专注人与人之间关系之间极大不对称以及展示回访的时间和回访的时间的对比。”Charnock说道。

    The software focuses on the greatest asymmetry in relationships and shows you how long it takes me to get back to you versus you to me, Charnock says.


  • Ruby语言解决了很多事情,”这些年听到是这样的话语,“因此可以专注实现目标。”

    "Ruby gets out of your way," I've been hearing over the years, "so you can concentrate on your goals."


  • 心意专注于”,运用灵性智能,毫无疑问地此生之后,就会永远”在一起。

    Concentrate the mind upon Me, apply spiritual intelligence for Me; verily you will reside with Me after this existence without doubt.


  • 如果这个问题回答专注的注意力上时不会使感觉良好那么,不管是不是真的,它都不会服务。

    And if the answer to the question is, it doesn't make me feel very good when I focus upon it, then we would say, true or not, it does not serve you.


  • 之前过,应该重要事情之一专注自己的事情,不要太过担心别人正在什么

    I have written before that one of the most important things that you should do as a company is concentrate on your own things and stop worrying too much about what everyone else is doing.


  • 如果开公司赚钱,那么一定在说谎专注为顾客提供出色的服务,将会铺平生财之路

    I would be lying if I said the goal of my company wasn't to make money, but focusing on providing a great service paves the path for the money to follow.


  • 建议专注那些做到事情不要为那些病症感到痛苦。

    My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with.


  • 已经隐式地提到事实观点专注美学逻辑

    I've already implicitly alluded to the fact that the View is where you concentrate on aesthetic logic.


  • 遵循这些准则确保阅读文章时可以更加专注于你想法文字不是时间浪费在格式分页等等问题上。

    Following the guidelines will ensure that I can focus on your ideas and your prose when I read your essays, rather than devoting time to issues of formatting, pagination, and so on.


  • 一些时候告诉有关的内容……常常专注工作以至忘记了吃午饭

    When you are older, I will tell you about it... I am often so engrossed in my work that I forget to eat lunch.


  • 并不认为梦想赢取所有比赛应该专注某些赛事之上

    I don't think you dream about winning competitions, you are more focused on some matches.


  • 如果意大利不错老师相比英国而不学校认为这样可以一种更加专注方式学习

    If you have a good teacher in Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school.


  • 突然想到这是多么震惊生活这样环境里专注学校,甚至想到家庭作业

    It just struck me as just so devastating and just how can you focus on school and how can you even think about homework when those are the circumstances that you're living in.


  • 突然想到这是多么震惊生活这样环境里专注学校,甚至想到家庭作业

    It just struck me as just so devastating and just how can you focus on school and how can you even think about homework when those are the circumstances that you're living in.


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