• 不能在这里一下就让钱白白溜了出去

    And I can't just let it sit here and eat a hole in my pocket.


  • 下面些附加的重要教训不能留在草稿上。

    The following are additional important life lessons I couldn't leave on the editing floor.


  • 看哪最后疑虑是错了!;可是不能埋怨自己,你想。

    Yet prodIgal Inward joy. Behold, I erred; In that last doubt! and yet I cannot rue.


  • 自从上了高中觉得不能自己事情需要别人帮助

    But since I went to high school, I thought I could not do things on my own any more, I needed someone else's help.


  • 有时候,就是现在从来没有做到任何的事情。不能自己就做到任何事。

    Sometimes now I never thought I could do what I want to do. I can't do everything by myself only.


  • :“俱乐部完成了很多重要交易不能队伍完美的因为如果失去进步连贯性那么足球缺少很多意义。”

    He said: 'the club have clinched big deals, I can't just say that this team is perfect because if we lost the idea of continuous progress, football would become meaningless.


  • 分钟不能离开

    With a chicken being toasted on the fire, I can't leave even for a minute.


  • 的苏琪不能嫁给一普通的老鼠!

    My Suki can't marry a common mouse!


  • 恐怕不能选非高峰期会员资格因为那些时间段没有空闲而且也不想周末运动

    I'm afraid off-peak membership won't do as I'm not free at those times, and I don't just want to be restricted to weekends.


  • 第一次参加马拉松比赛脚踝受伤了,意味着星期不能跑步两个星期的训练时间。

    A month before my first marathon, one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train.


  • 我不能带你去,亲爱的,因为你没被邀请,”梅格开口说。但乔不耐烦地打断道,“你不能去,艾米。劳里邀请了和梅格。”

    "I can't take you, dear, because you aren't invited, "began Meg, but Jo cut in impatiently "You can't go, Amy. Laurie invited only Meg and me."


  • 是说随着人口增长路上车辆更多机械更多了,他们肯定不能依赖于甘蔗(作为生物燃料)吧?

    I mean, as the population grows and there are more vehicles on the roads and there's more machinery, surely they can't depend so much on sugar cane?


  • 这不公平你们不能在这里……”透过眼泪什么也不见。

    "It isn't fair, you can't just leave me here...." I can't see through the tears.


  • 整个xml 1.0规范包含两个语义沾边属性:xml: space和xml: lang(而且不能肯定xml: space是不是语义属性)。

    The entire XML 1.0 specification has only two marginally semantic attributes: XML: space and XML: lang (and I'm not sure about XML: space).


  • 意思是不能为了获得一次成功而努力,而是每天成功。事实上成功必须分每秒都要增长

    I mean you just don't need to be successful just once but you must be successful everyday, in fact your success must grow every minute!


  • 想象可以把提供唯一一个条件-不能作恶

    Imagine that I offered it to you with but one condition - that you must use it for good, not evil.


  • 一起,即使不能妻子,而你的奴仆也感到满足感到高兴所以在你身边,能看见你,能想着你,也就甘心了。

    I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine.


  • 一起,即使不能妻子,而你的奴仆也感到满足感到高兴所以在你身边,能看见你,能想着你,也就甘心了。

    I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine....


  • 因此如果他们澳大利亚做到那些,为什么不能秘鲁羊驼试试呢

    So I thought, if they do it in Australia, a developed nation, why can't I do it here in Peru with an alpaca.


  • 不能版税结算两次,现在还不到时候付给呢?

    Royalty payments are made only twice a year. How could I pay you ahead of time?


  • 不能成为象棋大师或者NBA超级明星,或者音乐会上钢琴家,其原因在于没有必要人体结构

    You and I can't become chess grandmasters, or NBA superstars, or concert pianists, simply because we don't have the necessary anatomy.


  • 不能输入一个编号必须知道日期甚至得知道那是星期几

    I can't enter a number, either; I'd have to know the day, and even the day of the week.


  • 假如动物已经被做成一道菜,奉献了它的生命那么不能扔掉,是对它们的不尊重

    An animal has provided that food with their life and I won't disrespect it like that.


  • 然而有否设想结束这段找寻工作最后领养实实在在呢? 不能确定了。

    But then I’m not sure I had ever fully imagined our search coming to an end and resulting in an actual dog in the house.


  • 心里放得下偶像——妻子他自己。 他个都爱,崇拜一个不能设想怎么担起损失

    He had room in his heart only for two idols--his wife and himself: he doted on both, and adored one, and I couldn't conceive how he would bear the loss.


  • 这次达修士却没有像往常那样大笑深深地了一口气,索要画:“完分不能留下这幅画,以后可以其他美术课的同学看看:有人是怎样美术课不及格的……”

    This time, Brother didn't laugh much, he sighed a bit and asked me to give him the picture, "Kuan, after I grade this, can I keep it to show the other classes how to fail art class?


  • 看见有毛蜘蛛不能生存下来因为撞击了

    I also encountered a very large furry spider, which didn't survive it's head being bashed.


  • 棍棒石块打断,(言辞不能身)……除非年轻雌性猩猩

    Sticks and stones may break some bones... unless you're a young female chimp.


  • 家附近的咖啡店下午才提供巧克力时,是相当地沮丧早餐不能巧克力了?

    I get upset when coffee shops in my area only bring out the chocolates in the afternoon. Who says you can't have a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast?


  • 任何情况下不能扔掉这些食物除非退掉它们)。假如动物已经被做成一道菜,奉献了它的生命那么不能扔掉,是对它们的不尊重

    Under no circumstances may I throw the food away (by sending it back). An animal has provided that food with their life and I won't disrespect it like that.


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