• 成都四川省会也是成都平原文化工业中心

    Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan and is the cultural and industrial center for the agricultural Chengdu Plain.


  • 成都平原经济区第三产业较为发达经济区。

    The plain economic region of Chengdu is an economic region with a comparatively developed tertiary industry.


  • 文献资料大量地下考古资料证明,殷商时代四川成都平原

    It is proved by literature and great amount unearthed archaeological data that the Shu place is on the present Chengdu Plain.


  • 地理位置德阳市位于四川盆地中部成都平原东北方。德阳成都绵阳阿坝相邻

    Location: Deyang City is located in the northeast of the Chengdu Plain in central Sichuan Province, neighboring Chengdu, Mianyang and Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture.


  • 地理位置德阳市位于四川盆地中部成都平原东北方。德阳成都绵阳阿坝相邻

    Location: Location: Deyang City is located in the northeast of the Chengdu Plain in central Sichuan Province, neighboring Chengdu, Mianyang and Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture.


  • 四川地处中国腹地广袤成都平原水美田,古来素有天府之国的美称。

    Located in the hinterland of China, Sichuan Province boasts vast expanse of Chengdu Plain, which abounds with numerous lakes and fertile land, and is thus known as the "land of plenty".


  • 府南河不仅成都平原带来经济繁荣而且孕育了成都两千多年文明史。

    The mansion south river not only gives all the plain brings the economy to prosper, but also conceived all the civilization history of more than 2,000 years.


  • 国际土壤系统分类基层单元划分原理方法,研究建立了成都平原

    Using the taxonomy principles and methods of the basic units of World soil taxonomy, soil series in Chengdu Plain were divided.


  • 公司座落在具有“天府之国”美称成都平原,美丽的四川省省会城市——成都市的北大

    It is located the north gate of Chengdu, a Land of Abundance, the capital city of Sichuan.


  • 两千多年来一直发挥防洪灌溉作用使成都平原成为水旱、沃野千里“天府之国”。

    For over two thousand years, it has been playing a role in the Chengdu Plain flood irrigation, as people from the flood, the vast" the land of abundance".


  • 都江堰水利工程修建公元前256年,在这之前,成都平原雨季就遭受洪灾,一到春耕季节又没水灌溉

    Before the Dujiangyan Irrigation System was built in 256 BC. Before this Chengdu Plain always suffer flood in rainy season and drought in dry season.


  • 都江堰水利工程,科学有效地解决灌溉泄洪排沙问题,从此,成都平原成为了一个水旱从人,不知饥馑的天府之国

    The Irrigation project resolved the problems of irrigation, flood discharging and sands reduction effectively, breeding Chengdu plain as the Land of Abundance.


  • 部落第三代传承蜀人部落,成都平原发现大约公元3000 ~ 4000年前的遗址大多属于鱼凫时代

    And the Yu fu is the third generation of ancient Shu, the relic which had a history of 3000-4000years in Cheng Du Plain was belong to Yufu's time.


  • 成都位于中国西南,地处成都平原,城市面积12390平方公里,中心城区面积283.86平方公里,总人口1082万。

    Located in Chengdu Plains, southwest China, Chengdu covers a land size of 12390 square kilometers with an urban area of 283.86 square kilometers and total population of 10.82 million.


  • 土壤养分平衡分析结果表明成都平原耕地土壤管理采取“稳施肥方法严格控制各种点源和非点源污染物进入土壤。

    The balance analysis results of soil nutrient indicated that the fertilization methods of cropland management in Chengdu Plain were firming nitrogen, controlling phosphorus and increasing potassium.


  • 根据成都平原农村相似点,将它们进行归类,那么就可以有针对性共性抓住,针对共性制定相应建设策略,有的放矢地解决实际问题

    Categorizing the similarities of the rural areas of Chengdu Plain, the common ground can be concluded, thus responding policies could be constituted leading to the solving of factual problems.


  • 2004中国乐坛领军人物、著名音乐人三宝数次参观“金沙遗址成都平原文化文化震惊,以跨越时空的凄美爱情构建起《金沙》雏形。

    The year of 2004, Mr. San Bao, Chinese famous composer, was shocked by the ancient Shu civilization after his visitings to Jinshan Relics. Musical Jinshan came into a shape.


  • 周宏伟先生近年提出地质时代成都平原形成断陷湖延续两晋南北朝仍然存在,即汉代“方三百里”、“回二百余里”的“滇池”,再到两晋南北朝的“万顷”。

    Zhou Hongwei proposed that the sag pond formed at the geological age in the Chendu Plain continued till the Western, Eastern Jin's and Southern and Northern Dynasties from roughly a.


  • 周宏伟先生近年提出地质时代成都平原形成断陷湖延续两晋南北朝仍然存在,即汉代“方三百里”、“回二百余里”的“滇池”,再到两晋南北朝的“万顷”。

    Zhou Hongwei proposed that the sag pond formed at the geological age in the Chendu Plain continued till the Western, Eastern Jin's and Southern and Northern Dynasties from roughly a.


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