• 流体本身油气盆地后期的改造作用,导致了油气流体地质历史上可具有多期、聚集、破坏的过程。

    The migration nature of fluid and post-reformation of petroliferous basins resulted in multi-period of migration, accumulation, pool-forming and destruction of oil and gas in geological history.


  • 根据包裹体矿物中的荧光颜色,能查明原油时间温度通道从而揭示原油演化史

    The inclusion shape in the minerals and the color of fluorescence determines time, temperature and pathway of crude migration, revealing the reservoir formation and evolution history.


  • 调整适合集装箱标准规格尺寸

    It can be adjusted to the standard sizes of containers for trains, trucks and ships.


  • 尽管经常生病而且有时候甚至很难起笔来,但是坚持张达诺文章寄过去。

    Although he was often ill, and sometimes could hardly pick up his pen, Zhang Yuncheng kept writing and sent his finished essays to Zhang Danuo.


  • 1995年立至今,公司致力于全球范围内以及海空联国际代理业务。

    From the construction in 1995, the company has dedicated herself to the worldwide services of shipping, air-expressing, land-carriage , multimodal transportation, packing as well as storage, etc.


  • 结论:生胶囊股骨头坏死治疗在改善,促进坏死修复恢复股骨头力学性能上有积极的影响,十分安全有效

    Conclusion: Shengmai Chenggu capsule can increase blood supply, improve necrotic bone repairing, restore the biomechanical properties of the femoral head safely and efficiently.


  • 油气角度将延长矿区模式归纳就近聚集移型穿层型三种类型

    At last the paper summarized the oil pool-forming models in Yanchang oil field as nearby accumulation type, along-layer migration type and trans-layer migration type.


  • 采用漂移放tLC 2254高阻差动放大电路用于酸度电极信号测量。

    The signal of acidity electrode is detected by a differential amplifier circuit, which consists of operational amplifiers TLC2254 with high input impedance and low drift.


  • 石油天然气以气最为有效无需相态转变就能直接

    The most effective phase of hydrocarbon migration is in the oil phase or free gas phase, which directly forms the reservoirs without changing the phases.


  • 此时温度较高压力骤降导致部分熔融流体卸载一转化过程产生温度、压力和流体浓度等梯度变化,促使流体(物质与富集导致

    The high temperature and abrupt pressure drop ensuing in the process may result in partial melting, material migration and unloading of hydrothermal fluids to trigger litho metallogenesis.


  • 东营凹陷永安断裂带天然气为石油伴生气经多次分异聚集形次生气藏,其藏因素较为复杂。

    The gas reservoirs in Yong'anzhen faulted belt of Dongying sag are secondary reservoirs accumulated via multiple migration and differentiation.


  • 结论孤北古1期主要第三纪末—第四纪的沉降埋藏期,由于断裂裂缝的产生使天然气出来,通过断裂和裂缝移至构造高部位聚集

    Conclusion The gas of well Gubeigu 1 was produced during subsidence and was buried in Tertiary. The gas migrates and accumulates from source rock to reservoir through fractures.


  • 原生凝析气藏有机质直接凝析以气聚集藏过程中不存在相态变化。

    The primary condensate gas pool is formed by generation of condensate by organic material and then migration into a pool as gas phase.


  • 方法北古1的生、、盖条件进行地质分析模拟实验分析天然气聚集规律,结合两者综合分析孤北古1井的藏特征。

    Methods The geological methods are used to analyze source rock, reservoir and overlying formation of well Gubeigu 1. The simulating tests are used to analyze migration and accumulation of gas.


  • 油气主要以T1T2界面储层侧向移为主导,隆起、古斜坡之上的各类圈闭有利圈闭效率高。

    Oil and gas in the basin migrated laterally along T1, T2 interfaces and reservoirs. Verious kinds of traps superposed on paleo-uplifts and paleoslopes are more favourable to form oil and gas pools.


  • 不同岩作用层,具有不同的储集物性油气二次动力有所不同。

    Formed under different reservoir diagenesis, have different reservoir properties and oil and gas secondary migration of power is also different.


  • 该区超分布具有明显的分区性,异常高压天然气聚集藏有着密切的联系。

    There is close relationship between the abnormal high pressure and the gas formation, migration and accumulation.


  • 岩性油气藏机理石油地质学研究重要课题,迄今为止,油气藏动力机制、聚机理等问题一直没有完全解决

    As a major topic in petroleum geology, the mechanism of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation for lithologic reservoir has not been completely understood.


  • 这些应力低值区非常有利于油气移、聚集藏。

    In these regions the state of lower stress is favorable for the migration, accumulation and precipitation of mineral liquids and oil gas.


  • 讨论了阳信-花沟地区二氧化碳聚集模式

    The genesis, migration, accumulation and pool-forming models of carbon dioxide gas reservoirs in Yangxin-Huagou area were discussed.


  • 认为欧利坨子地区沙三段油气的富集源于充足,良好的输导体系以及优良能量配置的黄金组合。其藏模式是以垂移为主和短距离的侧向移为辅。

    Study shows that Sha-3layer of Oulituoz area is rich in petroleum due to premiere assemblages among enough oil sources, fair transport system and fine energy configuration.


  • 认为欧利坨子地区沙三段油气的富集源于充足,良好的输导体系以及优良能量配置的黄金组合。其藏模式是以垂移为主和短距离的侧向移为辅。

    Study shows that Sha-3layer of Oulituoz area is rich in petroleum due to premiere assemblages among enough oil sources, fair transport system and fine energy configuration.


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