• 生活起步阶段年轻人年纪更大的成年人有可能优先考虑工作中的个人成就

    Young people who are still getting started in life were more likely than older adults to prioritize personal fulfillment in their work.


  • 我们知道幼年阶段健康失衡会导致后来成就失衡。

    We know that health inequalities at the early stages translate into inequalities in terms of achievement later in life.


  • 如果这个阶段达成关于开放性的原则甚至于标准的协议,成就一些公司,也会伤害到一些公司。

    Agreeing on principles for openness and perhaps even standards at this stage would benefit some firms and hurt others.


  • 乔布斯传》一书中既包含了成就同时记述了乔布斯1985年首次离开苹果走入荒野创办NeXTPixar)的阶段

    “Steve Jobs” means to be the authoritative book about those achievements, and it also follows Mr. Jobs into the wilderness (and to NeXT and Pixar) after his first stint at Apple, which ended in 1985.


  • 当时微软财务总监彼得·克莱因也对Skype的成就耳闻,于是今年四月德班进行了接洽。微软的手机软件业务还处在襁褓阶段,正是四处物色强援的时候。

    Peter Klein, Microsoft's chief financial officer, had been hearing the chatter and reached out to Durban in April.


  • 在先阶段结束时项目出资人认为这个项目可行认为这个项目的商业案例如果继续运行下去是可以获取成就的。

    At the end of the Inception phase, the stakeholders agree that the project is feasible and that the business case for the project is achievable if the project proceeds as planned.


  • 戴尔工作的第一阶段,也就是1999年2004年期间获得很多销售成就奖项,为戴尔公司作了很多贡献

    During the 1st period in Dell from CY1999 to CY2004, I won lots of sales achieved award and kept continuous contribution.


  • 咨询调研诊断阶段,被服务企业都会把实施iso 9000质量管理项目作为一项管理成就介绍

    In my research advisory stage at diagnosis, service enterprises have implemented ISO9000 project management as a management achievements introduced to me.


  • 产品出口已经小有成就基础柳工开始了海外制造阶段

    Modicum of success in exports has been based on overseas manufacturing started Liugong stage.


  • 之后古代近现代时期阶段概述边塞诗研究史,不同时期的研究成就与贡献、不足与缺憾作出简要评介

    After that, a brief commentary on the researching history of frontier poems was contributed by three stages which included ancient times, modem times and new times.


  • 三个历史阶段介绍通俗小说研究主要成就代表著作

    Three historical stages are divided in its introduction of the major achievements and the representative works in the research.


  • 原因似乎不同阶段与不同的成就有关

    The reason seems to be that different periods are related to different kinds of achievement.


  • 1998年劳动社会保障部成立至今我国城市社会保障制度进入全新建设阶段取得较大的成就

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Security established in 1998, from then on the urban social security system of our country enters into a brand-new construction phase, and has made great achievement.


  • 土星经过阶段往往巨大成就时期这些成就往往预见到的更多。

    Saturn periods are often marked with periods of enormous accomplishment, and those victories usually are greater than you may have assumed you were capable of seeing.


  • 文章还对各个阶段徽学研究所取得成就进行了简要评述。

    This article comments on the accomplishment of research of "Science about Huizhou" in each stage concisely as well.


  • 但是第一阶段直到十八世纪文学基本上仍一种普遍化社会概念,它表明一定水平(少数人)的教育成就

    But still, in this first stage, into the eighteenth century, literature was primarily a generalized social concept, expressing a certain (minority) level of education achievement.


  • 近年来,中国城市化人加速阶段取得了极大的成就,同时出现了种种错综复杂问题

    In recent years, urbanization in China has stepped into an accelerating phase. Amidst magnificent achievements, there have emerged some complicated problems.


  • 协商初始阶段成就动机强烈程度支配节点发起参与一次协商,同时影响初始设定

    Achievement motivation determines whether a node sponsors or participates in a negotiation as well as the principle of setting initial price in the preliminary stage.


  • 时期凌叔华研究进入新的阶段,在人物形象艺术风格研究等方面取得了突出成就

    In the new period, research on Ling Shuhua has got into position, and made great achievement in figural image and artistic style.


  • 鲁迅乡土》视为这个时期代表性作品之一,深刻理解艺术家阶段追求成就

    The Hometown of Lu Xun can be considered a representative work from this period, allowing us a thorough understanding of Wu Guanzhong's goals and achievements at this time.


  • 阶段介绍中国西部东北华北等地区工作技术成就地质效果。

    The technical and geological achievements are reviewed according to various stages, as the work started in West China and moved towards Northeast and North China historically.


  • 事业应该一个激动人心阶段经历现在天王星地球规则你的荣誉成就第十宫,轨道非常接近木星礼品和幸运。

    Your career should be going through an exciting phase now that Uranus, the planet that rules your tenth house of honors and achievement, is orbiting very close to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck.


  • 显然忙于个处于最后润色阶段事情这个事情成为人生众个最有成就时期中的一个。

    It appears that you'll be busy putting the finishing touches on the stage that will be set for what will be one of the most fulfilling periods of your life!


  • 中国水利工程移民尽管数十年来成就斐然,但阶段各种各样矛盾冲突共同作用,仍然暴露出了一些必须正视的问题

    Thus Chinese water conservancy resettlement, despite its achievements in past decades, exposes several problems which are to be envisaged under the synergetic effects of current various conflicts.


  • 个人专案的不同阶段各司其职,一环扣一环地充分配合,最终成就成功作品

    Everyone performs his or her own duty at different stages which are fully tied in with each other, contributing to a piece of successful work.


  • 高职阶段学生需求主要体现社会需求、尊重需求和自我实现(成就需求)三个层次,具体表现为能力需求、关系需求自主需求。

    In higher vocational education, the learners' needs mainly focus on love and belong(esteem), esteem and self-actualization need, precisely: ability needs, social needs and self-realization needs.


  • 每当实现目标时就自己一些小奖励,以保持激励阶段成就

    Give yourself a small reward whenever you achieve a sub-goal, thus maintaining motivation and a sense of progress.


  • 最终一个年轻阶段做到一些成就,我从未期待过能够西班牙一起做到这些。

    I finally made something at a young age, I never expected it to be with Spain.


  • 最终一个年轻阶段做到一些成就,我从未期待过能够西班牙一起做到这些。

    I finally made something at a young age, I never expected it to be with Spain.


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