• 成为新娘之前一天成为最美耀眼的一天吧!

    Then, you should dress up and make yourself be the prettiest and most charming before becoming the bride.


  • 成为新娘女孩如何挑选一个美丽的婚礼自己满意吗?

    Will become the bride of the girls, how to pick out a beautiful wedding it own satisfaction?


  • 不必成为新娘穿王薇薇现成服装线使她获得年度最佳女装设计师

    You don't have to be a bride to wear Vera Wang, her ready-to-wear lines has earned her the Womenswear Designer of the Year award.


  • 但是既然一个女人独自可能成为新娘就不愿意结婚至少现在还愿意。

    But as a woman can't be a bride alone, I won't marry, at least not yet.


  • 一位未来即将成为新娘年轻女子: “结婚典礼之后喜欢门廊握手吗?”

    I asked the young bride-to-be, "Are you planning to shake hands in the vestibule after the ceremony?"


  • 夏季婚礼上佩戴清新淡雅珠宝首饰成为新娘首选珠宝光芒完全绽放白色的圣洁婚纱之中。

    Summer wedding, pure and fresh quietly elegant of wearing jewelry become preferred, let the bride of jewelry fully bloomed in light of the holy white dress.


  • 我们计划教堂打造成一个幸福浪漫场所……每个女孩都曾梦想过自己成为新娘的情景,”女士告诉BBC

    "In our planning, we want to make it a blissful, romantic avenue... Every girl imagines how they will look like when they become the bride," Ms Pan told the BBC.


  • 成为一个新娘来到这个农场时候,这块石头就在那儿正好就房子拐角处

    When I came to the farm as a bride, the rock was there, just around the coner of the house.


  • 第二,国王命令每一位女孩必须史穿玻璃穿上鞋子最合适姑娘成为王子新娘

    The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe. Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.


  • 某些地区比如相对富裕哈里亚纳邦旁遮普邦比较贫困的邦新娘已经成为普遍现象。

    In some parts of the country, like in the relatively wealthy states of Haryana and Punjab, families have been known to buy brides from poorer states.


  • 男孩经常那些极度渴望有个继承人家庭女孩则可以成为农村男人未来新娘

    Boys are often sold to families desperate for an heir; girls can be reared as future brides for rural men.


  • 王子宣布能穿起水晶鞋的人将会成为新娘,”第一个姐妹自己得意地笑着说,“肯定行的。”

    The Prince announced that whoever the glass slipper fit would be his bride,” the first smiled. “That’ll of course fit me.”


  • 根据马尔代夫传说,从前,名叫Koimalaa僧伽罗王子新娘-斯里兰卡国王女儿-被搁浅马尔代夫的一个礁湖,无奈他们只能留在那里,至此成为了那里的第一君王

    According to Maldivian legend, a Sinhalese prince named Koimalaa was stranded with his bridedaughter of the king of Sri Lankain a Maldivian lagoon and stayed on to rule as the first sultan.


  • 新娘们要购买华美礼服自己成为注意力中心来婚礼非凡意义

    The importance of wedding day is so much that bride buy stunning Prom Dresses to become the centre of attraction.


  • 服装店空间设计吻合了这些即将成为焦点新娘那些重要时刻的期待期盼,也充分显示他们新娘婚礼尊重

    This dress shop evokes the feelings of expectation and exaltation of the bride, who is the centre of attention, with respect to her wedding.


  • 永远不会成为家庭主妇而是一直新娘

    But she will elegantly escape her fate as a desperate housewife by becoming a serial bride.


  • 新郎新娘通过相识相知相爱直至成为夫妻走过难忘时光对此我们表示热烈祝贺

    The bridegroom, bride by acquaintance, friend, love, until they become husband and wife, traversed a memorable time, it allows us to express enthusiastic congratulation!


  • 一定要杀了因为并不,我不会成为新娘

    I must kill him! Because he doesn't love me, I won't be his bride!


  • 印度,在那些“大部分新娘离开娘家搬夫家住”已成为长期做法的地区,印度的parayadhan的是依然和自己的父母生活在一起的女儿

    In India, where by long-standing practice most new wives leave home to move in with their husbands' families, the Hindi term paraya dhan refers to daughters still living with their own parents.


  • 白色绽放新娘头顶显得庄重高雅优雅美丽的设计你在婚礼成为最佳女主角。

    Large white flowers bloom in the top of the bride's head to make you look dignified and elegant, while the elegant and beautiful head hoop design allows you to become the best actress in the wedding.


  • 一个落跑新娘三个男人后,最终曾经将成为首席伴娘的女人喜结连理

    A runaway bride who jilted three men has finally tied the knot with her maid of honour.


  • 他们需要东西抛撒到新娘身上,让自己典礼过程成为活跃参加者

    They needed something to toss at the bride to reinstate themselves as active participants in the ceremony.


  • 即使照片上新郎新娘一求婚事件表现出高兴的样子,但新娘似乎有点强颜欢笑,这成为了网友评论的焦点。

    While the bride and groom appear to be happy with the events, the bride's arguably strained grin has been the subject of much discussion amongst Reddit commentators.


  • 英国位女性开创了“职业伴娘一行使帮助压力过重新娘成为自己事业

    A woman has forged a career as a 'professional bridesmaid' after making it her mission to help stressed-out brides.


  • 其中一位年纪最大老智者只有一个姑娘才能把这些石榴下来,这个姑娘将会成为王子的新娘

    The oldest of them all said that only one maiden would be able to pick the fruit and that she would become the bride of the king's son.


  • 这种创造性的举动分散她们的注意力,接到花的人会成为新娘

    So one inventive bride threw her bouquet to create a distraction, and other brides followed suit.


  • 这种创造性的举动分散她们的注意力,接到花的人会成为新娘

    So one inventive bride threw her bouquet to create a distraction, and other brides followed suit.


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