• 兰多:“我们不会戈兰高地交给叙利亚。”

    "The Golan will not be handed over to Syria," Landau said.


  • 戈兰高地大约有八十万叙利亚人背景离乡。

    In the Golan Heights, an estimated 80, 000 Syrians fled.


  • 第二戈兰高地,托马林叙利亚火箭炮击中身亡。

    Next day on the Golan, Tomalin was killed by a Syrian rocket.


  • 以色列戈兰高地归还叙利亚,以作为这项全面和平协议一部分。

    As part of a comprehensive peace agreement, Israel should return the Golan Heights to Syria.


  • 叙利亚以色列同意戈兰高地撤出之前,他们不会重回谈判桌

    Syria says it will not return to the negotiating table until Israel agrees in advance to withdraw from the Golan Heights.


  • 实在近得戈兰高地上真正有争议范围150带状地

    Very close indeed: the actual area of the Golan Heights that remained disputed was a 150-metre-wide strip.


  • 阿萨德身体不好去世重新得到戈兰高地确实需要谨慎

    Assad was not in good health and wanted to regain the Golan before he died, but he had to be careful.


  • 戈兰高地的犹太定居者发表声明说,他们拒绝任何要求他们离开地区协议

    A statement from the Golan settlers rejected any agreement that would require them to leave the area.


  • 阿拉法特眼中巴拉克单方面黎巴嫩撤军主动撤出戈兰高地削弱了的影响力。

    In Arafat's eyes, Barak's unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon and his offer to withdraw from the Golan had weakened him.


  • 1993年,克林顿害怕听到拉宾这位将军愿意为了叙利亚和平放弃戈兰高地

    Mr Clinton was thrilled to hear in 1993 that the former general was willing to cede the Golan Heights for peace with Syria.


  • 确实内塔尼亚胡前任——奥尔默特- - - - -似乎认同戈兰高地有一归还叙利亚

    Indeed, Mr Netanyahu's predecessor, Ehud Olmert, seemed to accept that the Heights would one day have to be returned to Syria.


  • 以色列议会启动竞选,他保证未来巴勒斯坦任何协定不会包括交出西岸戈兰高地部分地区

    He launched his campaign at the Knesset, promising that any future agreement with the Palestinians will not include handing over parts of the West Bank and the Golan Heights.


  • 佩雷斯以方放弃戈兰高地签订一个安全条约。后来内塔尼亚胡巴拉克也都提出这样的要求。

    Peres wanted me to sign a security treaty with Israel if it gave up the Golan, an idea that was suggested to me later by Netanyahu and would be advanced again by Barak.


  • 所以,签署和平条约是为了能够达到和平……如果可以拥有整个戈兰高地,那么我们拥有的和平条约。

    If they say you can have the entire Golan back, we will have a peace treaty.


  • 看来没有沿袭父亲哈菲兹(Hafez)的老路——坚持以色列作出交还戈兰高地承诺后方能与之媾和

    It seems that he is not even insisting, as his father Hafez used to, on Israel promising before any talks to give back the whole of the Golan Heights.


  • 以色列士兵星期一修复了被抗议者剪断部分铁丝网,当时那些抗议者试图进入以色列控制下戈兰高地

    Israeli soldiers on Monday repaired the parts of the barbed wire that Israel said protesters cut as they tried to enter Israeli-controlled territory in the Golan Heights.


  • 以色列议会通过一项法律要求任何涉及割让以色列领土(尤其是东耶路撒冷戈兰高地)条约,都必须经过全民公投。

    Israel's parliament enacted a law that would require any deal involving the ceding of land annexed by Israel, in particular East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, to be put to a national referendum.


  • 以色列二十世纪八十年代早期吞并这些土地时,只有东耶路撒冷戈兰高地居民允许获得完全以色列居民身份。

    Only the inhabitants of East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights were allowed to receive full Israeli citizenship, as Israel annexed these territories in the early 1980s.


  • 叙利亚戈兰高地全部愿意以色列留下一小狭长陆地10在沿湖边界处;以色列嫌太,想再些。

    Syria wanted all of the Golan back but was willing to leave the Israelis a small strip of land, 10 meters (33 feet) wide, along the border of the lake; Israel wanted a wider strip of land.


  • 在遇刺,伊扎克·拉宾承诺,如果以方关心的问题能得到满足,他们将戈兰高地至1967年64日划定的边界

    Before he was killed, Yitzhak Rabin had given me a commitment to withdraw from the Golan to the June 4, 1967, borders as long as Israel's concerns were satisfied.


  • 以叙之间和平谈判2000年破裂之后叙利亚警告说,以色列拒绝交还战略要地戈兰高地的举动可能导致战争

    Peace talks between the two countries collapsed in 2000, and, since then, Syria has warned that Israel's refusal to return the strategic Golan Heights could lead to war.


  • 1967年以色列叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地以来,已经有1万8千以色列搬迁到那里目前戈兰高地已经成为一个受欢迎旅游地点

    Since Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967, 18, 000 Israelis have moved there and the area is now a popular tourist destination.


  • 1973年,叙利亚人不得不戈兰高地以色列防御工事坦克壕沟苦战,藏在工事里的以色列坦克,让他们遭受了非常沉重损失

    The Syrians had to fight their way across Israeli fortifications and anti-tank ditches on the Golan Heights in 1973, and suffering very heavy losses from hull-down, dug-in Israeli tanks.


  • 结果是数千巴勒斯坦人公交车运送至戈兰高地边境MajdalShams镇对面,并开始攀越障碍时,面对他们只有小队的士兵

    As a result, when a couple of thousand Palestinians, bused to the Golan border opposite the town of Majdal Shams, began clambering over the fence, only a small force of soldiers confronted them.


  • 1967年以色列叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地以来,已经有1万8千以色列搬迁到那里目前戈兰高地已经成为一个受欢迎旅游地点

    Since Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967, 18,000 Israelis have moved there and the area is now a popular tourist destination.


  • 1967年以色列叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地以来,已经有1万8千以色列搬迁到那里目前戈兰高地已经成为一个受欢迎旅游地点

    Since Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967, 18,000 Israelis have moved there and the area is now a popular tourist destination.


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