• 不过混淆了,提供免费样品主意红利并不一定是慷慨大方馈赠

    But don't be confused. Free samples and free ideas and free bonuses are not necessarily generous ACTS.


  • 清单最终版本可能包括慷慨——大方地把时间真心交给你;又或是他喜欢小孩子成为一个慈爱,负责任的好爸爸

    Your final list might include generosityhe gives freely of his heart and time-or maybe he wants children and would be an involved, loving dad.


  • 我们远离工作时,我们再也慷慨大方付出自己的关注

    Some of us aren't any more generous with attention when we're away from work.


  • 实际上获得推荐最好方法改变的做法,改变你卖的东西怎样克服困难,和当你不需要变得慷慨的时候仍然表现的大方

    In fact, the best way to get referrals is to change what you do, what you sell, how you act when times are difficult, how generous you are when you don't need to be.


  • 表现慷慨大方比较好的例子如果朋友一起的,你买得起一大罐酒。

    A good example of being generous would be, if you're with friends, you could purchase the pitcher of drinks.


  • 骗子们怀揣着看似高洁灵魂,以金融奇才的面目出现,他们把骗局装扮成一件礼物慷慨大方馈赠这个感恩的世界

    The fraud appears to be a bountiful gift that the confidence trickster, a generous soul and a financial wizard to boot, has bestowed upon a grateful world.


  • 如果他们应用程序给予更大的广告平台那么同样一个慷慨大方股票收益安抚他们的不安

    It could also soothe them by offering them a generous share of revenues if it extends its advertising platform to their apps.


  • 通过所有措施公众对于慈善慷慨大方使成为世界上成功募捐活动之一。

    By any measure, the public's generosity in supporting that charity made it one of the most successful health-related fundraising campaigns ever.


  • 对于那个年代财阀华尔街大亨们也是同样毫无仁慈之心,他称后者摧毁美国人天生慷慨大方代之贪婪和自私。

    He is similarly unsparing about the plutocrats and Wall Street luminaries of his day, who he argued had destroyed the innate generosity of Americans and replaced it with greed and selfishness.


  • 我们在前面到,一个人真诚可以由他是否慷慨大方看出来。

    Notice as I said previously, the sincerity of one's love is test byone's practice of generosity.


  • 社会关怀危机,不容躲避逃逸,除非死,除非你腰缠万贯,除非你出生在一个慷慨大方,本事超强的家庭

    Unless you die early and quickly, or are swaddled with vast amounts of cash and a big-hearted, capable family, the social care crisis is not to be shunned.


  • 全宇宙慷慨大方而且想要一样大度。

    He is the most generous giver in the universe, and God wants you to learn to be like him.


  • 老贝承认一些女性朋友支付牙科账单大学学费、医疗费等等只是出于自己慷慨大方不图回报

    He said he had paid for dentistry bills, university tuition fees and medical treatment on behalf of his female friends, but that he did so out of personal generosity, seeking nothing in return.


  • 一直以为一位创造性强,容易相处,慷慨大方溺爱自己儿子父亲

    I used to see myself as this creative, nice, selfless, awesome dad who dotes on his three year old son.


  • 然后麦道夫自己慷慨大方之举而困扰不已的样子,吸收客户加入当成朋友们的帮助。

    Thus Madoff posed as a man beleaguered by his own generosity, who took on new clients as a favor to friends.


  • 不要为了付账而牵扯不停。可以坚持一次然后谢谢对方慷慨大方并且承诺下次买单

    Never fight over a bill if someone else offers to pay; you can counter once, and then after that simply thank the person paying for the generosity and offer to pick up the TAB the next time.


  • 不过别弄混淆了,提供免费样品主意红利并不一定慷慨大方馈赠

    Free samples and free ideas and free bonuses are not necessarily generous ACTS.


  • 维克斯曼--马基议案美国经济超过ETS欧洲的经济覆盖面,补偿更加慷慨大方

    The Waxman-Markey bill covers more of the American economy than the ETS does of Europe’s, and takes a far more generous approach to offsets.


  • 他们其他旅伴组团并且少数HONEYSUCKLE过夜早餐那里有着丰盛且慷慨大方的早餐他们不必下一次进餐再吃什么东西。

    They Shared the driving with another couple and stayed fewer nights at the Honeysuckle Hill Bed and breakfast, where he said a generous breakfast meant they did not have to eat again until dinner.


  • 箴言说到慷慨大方原则

    Proverbs also speaks of principles of generosity.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》近日报道,美国研究人员的最新研究发现,在身处更高的空间位置时,人们会显得更加慷慨大方,也更愿意帮助别人

    Scientists have discovered that people are more generous and willing to help when they are physically higher than others.


  • 道德是否还证明有这样存在——他是慷慨大方的但同时也是最荒谬的:他整个世界隐退,因此给出他能给与的一切

    Probably the most generous because also the most absurd, capable of renouncing the whole world, and consequently giving away all that can be given?


  • 7月25日科学技术中,妇女社会地位可悲地得不到充分表现,历史今天却出现一次慷慨大方例外

    July 25: in science and technology, spheres of society where women are woefully underrepresented, this day in history offers a bountiful exception. Here are the milestones.


  • 同日还宣布了一个看起来慷慨大方的80亿欧元(100亿美元)灾区援助计划(后来大家得知,此笔基金要使用至少22的时间)。

    On the same day he announced a seemingly generous 8 billion euro ($10 billion) in aid for the earthquake zone (it has since emerged that this will be spread over no less than 22 years).


  • 喜欢参加偶尔家庭聚会,你慷慨大方地把提供出来作为聚会场所,通过其他方式为聚会作一些贡献

    Like most people, you enjoy an occasional family gathering or party, and you will generously offer to have the party at your house or contribute in some other way.


  • 喜欢参加偶尔家庭聚会,你慷慨大方地把提供出来作为聚会场所,通过其他方式为聚会作一些贡献

    Like most people, you enjoy an occasional family gathering or party, and you will generously offer to have the party at your house or contribute in some other way.


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