• 一定要把握哪些让感觉美好时刻并且好好利用

    You should always remember that it's impossible to feel good and at the same time be having negative thoughts.


  • 一项新的研究表明,铺好的床上容易感觉美好

    Sleeping in a freshly made bed is the thing most likely to make people feel great, according to new research.


  • 肯定知道两种感觉区别因为感觉美好一种让你感觉糟糕

    And you know the difference between the two because one makes you feel good, and the other makes you feel bad.


  • 他们梦境借来那些他们感觉美好安全感东西靠着他们想要美好生活

    They borrowed from their former dreams the things that made them feel good and safe and clung to them for dear life.


  • 买到便宜货(41%的人投票)、喝一杯(39%投票)都是让英国人感觉美好的瞬间。

    Finding a bargain in the sales (41 per cent) and a cup of tea (39 per cent) were also among the favourite feel great moments.


  • 也许是清晨慢跑晚上高山滑雪或是一个温柔的下雪天里雪花曼舞,这些都内心感觉美好

    Maybe running in the morning, downhill skiing at night, or watching dancing snowflakes in a gentle snowfall can make you feel good inside.


  • 在我成为一名导师之后,我才意识到帮助他人、他人的生活因你而改变的感觉是多么美好

    Now that I am a mentor, I realize what a good feeling you get from helping someone else and knowing that you're making a difference in his or her life.


  • 多时候,我给我最好的朋友打电话,谈论我们的美好时光或一些有趣的事情,我在不知不觉中就感觉好了。

    Very often I call my best friend and we talk about our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.


  • 开始看到每天发生事情处于控制之中时的感觉多么美好

    You'll start to see how much better it feels to be in control of what happens every day.


  • 种至极的感觉,能征服一切感觉无比美好

    Love is the ultimate feeling that conquers all and makes a person feel nothing but good.


  • 如果准备离开清理一下办公桌会给一种收工打烊美好感觉

    When you're going off for two weeks, tidying your desk gives you a nice sense of closure.


  • 恢复生计、重建房屋学校重修基建,其实并不足够,当地人民需要重获美好生活感觉

    It is not enough to restart livelihoods, rebuild homes and schools, and restore infrastructure: people also want to regain their sense of well-being.


  • 度过职业养育孩子联系在一起美好中产阶级生活后,当然还有抵押贷款汽车我们来说一种新的自由感觉

    After a nice, middle-class life tied to careers and raising children, with mortgages and car payments, this was a new sense of freedom for us.


  • 不再渴望任何东西的时候,感觉幸福感觉

    It is the most wonderful feeling, the feeling of bliss, when you don't desire anything anymore.


  • 这里任何游客都会宾至如归感觉。 只要有兴趣,他可以放慢脚步,去慢慢享受一切美好事物一杯咖啡、一瓶美酒曲天籁般的音乐或者一片满奶油的萨克大蛋糕。

    Any traveler with an interest in slowing down and experiencing the finer things -- a good cup of coffee, fine wine, heavenly music, or a Sacher torte with whipped cream -- will feel right at home.


  • 如果回报随机我们永远不知道何时得到回报自然就尽量等待体验下一次惊喜美好感觉

    If a reward is random, we never know for sure if and when we might receive it, so expending energy and resources in the hope of experiencing that wonderful feeling of surprise again isn't difficult.


  • 点燃所有美好感觉她保持笑意,不管你接下来说出什么

    It's the overall great feeling you have sparked in her that will keep her laughing, no matter what you come up with.


  • 一种至极感觉能征服一切感觉无比美好

    Love is the ultimate feeling that conquers all and makes a person feel nothing but good. This is purely and utterly a misconception.


  • 罗杰希望传递一种美好平静感觉,并以此舒缓我们在日常生活中的浮躁情绪

    More than anything, Rogers wanted to impart a sense of wonder and tranquility, to provide a bit of solace from our hectic, everyday lives.


  • 一个孩子如果感觉生活世界美好,他将画丑陋有着像鹰一样延伸的手指

    A kid who feels uncomfortable in the world draws ugly people with spreadeagled hands and thumbs.


  • 感觉就是我们应该我们母亲—和我们的父亲那儿学到美好东西。

    I t felt like the best of what we're supposed to learn from our mothers - -and our dads.


  • 如果生活任何方面体会到这些感觉,你就会感到生活美好

    In anything in life, if you can experience the sensations of whatever you're doing, this is a beautiful thing.


  • 每次胜利都会让自己感觉美好同时随着技能学习或者关注点训练,你将会发现迈向一个目标变得更加容易。

    You’ll feel better about yourself with each victory, and with the learning of each new skill or the discipline of each new focus, you’ll find it that much easier to move to the next goal.


  • 每次胜利都会自己感觉美好同时随着技能学习或者关注点训练,你将发现迈向一个目标变得更加容易。

    You'll feel better about yourself with each victory, and with the learning of each new skill or the discipline of each new focus, you'll find it that much easier to move to the next goal.


  • 拥有一切某些方面却是一个穷人不会知道渴望希望感受,不会了解怀有美好梦想时心里会什么感觉

    The man who has everything is in some ways a poor man. He will never know what it feels like to yearn, to hope, to nourish his soul with the dream of something better.


  • 富人名人他们按钮整天按个不停形单影只的人只能靠想象体验那些美好感觉

    The rich and famous would get their buttons pushed all day long, while the lonely would fantasize about how great that would be.


  • 还是小孩子的时候,可能会探究身体找出你是怎么来的,怎么没的,也要找寻美好感觉

    As a baby or toddler, you probably explored your body to find out where you began and ended, and what felt good.


  • 联想锻炼时,回忆令人美好感觉,自身也感觉不错,其实自己就是锻炼最大推动力

    When your mind conjures up exercise, it will recall the pleasant feeling you ended with-and feeling good about your body and yourself is the best incentive.


  • 联想锻炼时,回忆令人美好感觉,自身也感觉不错,其实自己就是锻炼最大推动力

    When your mind conjures up exercise, it will recall the pleasant feeling you ended with-and feeling good about your body and yourself is the best incentive.


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