• 许多女性担心自己照片如果被放在社交网络上会招来恶评

    Many women fear the pictures will attract catty comments if they appear on social networking websites.


  • 网站也不是没有风险拒绝删除产品恶评可能招致诽谤官司。

    Websites often run the risk of being sued for defamation if they refuse to delete comments about certain products.


  • 如果竞争对手捏造的,我们找出源头对方停手

    If these bad comments are being generated by competitors, then we can find out the source and tell them to stop.


  • 猜测也许因为自己知名度太高杀死很难而不招致恶评

    He speculates that his high profile made it hard to kill him without attracting negative publicity.


  • 使得普通大众尤其是教堂人们作者此书产生了极大的敌意

    With such negative criticism, the flames of hatred against both the author and the book were ignited in the hearts of the general public, particularly the church-going crowd.


  • 然而电影聚合网站番茄显示这部影片基本上如潮,平均只有26%。

    However, Rotten Tomatoes, an online film review aggregator, shows that the movie has received generally negative feedback, with an average rating of just 26 percent.


  • 上赛季约翰逊自从说出不在乎球迷的羞辱,媒体如潮,那一段艰难时段

    After saying he didn't care if Hawks fans showed up for games or not late last season, Johnson was given a hard time in the papers.


  • 根据经典名著红楼梦的电视剧最近如潮,导演仍然坚持本书看法。刘伟报道

    A new TV series based on the classic a Dream of Red Mansions has received poor reviews, but the director stands by her treatment of the book, Liu Wei reports.


  • 尤其是印刷广告出现一个被床单覆盖的尸体戴着一只莱茵石镶嵌的手套招致如潮。

    In particular, a print advertisement, which shows a sheet-covered body wearing a rhinestone-jewelled glove, has prompted the most criticism.


  • 年前美国生育医药社会这机构发起广告,内容是一个婴儿塞在沙漏广告引发恶评大爆发

    A decade ago, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine launched an AD campaign featuring a baby bottle inside an hourglass, and it sparked a firestorm of criticism.


  • 不会相信那些网站了。的投诉不过他们挣钱工具。”博客写手马明东决定再也不写恶评稿

    "I don't trust websites anymore," said blogger ma Mingdong, who has given up Posting negative articles. "My posts are just tools for these websites to make money."


  • 他们所见到嗜血成性的、利用情节及其与生俱来的,娱乐见长的流行小说家这是小说的恶评言辞

    What they see is a blood-soaked popular novelist who employs plot and its parent condition, entertainment, a dirty word to them.


  • 然而,令人担忧通过在网站张贴虚假逼迫企业购买广告的行为。这种手段正被越来越多的网站使用

    More worrying, perhaps, is the growing use of fake negative comments by websites to pressure businesses into advertising with them.


  • 其他企业家也都出现较为严重问题由于交付出现延迟感到失望支持者网站进行恶评发泄他们的不满

    Other entrepreneurs have suffered more serious problems with disappointed supporters venting their frustration about late delivery by writing rude things about them on the Internet.


  • 微软内部理想主义者实用主义者胜利2004年就报道过了直接解释了为什么Vista收到一片恶评并且销售惨淡

    The victory of the idealists over the pragmatists at Microsoft, which I reported in 2004, directly explains why Vista is getting terrible reviews and selling poorly.


  • 如果论坛出现关于客户恶评很多人他们是不是真的有问题啊’- - -事实上,只是这个论坛要价较高而已

    If one of my clients gets negative posts on certain online forum, everyone would say, 'Oh, they are in trouble' - but only because this forum charges more than the others.


  • 孩子们创造组织环境- - -不是他们很多自由时间- - -戴维斯-肯注意到,这一观点目前受到恶评

    Creating a more structured environment for childrenas opposed to giving them lots of free timehas been getting something of a bad reputation lately, Davis-Kean notes.


  • 酒店主人Chirag Khajuria在个月以前接手了这家海边酒店的运营,共接待了3,000名的客人,但换来的确是35条

    Its owner, Chirag Khajuria, who has had 3, 000 guests since taking over the running of the seaside hotel six months ago - garnering just 35 poor reviews - criticised the methodology.


  • 如果开发功能1000万使用,有10%喜欢,你收到的恶评简直会把你淹没,”工程部副总裁迈克·斯科罗普夫(MikeSchroepfer)

    "If you roll out a feature to 10 million people and 10% don't like it, that's a lot of hate mail," says Mike Schroepfer, VP of engineering.


  • 如果开发功能1000万使用,有10%喜欢,你收到的恶评简直会把你淹没,”工程部副总裁迈克·斯科罗普夫(MikeSchroepfer)

    "If you roll out a feature to 10 million people and 10% don't like it, that's a lot of hate mail," says Mike Schroepfer, VP of engineering.


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