• 马都克术士之师记住

    MARDUK, Son of ENKI, Master of Magicians, Remember!


  • ·雷兹佩认为自行车行业前景如何

    What is the prospect of the bike industry according to Ryan Rzepecki?


  • 伦敦西南沃伦巴辛斯托克地方斯伯里超市,只需片刻时间,就让人思维进入购物模式

    In the Sainsbury’s in Hatch Warren, Basingstoke, south-west of London, it takes a while for the mind to get into a shopping mode.


  • 然而赛季开始之际,雷德·特纳普用了上赛季的首发搭档杰梅·迪福彼特·克劳,中介在第67分钟时候替补上声。

    But when push came to shove, Redknapp struck with Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch, his first-choice partnership from last season, and only introduced Keane as a 67 th minute substitute.


  • 不足,玛丽·卡罗·乔治发现那些被父母身体虐待孩子们有更少同理心

    Not surprisingly, Mary Main and Carol George found children with physically abusive parents had children with less empathy.


  • 一事,二月份选举败给统一党的达•肯尼也不足

    After this it was no surprise that Mr Cowen lost February's election to Fine Gael's Enda Kenny.


  • 在此情形之下英国外交大臣哈利法克斯勋爵波兰伦敦大使康特·瑞克斯经协商约定一旦发生武力冲突,两之间互帮互助

    Under it Lord Halifax, the British foreign secretary and count Raczynski, Poland's ambassador in London, agreed that their countries would aid each other in the event of attack.


  • 在被指控英格兰队友也是切尔西队友韦·布里女友瓦妮莎·佩隆·里有染后,特里非常需要同老婆解释自己清白。

    Terry is anxious to speak with his partner following allegations of an affair with Vanessa Perroncel, the former girlfriend of his England and former Chelsea team-mate Wayne Bridge.


  • 许多艺术作品,尼尼高度写实主义雕塑家·穆克作品,在没有背景的情况下,很容易以为怪诞的神秘现象

    Many artworks, such as those by Piccinini and hyperrealist sculptor Ron Mueck, could easily be mistaken for a bizarre, seemingly mysterious phenomenon when seen out of context.


  • 罗伊·今天表示对于大卫·戈格赛季初连续进球并不感到惊讶上赛季富勒姆时他还租借名射手

    Roy Hodgson today revealed he isn't surprised by David Ngog's early-season scoring spree - because he tried to take the striker on loan to former club Fulham last season.


  • 2009年四月起,来自尔特·社会(当地一个慈善机构)的自愿者们会这里清理灌木丛荆棘,为铁器时代,摇摇欲坠的堡垒节省了不少。

    Since April 2009 volunteers from the Chiltern Society, a local charity, have worked to clear scrub and brambles there, saving a crumbling Iron Age fort.


  • 周六双打伊斯内尔鲍勃·布赖携手,战胜了泽蒙蒂普萨·雷维组合,美国队挽救了一点面子。

    Isner and Bob Bryan pulled one back for the U.S. by defeating Nenad Zimonjic and Janko Tipsarevic in Saturday's doubles.


  • 谢天谢地南希·贝蒂·科里留了下来

    Thank goodness, Nancy Hernreich and Betty Currie were staying.


  • 锋线短缺被归咎于球队卖出欧文福勒球员之后,未能成功留住克劳罗比·

    The forward shortage is explained by the club's failure to replace Peter Crouch and Robbie Keane, the two big sales in that department post-Owen and Fowler.


  • 科赫-格力公司于2009年关闭了·海姆的办事处

    Koch - Glitsch closed its office in Viernheim in 2009, Bentu says.


  • 米拉麦克斯电影公司前任制作人哈特先生将一些电影化的综合修饰应用于这部作品常常让人联想到大卫电影

    Mr Earnhart, a former producer for Miramax Films, has applied some cinematic flourishes to this production, which often recalls the bizarre cinema of David Lynch.


  • 生活教练皮特·:“目前经济环境下许多考虑跳槽不足。”

    Life Coach Pete Cohen said: "in the current economic climate, it's hardly surprising that so many people are considering a career switch."


  • 白金汉尔特·大学学院心理学讲师乔治·菲尔斯德博士对此提出了一种解释

    Dr. George Fieldman, a lecturer in psychology at Buckingham Chilterns University College, offers an explanation.


  • 因此维尔卡尔上前紧逼朴智星瓦伦西亚,即使两位边路球员能够漂亮的传中球,中路的丹约翰逊也可利用人数上的优势空中提前将威胁解除,阻止韦·鲁尼得到机会。

    That allowedRidgewell and Carr to get tight on Park and Valencia and Dann andJohnson were always capable of repelling them in the air with WayneRooney so outnumbered in the middle.


  • 我们一直非常喜欢时代精神风格”,,“他们浓郁的家庭氛围也正是我们所珍视并保留。”

    We have always loved the spirit and style of the Rat Pack era, ” Kian Egan said. “They had a strong family vibe (5) going on which is what we have in Westlife.”


  • 我们一直非常喜欢时代精神风格”,,“他们浓郁的家庭氛围也正是我们所珍视并保留。”

    "We have always loved the spirit and style of the Rat Pack era," Kian Egan said. "They had a strong family vibe (5) going on which is what we have in Westlife."


  • 本图过去一直距离法兰克福南部80公里科赫-格力公司费·海姆办事处工作月中第一次看见伊朗订单

    Bentu says he had been working at Koch-Glitsch in Viernheim, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Frankfurt, for two months when he first saw an order destined for Iran.


  • 我们引用一个评判标准,部落生活维多利亚大湖霍玛海湾(Homa Bay),其平均寿命仅为38岁;而生活于耶日(Nyeri)中心地带族人却盼着62岁。

    To cite just one comparative yardstick, the lifespan of a Luo living in Homa Bay, on Lake Victoria, averages 38; a Kikuyu living in the tribal heartland in Nyeri can expect to reach 62.


  • 莎拉·西卡·帕克马修·布罗德里克以及他们儿子詹姆斯·韦基·布罗德里克一周大的双胞胎女儿马里·洛蕾塔·艾尔韦儿·布罗德里克()塔比瑟·霍·布罗德里克的合影。

    Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, and their son, James Wilkie Broderick, pose with week-old daughters Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick, left, and Tabitha Hodge Broderick.


  • 莎拉·西卡·帕克马修·布罗德里克以及他们儿子詹姆斯·韦基·布罗德里克一周大的双胞胎女儿马里·洛蕾塔·艾尔韦儿·布罗德里克()塔比瑟·霍·布罗德里克的合影。

    Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, and their son, James Wilkie Broderick, pose with week-old daughters Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick, left, and Tabitha Hodge Broderick.


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