• 另外还有一个小小的危机:·布朗拒绝州长鲍勃·凯西大会发言不是因为表达反对堕胎的立场,而是因为他不同意支持

    There was also a minor flap when Ron Brown refused to let Governor Bob Casey speak to the convention, not because he wanted to speak against abortion but because he wouldn't agree to endorse me.


  • 尽管辞职双方同意”的,但没有怀疑先生愤怒地走的。

    Though the resignation wasmutually agreed”, no one doubts that Mr Thain was given an angry boot.


  • 先生同意于2014年检查进展,这是必然出现的修订使英国欧盟任何一个国家取得进展看齐。

    Mr Huhne has also agreed to review progress in 2014, an automatic revision that will align Britain to progress elsewhere in the EU.


  • 完全同意我们正在讨论这些变化是由于布兰克·费功劳。

    But I'm not completely persuaded that the changes we're talking about have happened on Blankfein's watch.


  • 同意再给曼迪布瑞吉特100万美元他们三人进入沙漠中,去取藏着身份证

    Gaines agrees to give Mandy and Bridgit the extra million dollars, and the three of them go into the desert night to reclaim the hidden id card.


  • 同意再给曼迪布瑞吉特100万美元他们三人进入沙漠中藏着身份证

    Gaines agrees to give Mandy and Bridgit the extra million dollars and the three of them go into the desert night to reclaim the hidden id card.


  • 2009年6月弗朗斯丈夫劝说下,毅然不顾律师反对终止了离婚手续并同意丈夫进行协商。“我只想丈夫在回家后,告诉我,让我们重释前嫌。”

    In June 2009, against the advice of her attorneys, Lynn France dropped divorce proceedings when her husband came home and persuaded her to reconcile.


  • 后一动物园管理员还给了那个女孩,对此麦切纳点头表示同意

    On the next page the zoo keeper gave Erny back to the girl, and Michener nodded his approval.


  • 这位无私的苏格兰小女生已经同意名厨尼克·纳合作,帮助盖尔-比特地方议会同学提供有营养午餐

    The selfless Scottish schoolgirl has now agreed to team up with Nick Nairn, the celebrity chef, to help Argyll and Bute Council provide more nutritious meals for her and her classmates.


  • 北爱尔兰艾伦·格雷厄姆同意名唱片销售破记录的歌星农场拍摄音乐录影带

    Alan Graham from County Down, Northern Ireland had agreed to let the record-setting star film a music video on his farm.


  • 蒂姆是的不好意思,但是同意地板计划

    Tim: Yeah, Sean, I'm sorry, but I really strongly disagree with the new floor plan.


  • 吗?迟到?他也很久我这吃饭。那当初还同意一个人

    Really? He is always late, and he didnt has not been come here for dinner for several days long. Oh, but you agreed him to live alone before.


  • 经过一番十分激烈的讨价还价后,乔·戈伦同意煤矿购买工厂用的煤。

    After some hard bargaining about the price, Joe Gowlan agreed to buy the coal for his factory from the Neptune.


  • 姑娘兴高采烈马上同意这个安排,这一些人便又步行返回,一路谈论将要度过愉快夜晚

    The girls were delighted and agreed at once to this arrangement, and the whole group walked back to Longbourn, happily discussing the enjoyable evening they were going to have.


  • 哈利赫敏认为最好不要地方得太同意,只是提出到了一个宿营地必须能咸肉三明治

    Harry and Hermione felt that it was best not to stay anywhere too long, and Ron agreed, with the sole proviso that their next move took them within reach of a bacon sandwich.


  • 在面对刑事指控之下,曼妮的主人索利·•纳罗阿同意曼妮获得自由,但也是在依据尼日尔民族习惯法重新当作妻子

    Threatened with prosecution, Ms Mani's master, Souleymane Naroua, agreed to free her, only to reclaim her on her release as his wife under Niger's customary laws.


  • 该报并称,经费伯格同意21花旗集团(C.N: )雇员中有13名现金薪资调涨幅度超过一倍

    The paper added that Feinberg agreed to more than double cash salaries for 13 of 21 Citigroup Inc (C. N: ) employees.


  • 虽然同意这里一些其他信息可能有助于的具体使用情况

    While I agree with Ryan, here is some other information that might be helpful to your specific use case.


  • 更多中心采用技术与不同意博士列举数字

    He said that more centers are adopting the technology and disagrees with the Numbers cited by Dr. Cohen.


  • 索龙元帅战役年后被击败。随后,蒂·列斯同意接受军衔条件继续领导侠盗中队

    After the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn five years after the Battle of Endor, Antilles agreed to accept the rank of general under the condition that he could still lead Rogue Squadron.


  • 索龙元帅战役年后被击败。随后,蒂·列斯同意接受军衔条件继续领导侠盗中队

    After the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn five years after the Battle of Endor, Antilles agreed to accept the rank of general under the condition that he could still lead Rogue Squadron.


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